In the medical department of Miller's family, Li Yan and I lay side by side on two black beds. A lot of Shangyi in black are busy shuttling back and forth between my bed and Li Yan's.

It took them more than an hour to stop. Most of the young Shangyi went down, leaving only two older ones.

"Doctor Shang, what's wrong with them?" Linda looks at Li Yan and me anxiously.

"Miss Linda, the head of the family and the law enforcement elder have been saved. Now it's OK," Shang Yi said with a bow.

"Why does the owner vomit blood?" Think of cold ask a way, she can't take care of the body by my blood red.

"The head of the family is depressed, heart crack bleeding," Shang replied.

"Why does Sister Li Yan vomit blood? Is she all right? Does it matter? " Shangguan Lulu asks Shangyi.

"The elder of law enforcement came here because of heartache. Now he's holding his life, but..." doctor Shang said frankly, but he wanted to say nothing.

"Just what?" Jane asked.

"The law enforcement elder's heart is dead," Shang Yi said blankly.

"What do you mean, dead heart? Please, help sister Liyan quickly. "Shangguan Lulu knelt on the ground and begged.

"Shangyi, please help her, save my sister Li Yan." Zhen plops down on her knees and asks Shangyi.

"Shangguan, Miss Lulu, Miss Mary, I've tried my best. If I get hurt, I can use medicine and surgery. Only the heart is injured, I really can't help it.

"Will Sister Li Yan die?" Jane asked chokingly.

"Don't worry, the elder of law enforcement won't die, but the elder of law enforcement will be a heartless person in the future," said the chief doctor with a helpless sigh.

"There's no other way," Linda asked.

"Heart disease still needs heart medicine..." Shang Yi thought for a while and said.

"Where can I buy heart medicine or where can I make heart medicine?" Jane asked.

"I don't know how to prepare heart medicine. I have to tie the bell to relieve the pain. How to treat the heart injury?" Shang Yi said with profound meaning.

"Shangyi, please give them some medicine," Linda said.

"Miss Linda, this can't be dispensed with, just need to rest," Shang said.

"Si Si sent someone to send sister Liyan and Kai back to rest," Linda ordered.

"It's Miss Linda," thought replied.

I was sent back to the master bedroom, and Li Yan was sent to the law enforcement department for Jane and William to take care of.

I fell asleep all day and night. When I woke up, the messenger brought back a letter from amo.

I opened the letter to know that the line of defense had been raided. But with the addition of the Miller legion, there was no loss to the defence.

AMO wrote in his letter;

Kay; Today, the defense line suffered a surprise attack. Because everything was expected, the red hair ghost king and the tyrant baidiao were not informed. All the people who came to attack were destroyed. Originally caught a live, but the man was cut tongue can not speak.

When they set out, they were found by our spies. We set up a pocket array to wait for them. They have no room to fight back in our encirclement.

I once advised them to lay down their arms and surrender, but they resisted stubbornly and kept trying to break through. Later, the brothers of the Miller Legion killed them completely, and there was no casualty on our side.

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