Chapter 1319 The Fear of the Gods

The handle of Odin's eternal spear is hidden in the river of time and space, and the tip of the spear has already flown out of the river of time and space and is about to stab Li Yuan in the back.

However, at this moment, the Eternal Spear was also frozen.

There are also flames all over the sky, crystal ice, orange decay, soul-harvesting death scythes, invisible spiritual attack waves... Whether it is artifacts, magic, or weird curses, they are all prohibited at this moment..

It's like time has been frozen.

In fact, time is indeed frozen at this moment.

However, it was only the time above the arena.

Odin, Zeus, Loki, Apollo, Aphrodite and other gods are not frozen in time.

However, their expressions seemed to be frozen.

They all looked ahead stupidly, completely unable to believe what they were seeing.

You know, even Zeus's father, Cronus, the second-generation Chaos God-King who became the God of Time, was born with the power of time.

But Cronus couldn't control the power of time and freeze all the attacks of so many gods.

Is this oriental man really a human?

How can man possibly master the power of God?


Suddenly, all the gods and all humans heard another ringing sound coming into their eardrums.

Then, all the divine power, artifacts, magic, and curses around Li Yuan suddenly collapsed and turned into black smoke, dissipating in the void..

Soon, the entire sky above the arena seemed to have been washed and became extremely clean.

The magic attacked by the gods and the magical weapons sacrificed all disappeared without a trace.

It was as if they had never appeared before.

This scene made the gods, who were already shocked, even more stunned and their scalps were numb. Goosebumps appeared all over their bodies.

Their expressions were as if they were stupid, and their minds went blank.

With just a snap of their fingers, To actually destroy so many artifacts?

Even if they saw this with their own eyes, the gods still couldn't believe their eyes.

Do you wonder if you are hallucinating?

What kind of strength is required to do this?

Even Gaia, the first god who created the universe and whose divine power surpasses all the gods, does not have this strength?

Where did this human named Li Yuan come from?

How could he be so strong?

Not only are the gods sluggish , every human being was deeply impressed by the unparalleled strength that Li Yuan showed in his understatement at this moment.

"It turns out that Li Yuan wants to challenge all the gods, not because he is crazy, but because he really has the strength!"

"It turns out that Li Yuan is not arrogant, but confident!"

"God, how could there be such a powerful human being in this world?"

"I think Li Yuancai should be called a god, right?"



I don't know how long it took for Zeus, Odin and other gods to recover from the shock and close their dislocated jaw again.

Zeus tightened the Shield of Zeus in his hand, hesitating whether to attack Li Yuan or not?

If you don't take action, how can you step down?

However, will the Aegis of Aegis be destroyed by Li Yuan?

Odin, Loki, Ares and other gods are in the same mood as Zeus at this moment, full of contradictions.

Just when the gods hesitated, Li Yuan spoke:

"Alas, since you don't dare to take action, it's my turn."

When the gods heard this, they were shocked.

They quickly used extreme caution to deal with Li Yuan's attack.

This time, Li Yuan did not snap his fingers.

He stretched out his hand and tapped lightly in front of him.

"Kneel down."

As his words fell, all the gods who had attacked Li Yuan before suddenly felt a terrifying force coming from their bodies, squeezing their bodies like the ground.

"bang bang bang……"

For a moment, countless gods were seen kneeling on the ground.

His knees smashed the marbles that were transformed with infinite divine power into powder in the arena.


Zeus, Odin, Loki, Hades and other top-level creation gods are still trying desperately to stabilize their divine bodies and prevent themselves from kneeling down.

Their bodies have become larger than before. Hundreds of times greater than before.

The muscles on their bodies were as knotted as dragons, full of explosive power.

However, no matter how these gods resisted, even if their muscles broke blood vessels inch by inch due to excessive force, their bodies still continued to Pressed to the ground.

In the end, all the gods who had attacked Li Yuan knelt on the ground. They could not even lift their heads.

They could not look up at Li Yuan.

Li Yuan, and the gods who knelt down, suddenly formed a shocking world. Famous painting.

Zeus, Odin, Loki, Hades, Shiva and other gods were kneeling on the ground, their teeth almost broken by each of them. The anger and shock in the hearts of these gods could no longer be expressed in words.

They I can't believe that as the God of Gods, one day I will be forced to kneel down.

And he still kneels down to a human being.

How could this happen?

How did he do it?

I didn't see him casting spells or spells. ah?


All human beings were so shocked by this shocking scene that their scalps cracked and their minds were numb.

They even wondered if they were hallucinating?

I wonder if it is because I resent the gods so much that I regard the images in my mind as reality?

But if it wasn't an illusion, how could anyone make so many gods bow their heads and kneel down at the same time?

What kind of divine power do you need to have to do this?

Li Yuan, is he really a human?

How could humans become so powerful?

"Who are you? How could he have such great strength?"Brünnhilde stared at Bingbing and asked, her voice full of fear.

Before, Li Yuan said that Bingbing knew his origin, and Hilde had always wanted to ask Bingbing about Li Yuan's origin.

However, the gladiatorial battle A series of earth-shaking changes took place in the venue, which made her forget to ask Bingbing.

Now, she finally couldn't help it, and asked Bingbing about Li Yuan's origin.

Bingbing couldn't help but show hesitation when she heard this. I don’t know whether I should tell the news that Li Yuan is not from this world.

But when Bingbing was hesitating, Odin, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly asked Li Yuan:

"Your strength clearly belongs to the category of gods. Why do you need to help humans?"

Zeus also spoke:

"Human beings are insatiable, destroying the world and killing creatures. The world without humans will become more beautiful. Why do you stand up for despicable humans? Hades said to Li Yuan:

"You have supreme divine power and should become the new God of Gods and rule the divine world!"

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