"Flying in the sky? Are you birds? " The seal looked at the sky in doubt. He didn't understand.

"Brother seal, you are so humorous," Xu Lu said with a smile.

"I'm not only humorous and witty, but also a gentleman. I don't have many shortcomings, but I have many advantages. I respect the old and love the young, and I'm dignified and upright

The seal has the cheek to put gold on his face.

"I can see that brother seal is a perfect man who is almost extinct," Xu Lu said, covering her mouth.

"Sister Xu Lu, since it's going to be extinct, you should cherish it," the seal said meaningfully.

"You are our idol, I adore you so much." Xu Lu actually understood the meaning of seal, but she pretended not to understand, just to show her innocence.

Men can't resist the simple girl like a piece of white paper, just like the girl has no resistance to the boy who is a little dirty.

"Brother seal, here comes the cup. Let me pour a cup of holy water for you." ADI walks in and interrupts the seal's chatting.

"Well, let me have a taste. How can I pour so much? Will such precious holy water be wasted?" The seal took the cup from ADI. He saw that it was full of yellow liquid.

"This is full of little brother's respect for you, brother seal. It's not a waste. This holy water is worthy of being enjoyed by people with high intelligence like you," said ADI.

"Well, it's worthy of my good brother." the seal was moved in a mess. Addy flattered himself in front of two girls, which made the seal feel very proud.

"Brother seal, do it." ADI looked at the seal expectantly.

"Well," he said, pretending to be a hero, he thought it was time to drink it all.

The seal put the cup close to his mouth, suddenly a strong smell of urine came to his face, and the seal felt sick.

"Brother seal, do you feel very fragrant? Because brother seal is extremely smart, which is superior to those Royal heirs. "ADI constantly seduces the seal.

"Well, it's really fragrant. It's like old wine." the seal took a deep breath with disgust and looked intoxicated.

"Drink quickly, brother seal, realize the value of this bottle of holy water," ADI raised the seal high, and now the seal has no choice.

Bearing the strong smell of urine, the seal took the cup and drank all the holy water in one gulp.

"How's it going? Brother seal, isn't it sweet and rich? "ADI looks forward to the seal.

At the moment of swallowing, the seal was almost choked by the smell of urine, but in order to prove his high IQ, he forbade, but his mouth was still full of strange smell.

"Well, it's really sweet and rich." the seal nodded. He quickly took a sip of herbal tea. He felt that if he didn't gargle, he would really vomit.

The seal didn't notice it just now, because it was too hot for him to drink, he vomited. In fact, ADI's herbal tea was boiling vinegar water, which made the seal feel bitter.

"Brother seal didn't expect you to have such a high IQ. You're the smartest person I've ever met," Xu Lu said, holding the seal's hand.

"Yes, yes... You are thousands of times smarter than ADI leader. You are my idol." Zhang Ya thought that the object of idol vomiting was almost the same.

"I've been better than my peers since I was a child. I'm not bragging with you that I'll be a great success later." the seal is floating again.

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