Xiaoxiong and Adi have recovered from internal injuries, and their strength is higher than that of shadow Qian and shadow Ting, but the two girls are also at the level of emperor of heaven, and they are vigorous. Xiaoxiong's ADI has failed to catch them for several times.

They shifted the target, Jane is the magic war level, she is not the opponent of the two vicious dogs.

"Jane, invisible" I reminded, Jane hesitated for a while, what she said silently disappeared when Xiaoxiong wanted to catch her.

"Waste, spicy chicken," Ouyang yuanzun said helplessly.

Xiaoxiong and Adi continue to catch up with shadow ting and shadow Qian, but they come back empty handed several times in vain.

All of a sudden, the open space behind the stone tablet cracked, the ground sagged downward, and two huge stone slabs fell into the ground. I saw a downward stone step on the originally flat ground.

The stone terrace is very deep and long, and there is no end in sight. It's dark below, and I can't see what's underneath. I feel a strong air flow gushing out from the inside.

Xiaoxiong pushed shangguanlulu to me, and I instinctively reached out to hold shangguanlulu's slender waist. However, my weight was unstable, and I stepped on the air, shangguanlulu and I fell into the dark underground palace at the same time.

The hot air made me and Shangguan Lulu breathless. I took Shangguan Lulu into my arms and protected her with my body. I had only one belief that I would do anything to hold Shangguan Lulu and not let her get hurt.

My body hit the stone steps, triggering a deadly mechanism, the underground palace lightning, thunder and wind, there is a strong current hitting my body.

But I didn't feel any pain at all, just like my body absorbed the current of lightning. Shangguan bared her face to my chest, and in my arms she was intact.

After a while, we fell to the underground of the underground palace. I slowly opened my eyes, and the underground palace suddenly became bright and transparent.

I saw the luxurious underground palace, which is an ancient city.

The main city is made up of huge stones. The relief on it is vivid. Birds and animals are just like living ones.

The scale of the underground palace is huge, all kinds of buildings come and go, and the moat is still flowing with black liquid.

There is a layer of dust on the huge stone building, as if it had been dusty for tens of thousands of years.

I tried to take a step forward, and my gentle steps suddenly disturbed the peace of the underground palace for thousands of years.

All the dust in the underground palace falls off, the black liquid in the moat flows faster and faster, and all the dust is sucked into the moat.

The simple underground palace becomes brand-new, the ground is full of a variety of gold and silver jewelry and antique jewelry, the whole underground palace is full of jewels, and instantly becomes resplendent and extremely luxurious.

"Big fool you see" Shangguan pointed to the moat and shook my arm.

I see the direction that Shangguan Lulu points to, where are the iron statues of warriors standing, they are holding long guns in their hands and carrying crossbows on their backs.

There are countless iron warriors, more than the moon worshippers outside, and the scale is comparable to the terracotta warriors and horses of Qin Shihuang.

"It seems that the legend is true. This is the Lost Empire in the underground palace. They have been sealed. It seems that they have thousands of years of history." I said to Shangguan lulu.

"Big fool, do you feel like we've been breathing in and not breathing out all the time?" Shangguan Lulu looked at me and asked.

I calmed down, and sure enough, as Shangguan Lulu said, I was constantly breathing in, but I couldn't breathe out, and I felt my body was like a balloon, growing bigger and bigger.

"No. There's something wrong with this underground palace. Let's get out of here. "I took Shangguan Lulu and wanted to run up the stone steps.

"Kaka kaka"

"Bang bang"

All of a sudden, tens of thousands of scissors shot out from the cracks of the wall, and all flew to me and Shangguan lulu.

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