The top of the mountain where Vajra Temple resided was called Gui Long Mountain. Gui Long Mountain wasn't very big, but because of the Vajra Temple, it was famous for it, and even the town at the foot of the mountain was changed to Gui Long Town at some point. However, compared to Shaolin Temple, which was thousands of miles away, the reputation of Vajra Temple was much smaller.

All the backbone of the Vajra Temple had fainted at the same time into the hospital, and the most senior senior monk knew about it, as well as being the one who presided over Liao Yuan's death. Before the incident, the Vajra Temple had sealed off the entrance of the mountain for over a day, and before it, there were villagers at the foot of the mountain who heard the dizzying ringing of the bell, and the chanting of sutras resounded throughout the sky.

Thus, under Vajra Temple's public relations, the mainstream media had long since stopped questioning him and even helped clarify things. However, on the increasingly developed self-media, all kinds of suspicions were being raised daily, and due to the rush of Vajra Temple, the control and cleaning of the area actually fostered this kind of atmosphere. And then, under the stimulation of all sorts of rumors, teams of insiders and various purpose investigation teams started to appear in the vicinity of Vajra Temple.

"I say, is it really okay for you to be like this? It's fine to just watch the show, if you find out, we'll die a miserable death," I said to Sun Yong as I watched a few young men and women being rudely chased down the mountain by martial monks with Vajra Temple.

"What's there to be afraid of? The Vajra Temple's search index has already surpassed Shaolin Temple, he should be thanking us," Sun Yong said as he smiled.

"But I've only seen more negative news from Vajra Temple than in the previous ten years!" My face blackens, I would definitely die from anger if I feel it. Those comments online were still fine in the beginning, but I don't know when they turned black.

"Then what can I do? I'm also very desperate, the two of us can't do anything by ourselves!" Sun Yong said helplessly as he waved his hand.

's words also gave her a headache. Previously, he had asked the mental group of the Sun Family to think of a way to find the Pig Slaughtering Knife, and the range that they set was a hundred kilometers. Hehe, when we came to look for them, we realized that we had not been able to find anything within a five kilometer radius after walking for an entire day, let alone a hundred kilometers.

He first went online to check on some of the comments from the Vajra Monastery, and found out that many of the people who spoke were supernatural enthusiasts, and some had even formed a special investigation team, or even a secret investigation agency. Therefore, Sun Yong directly funded them to investigate this incident in the name of a fanatic, and sent people to lead the investigation.

For example, the reason why the investigation area had expanded to a hundred kilometer radius was because Sun Yong had spread a rumor that a red light had flown out from the Great Hall of the Vajra Temple on the day of the investigation. It could be a treasure, or it could be an evil demon suppressed by the Vajra Temple.

Furthermore, Sun Yong was rich and overbearing, he had linked up and funded several teams of investigators, which in turn, expanded the scope of the news, causing countless of investigators to come here on their own, many of them being associations in universities, thus the vicinity of Vajra Temple was a mess. But with Sun Yong's support in the drama, and with the help of people sent to lurk in the various investigation teams, they had really found a lot of clues.

"How far is the search range?" I asked Sun Yong. I knew that although we were the ones who caused the disturbance, we would not be able to eliminate them.

"I've finished searching, but the results are poor. I've finished searching both Formica and Formica, but the clues have been cut off," Sun Yong replied.

On the day of the incident, there was really a strange light that flew in from the direction of the Vajra Temple. However, it was not red, but white, and flew into a market called the Flourish Garden. This Flourish Garden was exactly the same as the Pan Residence in Beijing, it was an antique market, and was very famous, so Sun Yong had gathered a large amount of gold to investigate the cause of the event.

"That means the news stopped again?" I asked, wide-eyed. We spent so much time and money, and we've wasted it?

"It can't be considered as cut. The Fulu Garden is divided into two, the high and low are separated, the low are some crafts, tourist souvenirs, fake goods gathering place, the high end is the real antiques market, but I am indeed only separated by a street, so the problem now is to determine where that beam of light went to. The high end is fine, but there are not many people going there every day, I can slowly check, but the low end is too busy, there is no way to investigate it," Sun Yong replied.

"Fine, I understand, it's all for nothing. Give me the dumbbell, I'll go investigate it myself!" I panicked when I heard him. I had to separate with Sun Yong to investigate, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to find anything even after ten years.

"Don't worry, don't we have other ways? For example, to investigate the most recent murder case in the area, did it suck in all the blood, or have it covered with dirt?" Sun Yong asked again.

"And the result, was it?" I replied.

"No." Sun Yong shook his head.

I was immediately enraged, damn you, when were you still joking with me? So after snatching the bell, I opened the car door and left.

I took a taxi to the antique market.

At the east gate of the Fortune Garden, there was a business car that was very eye-catching. The young men and women in the car were very eye-catching, and the reason was naturally the handsome man, the beautiful woman, and the young woman.

"Yaoyao, are we really going to leave like this? We haven't finished our investigations, this is the first time we have participated in an event that attracted the attention of so many. I am very excited," In the business car, a beautiful woman was fixing her face and looking at the mirror.

They were the students who had come out for their summer vacation, and coincidentally went to the nearby cities to play. Afterwards, the topic of Vajra Temple gradually became a hot search, and some of the posts were extremely exciting and mysterious, so they were very interested in them and had been paying attention to them ever since.

"Everyone's eyes are on us, don't joke around, those online comments were obviously copied by someone else and were intended to mislead us. For a mere ten thousand yuan, I don't want to suffer this pain, I've already made an appointment with a good person and will be waiting for us at the next station. We have to complete the plan now, okay?" The makeup girl turned around and said.

She had initially decided to participate in the competition because she wanted to be famous in addition to being a little interested. Regardless of whether or not people were hustling and bustling about it in the Vajra Temple s, it was inevitable that people would often appear in the search results, so from the start, she thought that if she could find out the truth, then that would be because she was angry. It was just that she didn't have any information for three or four days, so she didn't want to do it anymore.

"Oh, right, we also have a tourism plan. We have to travel to 25 cities a year, and before graduating from university, we will travel to 100 cities across the country. After graduation, we will move to foreign cities." The girl immediately thought of this great plan.

"That's right, we've only walked 20 cities this year, and there are still 5 more places to go. They are all very interesting. Come play with me, I guarantee you will have the most time off!" The makeup woman patted the girl's shoulder and laughed.

Not long after, another five men and women walked over while giggling. The boys were all carrying large bags of items.

"Wow, what good stuff did you guys get today? So many!" the girl who had put on makeup called Yaoyao earlier exclaimed in an exaggerated manner.

"Yaoyao, stop teasing me, how can there be good stuff here, it's on the street behind us, it's just a pity that we can't afford it with our current financial situation, these are all local products and souvenirs, we're sending them back to you," a guy wearing sunglasses said as he walked over.

"Hao Jian, you're too tricky, giving someone these things as gifts, how can you take them out?" Yaoyao said in disdain.

Hao Jian said with a wry smile, he did not reply, but their families did not lack money, but they were not like this. The home tutoring system was different, some people's homes were open with supplies, while others had huge restrictions, such as him, pocket money, and so on, there was a certain amount of money, so naturally, they could not buy those expensive things, and could only buy some local specialties.

"Alright, now that you have all your things, let's send them back to the next destination. Then we'll start our journey to the next city, Red Dust will head to the next destination, let's go once more!" Hao Jian shouted not long after.

Everyone immediately screamed. Red Dust was the name of their plan, which meant to get rid of the other teams inside and outside of Red Dust.

After checking things out, they drove off. In addition to a large commercial car, they also had an off-road car, and it was easy for both men and women to drive.

However, as they were driving, they heard a crisp sound of a bell ringing. Of course, they didn't pay any attention to it, but the person standing by the road had a face full of shock, which then turned into a pleasant surprise.

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