Chapter 1347: It is impossible for a saint to act coquettishly.

Daji ignored the rivalry between Nuwa and Houtu, and asked her brother:

"Did Ancestor Styx die like this? After all, the other party wanted to keep my secret. If he died like this, it would be a bit unbearable."

Although, Ancestor Minghe is a demonic cultivator, many of his actions are displeasing to Daji.

However, the reason why the other party was wiped out by Hong Ying was really not to offend Li Yuan. If you just look at Ancestor Minghe like this Death seems to be detrimental to my brother's reputation.

Li Yuan naturally understood what his sister meant, and he said calmly:

"Don't worry, I just resurrected him."

I said unexpectedly:

"Is fellow Taoist Styx resurrected? Why don't I feel his breath?

Li Yuan:"I'll let him be resurrected tomorrow.""

"I see!"

Everyone suddenly realized it.

They became more and more in awe of Li Yuan's magical power.

Of course, they also admired Li Yuan's principle of clear distinction between rewards and punishments.



Demon Master's Palace.

Ancestor Kunpeng hesitated for a moment and then said to Hongying:

"Although I know this person, I am not familiar with her. I suggest you go to Tongtian Cult Leader. She is a disciple of Tongtian Cult Leader. Tongtian Cult Leader must know how to find her."

This is kicking the ball to the leader of Tongtian.

I shouldn't be considered a snitch, right?

I just said that Tongtian knew, but I didn't reveal the information about Daji and Senior Li.

I also didn't tell Baimao Daji's specific location.

Yes, I am It's definitely not a snitch.

Even if it's a snitch, it's the Tongtian Cult Master.dense!

Senior Li probably won't blame me.

Ancestor Kunpeng comforted himself.

When Master Tongtian heard Kunpeng's answer, his face suddenly turned black.

He said in an unhappy tone:

"This Kunpeng ancestor is still as sinister as ever. In order to avoid trouble, he actually pushed me out to prevent disaster. It's outrageous. When I meet him in the future, I must teach him a lesson."

Houtu looked very excited.

She said to Nuwa with a proud look on her face.:

"If you lose, you will have to call me sister when we meet in the future. Call me sister now. Remember, your voice should be sweet. Nuwa argued:

"Why did I lose? Kunpeng only told Baimao Tongtian's information about the leader, but did not expose Daji's information. So I should win, and you should call me sister. Hurry up and shout."

Hou Tu said dissatisfied:

"You know who loses and who wins. Everyone knows that you don’t have to lie, it’s useless. Nuwa said firmly:

"I'm not cheating, I didn't lose in the first place.

Hou Tu:"You are cheating."

Nuwa:"I didn't, it was you who was cheating.""

Houtu saw that Nuwa was stubborn and refused to admit defeat, and her pretty face turned black with anger.

She had no choice but to ask Li Yuan for help.

She pulled Li Yuan's sleeve and said aggrievedly:

"Li Yuan, you come to judge, who lost the bet between me and Nuwa?"

Li Yuan was about to speak.

Seeing this, Nuwa hurriedly came behind Li Yuan without waiting for Li Yuan's answer, and rubbed Li Yuan's shoulders diligently.

Then, she put her beak to Li Yuan's ear and whispered:

"If you don't answer her, I'll massage you for two hours."

Li Yuan:"……"

This is clearly a sign of guilty conscience.

Hou Tu said angrily:"You are bribing Li Yuan. Li Yuan is fair and impartial, so he will not help you lie! Isn't that right, Li Yuan!"

She hugged Li Yuan's arm and said coquettishly.

He also brought a high hat to Li Yuan so that Li Yuan would not help Nuwa lie.

Nuwa rubbed Li Yuan's shoulders and said:

"Of course Li Yuan will not lie for me, he will only tell the truth for me."

Li Yuan:"……"

When he saw Nuwa and Houtu, they both looked at him eagerly, waiting for his answer.

A look of helplessness appeared on his face.

Women are really troublesome.

He opened his mouth and said:

"I think it’s best for you to ask the person involved directly about this question. As the person involved, Daji knew best whether Kunpeng had disclosed her information."


She rolled her eyes at her brother.

Your scapegoating tactics are comparable to Kunpeng's.

Just when Daji was complaining about his brother, Nuwa and Houtu had already arrived at Daji's side, and they looked at Daji with burning eyes.

Waiting for Daji's answer.

Daji suddenly felt a headache.

Women are really troublesome.

Jiang Lan, who was on the side, saw Nuwa and Houtu acting coquettishly towards Li Yuan, and his expression became more and more disillusioned.

This cliff is not a saint, and a saint cannot act coquettishly!


Hongying heard the answer from ancestor Kunpeng and said leisurely:

"I don't like people who play tricks."

When Kunpeng heard this, he was startled and immediately became extremely alert.

Hongying didn't care about Kunpeng's alertness. He only saw him patting the bronze coffin behind him.

The bronze coffin made a dull and long sound of"buzzing"..

Kunpeng immediately used the defensive mysterious light, trying to defend against Hong Ying's attack.

However, although he used the defensive mysterious light, it had no effect at all.

He suddenly felt dizzy.

The dizziness disappeared quickly.

Kunpeng Lao When Zu came back to his senses, he was horrified to find that he had lost contact with the way of heaven.

The trace of soul that he had placed in the way of heaven after becoming a saint could no longer feel it.

He could no longer use the way of heaven as he wished. The power of laws.

Understanding the way of heaven and using the power of laws of heaven is the biggest difference between a saint and an ordinary monk. This means that he fell from a saint to a quasi-sage.

He was stripped of his holy status!

Discover this fact , Patriarch Kunpeng was completely dumbfounded.

His head went blank, and he seemed lost.

This was the holy status that he had achieved through untold hardships and countless lives and deaths.

Why was he deprived of it like this?

Didn't I tell you indirectly ? Did you get Daji’s information?

Why don’t you keep your word?

Kunpeng hated Hong Ying in his heart, but he didn’t dare to show it in front of Hong Ying.

The frustration, annoyance, anger, and unwillingness in his heart can be imagined.

Hong Ying said calmly:

"I won't kill you, I just cut off all the channels for you to become a saint. You will no longer be able to feel the power of the laws of heaven. I will teach you a lesson so that you will not continue to be clever in the future, which is just a little cleverness."

After saying that, Hong Ying's figure disappeared.

He didn't need to guess, he knew that Kunpeng Ancestor must hate him to the core, but so what?

The hatred of the ants is simply insignificant.

Kunpeng Ancestor could no longer persist. Unable to hold back, he collapsed on the ground.

His expression was extremely broken.

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