"Leader Yao, it's a coincidence that when I went to the forbidden area, I met the woman who sent the pill to Satan, the God of death. I deliberately knocked her down, and the pill she was carrying was scattered all over the ground. At first, I didn't know that it was the medicine used by Satan, the God of death."

"I knew the importance of the pill only when the dead woman and I yelled. I stole one and crushed one with my feet. I mixed two poisons into the medicine and was given to Satan by the woman," Xiao Ya continued.

"What are you mixing in it? Satan is a master, so he can't cheat him, "Wang Yao asked, looking at Xiao Ya.

"No, my pills don't have any taste. They melt in the mouth. It's the most successful poison of poison mother Lvji. One of the drugs I mixed in is corrosion pills, and the other is Shuo Jin duanchang pills." Xiao Ya said triumphantly.

"The corroding pill doesn't have any feeling just after eating, but it starts to corrode people's internal organs after four hours, and the shrinking tendon and heartbreaking pill will only take six hours to work, which will make all people's tendons contract and die of heartbreaking, and the worst result is that ordinary people will disappear in an instant after eating the corroding pill and shrinking tendon and heartbreaking pill at the same time," Xiao Ya said coldly.

"Satan, the God of death, has reached the level of emperor of heaven. It should not be easy to be poisoned." Wang Yao still feels insecure. If Xiao Ya succeeds, it will be a happy event.

"After taking this kind of medicine, the fate of the emperor of heaven and ordinary people is the same, that is, there are no bones left and the ashes are gone," Xiao Ya said confidently.

Wang Yao was lost in thought. The death of Satan, the God of death, naturally strikes the arrogance of the forbidden area. They will be greatly hurt, and they won't make any moths for a while.

However, if Satan, the God of death, sees through, Miller's army and even Aina manor will inevitably suffer from the crazy revenge from the forbidden area. It is undoubtedly a battle between gods and demons, with countless deaths and injuries.

Sometimes success or failure lies in a sub game, and now it is this situation, so Wang Yao feels unprecedented pressure.

"Xiaoya informs all of Miller's Legion to start the ultimate defense," Wang Yao orders calmly after pondering for a long time.

"Yao Yao leader, the God of death, Satan said that maybe all of us are dead. Why do we scare ourselves with fear?" Xiao Ya didn't understand.

"What if Satan, the God of death, finds out that he has not been poisoned?" Wang Yao looks at Xiao Ya and asks.

"Yes, chief Yao." Xiao Ya weak answer way, originally thought will get Wang Yao's praise, did not expect a little self defeating.

"Xiao Ya, don't be depressed. Maybe you succeed. Tomorrow we'll go to the manor carnival," Wang Yao said with a smile.

Xiao Ya dejected went to the door, she listened to Wang Yao's words, all the fatigue, all the hard work, all the unwilling moment are gone.

Xiaoya turned her head and nodded happily, as excited as chicken blood.

"It's going to be successful, leader Yao. Because of you, Miller's army is more and more united and more effective," Xiao Ya said happily.

"It's everyone's joint efforts. I'm the worst. I'm just lucky to be the leader of Miller's army." Wang Yao said modestly, though she was already floating in her heart.

"Yaoyao leader, evil is more than good, lucky people have their own blessing, you are the general of Miller's legion, I believe you will bring us luck," Xiao Ya said firmly.

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