Pretend To Be a Good Person In the World of Conan

Chapter 224: This curl is suspicious

Conan returned from the convenience store with the tools in his hand.

As soon as he arrived at the square, he saw that the cat was gone at a glance, and when he took a closer look, he saw a black tip of the tail exposed in the cat bag with the bomb.

...the cat actually got in.

Conan was startled when he thought of the mess of bomb wires in the bag, and the cat's nature of playing with strings.

Although this cat in the black cat family often shows an IQ beyond the usual cat's IQ, in the end... it's just a cat.

If it's playing with the wires, mistakenly detonating the bomb, or causing some other irreversible consequence, like the timer not being able to be removed...

Conan broke out in a cold sweat looking at the people coming and going in the square.

Under the bewildered gaze of passersby, he shouted to let them dodge, while he rushed back to the bomb bag, turning over the bag and pouring out the cat.

Conan was beaten by the cat and looked at the bottom of the bag with pain.

... the countdown on the LCD screen has also disappeared, I don't know if the screen is damaged by the cat and can't be used.

Conan took a deep breath and calmed down. While continuing to count down the explosion in his heart, he called up his knowledge base of bomb explosions, observed the circuit, and tried to remedy it.

A minute later, Conan froze holding the scissors.

... The broken wire turned out to be the power cord of the timer.

In other words, as long as it is not triggered deliberately, this time bomb has been dismantled.

Conan stared at the wire break for two seconds.

After thinking about life for a while, he turned his head stiffly and looked at the black cat next to him, feeling that his worldview had been refreshed again: " demolished it?"

The black cat patted the soil on his body very humanely, glanced at him, and looked away in disgust.

However, before the shot was clean, the paw was suddenly pinched.

Shiraishi looked up suspiciously, and saw Conan grabbing the paw pad full of curiosity and pressing down.

Conan looked at the cat's nails that were pressed out, dragged the bomb bag again, and compared it with the break in the wire inside. Probably because the impact was too great, he began to reason at the cat's broken thoughts:

"Impossible... Although your claws are sharp, nails of this shape do not have the ability to cut wires neatly, and how can you possibly know which one to cut? You... uh!"

The cat stepped on his face, and there was a faint cold light in his eyes.

Two minutes later, Conan straightened his crooked glasses, embarrassed with a cat's paw print on his face, and finally regained his senses.

He looked around to see if the human black cat was hiding around, but he couldn't find him, instead he saw a middle-aged man with a brown body.

The Mumu police department ran over with a group of subordinates and saw Conan at a glance. At the same time, they also saw the suspicious bag on the ground, and immediately shouted: "Conan! Stay away from that bag and come here!"

Conan was finally distracted.

He stood up and looked at the Mumu police department, secretly wiped the dirt off his face, and regained his calm detective appearance: "It doesn't matter, the bomb is basically defused."

Twilight will be suspicious.

When the explosives disposal team checked the bomb, he realized that it was exactly what Conan said.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately felt wrong, and brought it up again, looking at Conan in shock: "You dismantled it yourself?"

"No, when I went to the convenience store to buy scissors, I left for a while and waited to come back..." Conan said this, and unconsciously looked at the cat next to him.

So a group of police around him also followed him and started watching cats.

Mu Mu glanced at it, and vaguely felt that the cat looked familiar, but there were many stray cats on the street, and there were many murders in the city, so he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

After watching for a while, the police officers heard the first-grade child next to him say, "When I came back, I saw it was in the bag and the power cord was cut."


Although Conan didn't make a clear conclusion, the police officers understood what he meant and laughed: "The children are so imaginative, they even believe that cats can defuse bombs."

Listening to this not malicious ridicule, Conan's pupil-quake's eyes changed back to dead fish eyes again.

He didn't even want to believe it.

But combined with the past performance of this cat... who can't believe it.

Officer Sato has always felt that Conan is very calm and not like a child.

At this time, she felt that the elementary school students were still elementary school students.

Sato smiled and patted Conan's head: "Occasionally you are like a normal child, but this time, it should be when you went to the convenience store, someone passed by and defused the bomb, and then left."

Although it is incredible to see a passerby who is brave enough to defuse a bomb out of thin air, it is more realistic than believing that the cat defused the bomb.

After saving Conan's worldview, Officer Sato squatted down again and tentatively scratched the black cat's chin.

Originally, looking at the marks on Conan's face being beaten by Cat Fat, she was worried that the witness cat was quite However, unexpectedly, the black cat did not scratch people or run away. As soon as she reached out, the cat put her chin on her hand in cooperation, and rubbed her paws on her clean cuffs, looking very well-behaved and friendly.

Such a cute cat will fight with Conan, and it must be Conan's first move.

No matter how witty a bear child is, he is still a bear child.

Sato thought about this, and suddenly felt a little distressed about the cat. She picked it up and looked at Conan with complicated eyes next to her:

"There are more and more people watching, let's go, and go back to the office with us first."

After dismantling the bomb at the rice flower station, Moriya Teiji did not contact Kudo Shinichi for the time being.

Conan took the opportunity to communicate with the police what he currently knew.

Shiraishi continued to hang around next to Conan to do the task. The progress bar was now half full, which made him feel very comfortable.

The only regret is that I couldn't go to Osaka smoothly today. Haibara Ai will definitely not be able to move him, so he has to ride the tram all afternoon with his body...

According to the information provided by Conan, the police quickly found the camera near Jinchuan Greenland Park.

This camera, located relatively close to the corner, failed to capture the suspicious person seen by the juvenile detective team.

However, when Conan looked at it, he suddenly felt that there was a familiar person in the picture.

He called to stop, and asked the police officer to back up for a few seconds. He turned on slow playback, and finally saw a flashing figure in the corner.

The man with curly hair, a mask and a black hoodie walked towards the park from the direction of the river bank like a passerby.

... In fact, strictly speaking, he is indeed a passerby.

But combined with various previous encounters and experiences, Conan always felt that he had found the culprit.

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