Pretend To Be a Good Person In the World of Conan

Chapter 479: Collen is such a nice guy

At the same time as the bomb was detonated, Shiraishi released his mask and returned to the Poké Ball.

The Poké Ball was hidden in Conan's clothes pocket in advance, so that he could run the corpse in the event of an accident.

Just after returning to the main body, Shiraishi immediately opened the mask again.

While he was still in a virtual state, he floated to the bottom of Judy's car, appeared in the form of a cat, took out a crowbar from the system backpack, and held it to repair the car.

Then it stuck a remote-controlled bomb close to the fuel tank.

Anyway, Belmod is nearby and will not consume the number of mask openings. So after repairing the car, Shiraishi put away the crowbar, released the mask, and restarted again.

It appeared in the shape of a cat in the "New Doctor" car with black window paper pasted by Belmod, and secretly observed the situation outside, intending to secretly correct it if it saw something that did not match the script he expected.

Belmod and Conan were originally in a confrontation with their mother and son, when a sudden explosion sounded nearby.

Conan hadn't heard Black Cat's plan related to the explosion. No matter how he recalled it, he could only remember that according to Black Cat's script, it should be the FBI named Shuichi Akai who came out to kill the Quartet, and then Belmod kidnapped himself. Let's go, the black cat stayed alone to hold the fbi to give them time to communicate alone... But now, what's going on with this sudden explosion?

Belmod also frowned. She knew the location of Coron's ambush, and she confirmed that the explosion was indeed coming from him, not a construction site nearby... What difficult enemy did he encounter?

Originally, Belmod was still thinking about how to find an excuse to pretend to stop Coron's attack on Coolguy reasonably.

But now, the situation has taken a turn for the worse, and she has lost control of the audience—not even by beauties. So I don't have the heart to continue playing with Conan at this time.

While Conan was still in a daze, she pinched his anesthesia watch, turned it around, flipped the switch, swished the man down, and took out a pre-hidden gun from her boot, intending to kill Judy , and then take Conan away.

However, before the trigger was pulled, the gunshot suddenly sounded, but it wasn't the gun in her hand that made the sound, the sound came from behind.

Almost at the same time, Belmod felt a sharp pain in her back, like being hit by a heavy hammer, and she vaguely heard the sound of her ribs breaking.

Belmod didn't look back, she endured the pain and grabbed Judy's collar, gritted her teeth and dragged her to block behind her, and then opened the car door without looking back.

There is no need to take a look at it to confirm it. Belmod feels that he is very aware of Coron's ability, and it is definitely not a simple role for the enemy who can let him detonate a bomb before he can shoot a single shot.

Although she felt that Keren would suddenly explode, and she also had the idea of ​​sacrificing herself to warn her, so her strength might not be fully exerted, but anyway, since she couldn't catch Xue Li, she felt it was the most sensible to withdraw.

With Judy blocking her, she didn't remember the sound of the gunfire anymore, so Belmod had some guesses about who was coming. She first picked up Conan who was numb on the ground, threw him into the car, and then opened the door herself. Sit in.

With Conan as a "hostage", Belmod threw Judy away and stepped on the gas.

The moment the car drove out, she glanced sideways at the car window, not too surprised to see Shuichi Akai's face.

The car quickly turned 180°. While Belmod fled the scene, he stretched his arm out of the window, trying to blow up another car - the pain in the rear ribs was gradually increasing, and she didn't know if she had hurt her internal organs. In short, she felt herself. His physical condition is not very good. If there is still a race with Shuichi Akai who is in good condition at this time... Belmod feels that he has foreseen a miserable future when he is caught in the fbi.

She was already injured, and her hand was still facing the back, so she could only aim with the rear-view mirror. When Belmode shot out, she didn't feel very good. Unexpectedly, there was an explosion from the car behind Judy, and the flames soared. It burned quietly for a few seconds, followed by a series of explosions.

Luck...seems ok?

Belmod was a little surprised, and then heaved a sigh of relief. She withdrew her hand, endured the dizziness caused by the pain and injury, and concentrated on distinguishing the surrounding roads, wanting to see where to flee for a while, but did not find the two cars. In the back seat was an extra mass of dark cats, which were pulling their paws from a detonating remote.

Belmode drove, avoiding crowded areas, into a wood that wasn't easy to track, she turned a lot, drove deep inside and stopped—her phone rang.

The ringtone was specially made, and Belmod knew who sent the message as soon as she heard it. She pressed the screen and saw an additional text message on it:

[Recently, the freedom I gave you seems to be a bit too much

Come back to me Belmod sighed softly, and reluctantly pressed the reply [OK] with weak fingers.

Therefore, members of the organization will not save the boss's email address in their mobile phones, and the same is true of Belmode.

So she re-entered her email address. The flip phone's keys ticked for a while, lifting like a dark nursery rhyme.

Conan woke up from this series of background sounds. He secretly opened his eyes to look at the surrounding situation, and then heaved a sigh of relief-although there seemed to be a little mistake before, the black cat didn't know why the bomb was detonated, but from the current situation. Judging from the situation, things are still similar to what he expected. Belmod really took himself away alone, and it seems that he did not intend to harm him.

Conan felt a little pain in his conscience because he was about to play with other people's feelings, but at the same time he didn't want to give up this opportunity to save Haibara Ai. According to the black cat's assurance, only this time he lied to Belmod, and they won't have to suffer similar effects for a long time. harassment.

Thinking like this, Conan reasoned that she had a bunch of instruments on her body to compete with Belmod, and told her and her partner that they had guessed the email address through the key tone just now. If Belmod didn't take him to see him boss, make the email address public.

In the end, Belmod actually said the words "I lost, I will give up Shirley" as he wished, but following her, he took out a can of hypnotic gas, spewed the gas inside, and controlled Conan's With both hands, he said that he would make a bet with him who would wake up first.

Belmod won. Anesthetics have a lot to do with body shape, and lung capacity is better for adults. Strictly speaking, she is actually cheating a bit.

But she was obviously not the only one cheating.

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