Chapter 1,364 What misunderstanding do you have about the saint

? He didn't expect that the aloof Wu Fu would actually say such straightforward and disgusting words.

Isn't this a licking of a dog?

"Isn't he a saint? Gongsun Jiya asked unconvinced


Wu Fu showed an indescribable expression on his face:

"Even saints have to grovel before him."

Gongsun Jiya:"……"

Gongsun Yang:"……"

They felt that Wu Fu must have been carried away by love.

Even a three-year-old child in this world knows that a saint is the most supreme existence in the world. He is immortal, dust-free, omnipotent, and regards all living beings as ants.

How could such a supreme being, a peerless figure who uses heaven and earth as a chessboard, be so groveling to others? is it possible?

Isn't this nonsense?

For others, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but Wu Fu became mentally retarded when he saw his lover!

Isn't this still the powerful and arbitrary Wu Fu in the novel?

This is simply more brainless than a crazy fan.

Gongsun Yang also felt that Wu Fu had exaggerated.

How could a saint be so humble?


Gongsun Jiya was complaining in his heart, but his expression was incomprehensible and he said coldly:

"I think you have some misunderstanding about saints. Saints will not bow down."

Wu Fu said calmly:

"It's because you don't know Senior Li's strength yet."

She has completely recovered from Gongsun Jiya's identity as a saint and regained her composure.

What about the saint?

The saint is just an ant in front of Senior Li.

Gongsun Jiya doesn't know what Wu Fan is thinking. , he sneered:

"Could it be that he is more powerful than a saint?"

Wu Fu did not answer Gongsun Jiya's question, but changed the topic and said:

"Since you are a saint, you are definitely not willing to work for me. I will give up my previous proposal. However, I would like to remind you that even if you are a saint, you cannot violate the laws of Immortal Tang within the boundaries of Immortal Tang. Otherwise, even a saint cannot escape the punishment of Immortal Tang law!"

After saying that, Wu Fu turned around and prepared to leave the study.

She was not worried about Gongsun Jiya.

After all, she represented the Immortal Tang Dynasty.

Gongsun Jiya looked at Wu Fu's tall back, his expression changed, looking extremely complicated, as if he was What decision to make.

Wu Fu's contempt for him and his admiration for Li Yuan made him extremely dissatisfied.

He wanted to teach Wu Fu a lesson to maintain his dignity.

With this in mind, Gongsun Jiya was about to leave Wu Fu. The moment he walked out of the door, he suddenly said:

"There is a saying, have you heard of it?"

"What words?"Wu Fu stopped and asked, but she did not look back.

Gongsun Jiya said word by word:

"Saints cannot be insulted!"

Wu Fu frowned, secretly feeling wary in his heart, and said:

"what do you want to say?"

Gongsun Jiya:

"You disrespect me, do you still want to leave here so easily?"

Gongsun Yang suddenly became extremely nervous when he saw both sides drawing swords and raising crossbows.

One is the immortal Prime Minister of Tang Dynasty, and the other may be a saint. What will be the outcome of the conflict between the two sides?

Gongsun Yang doesn't know.

Wu Fu:"I didn't Disrespectful to you. Gongsun

Jiya said calmly:"You actually tried to ask me to serve, refused to bow to me when you met, and tried to threaten me. Isn't this disrespectful to me?""

Wu Fu:"What do you want? Gongsun

Jiya:"I won't embarrass you. As long as you kowtow to me and apologize, I will no longer care about your unreasonable offense.""

When Gongsun Yang heard his son's request, he became more and more nervous.

Asking Wu Fu to kowtow and kneel down, is this not saving face for the other party at all?

Can Wu Fu agree?

If Wu Fu doesn't agree, what should he do?

Is it possible ? The son wants to teach the other party personally?

Let’s not say whether the son can teach the other party. Even if he can, if he teaches Wu Fu, he will definitely provoke the entire Immortal Tang Dynasty.

But can the son handle it?

Gongsun Yang is full of worry!

Wu Fu is wrinkled He frowned and explained:

"I didn't know you were a saint beforehand, no offense intended. Besides, I am recruiting you on behalf of Immortal Tang, which is not offensive at all. Gongsun

Jiya said coldly:

"So you're not going to apologize?"

Wu Fu hesitated for a moment, and his tone softened:

"If I offended you just now, I apologize."

When Gongsun Jiya saw Wu Fu's apology, his heart couldn't help but be filled with joy.

Huh, aren't you arrogant?

Don't you look down on me?

Now, I want to tell you what it means to be too high!

Gongsun Yang's heart was also full of excitement.

He Unexpectedly, the powerful Prime Minister Wu actually apologized to his son and relented.

What a great son!

Gongsun Jiya did not let Wu Fu off because of this. He added:"I still have to kneel down and kowtow."

Seeing Gongsun Jiya's reluctance, Wu Fu's face sank, and he said, neither humble nor arrogant:

"Except for major festivals, civil and military officials do not need to kneel when they meet Her Majesty the Queen. As the Prime Minister of the Immortal Tang Dynasty, every move I make represents the image of the Immortal Tang Dynasty. Even if I meet the Jade Emperor, Tathagata, and other saints, I only need to bow and bow my head. There is no need to kneel down. Naturally, I cannot kneel down for you. Gongsun

Jiya said quietly:

"Are you preparing to offend the majesty of the saint?"

The aura on Wu Fu's body was erupting, and the purple official aura enveloped the world like a canopy, looking majestic and domineering.

She said in a deep voice:

"If you insist on feeling this way, I have nothing to say."

Gongsun Jiya showed a sneer on his face:

"Your momentum is like the light of a firefly. Do you still want to resist me?"

After saying that, I saw the saint's pressure on him bursting out, like a devastation, directly knocking Wu Fu's official aura to the point of collapse.

Wu Fu felt a terrifying pressure that could not be described in words. From the past to the future, from time and space, they were rushing towards her like a tide.

She felt that her internal organs were about to be squeezed out, her blood was about to solidify, and her soul was so compressed that she could not move.

Her magic power had lost its effect..

Just the coercion radiated by the other party completely made her lose the power to resist.

The saint was really terrifying.

Seeing Wu Fu's face turn pale, Gongsun Jiya couldn't help but flash a trace of pleasure on his face.

Since he couldn't get it , then destroy it!

Completely destroy your dignity.

Let’s see how arrogant you will be in the future!

"Now, do you still insist on not kneeling?"He asked Wu Fu.

Wu Fu gritted his silver teeth tightly and did not speak.

He just tried his best to resist the surging pressure around him.

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