"Don't be sad, I will protect you from any harm in the future," the seal vowed. The seal is also a man.

Men are naturally allergic to girls' tears, and when they see girls crying, they will arouse a strong desire to protect themselves. So every time a girl is sad, a man will turn into a warm man. Every boy wants to be the Savior.

"Thank you. To tell you the truth, the first time I saw you, I felt that you had a special sense of justice, not the kind of scum man who took advantage of others' danger and fell into the well, so I decided to come here with you. Because I feel very secure when I am with you. Thank God for meeting you when I am most helpless. Would you like to be my brother? " Xu Lu's voice and emotion.

At first, the seal was a little floating. When he heard Xu Lu say that he wanted to be his brother, the gap was so big that the seal almost fainted.

There are 1000 seals who don't want to, but at this moment, what else can he say? The seal thinks that as long as she stabilizes first, she won't be afraid of no chance.

"I do," the seal nodded.

"Thank you, you'll be my brother in the future. I'm relying on you. I'm so happy." Xu Lu feels that her goal has been achieved. She understands that although the seal's brain is short circuited, it's very powerful. It's the only one who can help her fiance revenge.

"Mm-hmm, sister Xu Lu, if you have anything to do, just tell my brother that he will deal with it for you." the seal patted her chest and promised.

"But not for the time being. I'll tell you for the first time, and I'll only tell you one person later." Xu Lu thinks that it's not the time yet. When the seal and Adi completely split their faces, she will tell the seal about ADI teasing the seal with holy water. With the seal's temper, she will fight with ADI to the end.

"Mm-hmm," the seal was very happy. He felt that it was a very comfortable and dignified thing to be depended on by such a beautiful girl.


In the main restaurant of Aina manor, Li Yan, Wang Yao, Shangguan, Lulu and Linda sat around the table. Aunt Lin prepared a big dinner.

We are all very happy. Now we are short of Jane, but we don't know where she has gone. While we were eating, Jane came back.

"Sister Wang Yao, I heard they said you were coming, so I came to you quickly. I miss you so much." Zhen rushed into Wang Yao's arms and cried bitterly.

"You have a conscience. I thought you had forgotten your sister all day long." Wang Yao patted Jane on her back.

It's normal for sisters to cry with joy when they meet, but I feel that Jane's crying is too heartrending, but I can't say what's wrong.

After dinner, we went for a walk. Now I'm with Li Yan. I'm worried that the last attack didn't succeed, and they will organize a second one.

After three days without any movement, we gradually relaxed and Wang Yao had to deal with the forbidden area. She wronged me to carry her, and I said a lot of words, tears on my back clothes are wet.

I also hate Wang Yao, but I can't help it. Because the camp of Miller's legion is a little far away, I don't worry, so I let Sisi escort Wang Yao to the forbidden area.

Shangguan Lulu and Linda go to the farm to choose bodyguards, because Li Niang sends a message to let them choose by themselves. Originally, Li Yan would go too, but I'm not sure.

Jane didn't know where she was. She hadn't seen her for a day or two.

On the way back to Wang Yao, Li Yan and I asked me to carry her as if I had just carried Wang Yao, so I squatted down to carry Li Yan.

But in the moment I squatted down, I felt something was wrong, I felt a strong killing from all directions to us.

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