"Brother seal, you can't have it both ways. You'd better choose one," ADI reminded.

"I'll choose the one on the left." the seal made a decision. In fact, the decision made by the seal was already in ADI's expectation.

When the seal hesitates, the performance of the two girls prompts the poster to make a decision.

Standing on the left is Xu Lu, and on the right is Zhang Ya. When the seal chooses, Zhang Ya always lowers her head, while Xu Lu always looks at him affectionately.

The gap between the two girls' performance, Xu Lu gives the poster a feeling that she has a special liking for seals. A man will never refuse a woman who has a liking for himself.

"Brother seal, have you decided?" ADI smiles because his undercover plan is half done.

"Well, I've decided to take the one on the left." The seal said with a firm nod.

"Brother seal, did you choose me? Do you remember my name? " Xu Lu asked shyly, pointing to her little nose.

"Yes, I chose you, little beauty. Is your name Zhang Lu?" The seal said excitedly.

"Brother seal, you're good or bad. I don't care about you. Brother seal is eating what's in the bowl, thinking what's in the pot, and even looking at what's in the field, "Xu Lu pretends to be angry.

"No, did I say something wrong? I am wholehearted to you, I am willing to give my life to you, "the seal vowed.

"Well, well, people believe you," Xu Lu said happily.

"Come with me, and drink spicy food with my brother," the seal said, and went to pull Xu Lu's hand.

"Wait, brother seal" ADI's face showed an expression of disgust, no man is willing to give his woman away, ADI is the same.

"Brother, are you going back?" The seal became nervous. He showed a fierce expression and put a knife on his head. If ADI didn't agree, the seal would fight.

"How can it be, brother seal? My ADI has always said a word, but it's hard to come back. You look down on your brother, "ADI said angrily.

"I'm sorry to misunderstand you," the seal said with a simple and honest smile. This second's expression was in sharp contrast to the previous second. He was a fickle fool.

"I'm just worried that Xu Lu will break the rules when she comes to you and make aunt Lvji unhappy. So brother seal, please wait a moment. I'll tell her the rules, "ADI explained.

"OK, brother, I have a heart," the seal said excitedly.

ADI with Xu Lu and Zhang Ya back to the room, to the room ADI face jealous expression.

"What's the matter? Honey, are you jealous Xu Lu asked softly.

"At the thought of giving you to that big fool, I feel really bad in my heart," ADI said helplessly.

"Baby, people just go undercover, not to spoil him," Xu Lu said coquettishly.

"But baby, I can't help you when you get to that Pervert's hand... If it wasn't for the old lady who is not human or ghost, I would like to kill that simple minded and well-developed rice bucket now." ADI said with a strange gun in his hand. He said it was a gun, but it didn't look like a gun at all, just like a snake.

"Don't worry, baby, I can deal with the mentally retarded person who just drank urine. I won't let a mentally retarded person who drank urine touch my body." Xu Lu said with disgust on her face, and then she retched with exaggeration.

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