Lingxiao's strength has attracted the attention of four golden flowers.

"Would you like to meet me?" Xia Yu went to Lingxiao and said.

Hearing the speech, Lingxiao looked up and immediately shook his head and said, "sorry, I'm not interested in you!"

"Well?" Xia Yu is a little confused.

The students in the canteen are also stupid.

Didn't you just lick your face? How can you change your face now?

Only listen to Lingxiao continue to say: "unless you strip off, sit on me to move, otherwise I touch you, I lose!"

"Ding! The host shows the true nature of the male, the power of life + 0.1! "

"Ding! The host shows the true colors of the scum man, the power of spirit + 0.1! "


Students smell speech, are shocked to look at Lingxiao.

Brother! What a man you are!

Xia Yu's face was a little ugly. "You'll regret it!"

Then she turned and went back to her seat. The other three golden flowers also looked ugly.

And Lingxiao is regardless, wind like food swallow.

At the beginning of you, I love to ignore.

Today's me, you can't get up.

A person who can only bring 0.1 promotion to Lingxiao, even if you are beautiful, but Lingxiao still doesn't want to be BB with you.

For Lingxiao, the most important thing is to improve his martial arts cultivation.

Before long, Lingxiao finished eating and turned to leave.

During the meal, he had already thought about his future plans.

Now continue to brush attributes here, obviously the speed is too slow.

Nancheng No.1 middle school and No.2 Middle School also have many students.

But compared with No.3 middle school, it can bring Lingxiao greater improvement.

"But in what name should I go in and brush the attributes? Or is going in a reckless operation? " Lingxiao muttered in his heart.

Soon, he came to the school gate.

A tall man in the military uniform of No.2 Middle School was standing at the gate of No.3 middle school.

Just listen to him shouting: "Nancheng No.2 Middle School Senior Three Zhao Lei door to challenge!"

Zhao Lei is full of momentum, shouting one by one, attracting passers-by to watch.

The students of No.3 middle school at the gate of the school look a little ugly. They don't know what's wrong with the students of No.2 Middle School. They come directly to No.3 middle school to block the door.

"What are you yelling at? Come and be beaten A senior three student welcomed him.

When Zhao Lei heard the speech, he had a whole look. His legs moved like a strong wind. He bullied himself.

Both hands were claws, carrying the wind to launch the offensive.

The senior three student's face changed. He didn't expect that Zhao Lei's speed would be so fast.

In less than a minute, the senior three student was turned to the ground and covered with bloodstains.

"Is that the level of No.3 middle school?" Zhao Lei shook his head.

The rest of the students in No.3 middle school gnash their teeth, but dare not go forward.

The senior high school senior who just took part in the battle has a power of life and spirit as high as 75, but he is still not an opponent.

If they do go up, it's almost the same as sending them up.

Zhao Lei, senior 3 of Nancheng No.2 Middle School, comes to challenge Seeing this, Zhao Lei was still shouting.

The onlookers were full of discussion.

"I didn't expect the students in No.3 middle school to be so bad."

"Who said no? It's been five minutes since I started fighting alone."

"Don't say anything. If I have a baby in the future, I won't let him pass the third grade."

"Well, you're right. I think so, too."

The voices of the onlookers were like slapping the students of No.3 middle school one by one, which made them blush one by one.

Of course, there are exceptions, such as Lingxiao.

He found that he thought things complicated, and when he got to the place, it was over? What more reason?

So thinking, Lingxiao walked out of the school.

The students of No.3 middle school look better. At least some of them have gone up to fight.

Zhao Lei also looks at Lingxiao, but Lingxiao doesn't look at him.

Lingxiao walked forward selfishly, as if what Zhao Lei blocked was not the gate of No.3 middle school at all.

This operation made the melon eaters, the students of No.3 middle school and Zhao Lei confused.

Who is this man?

So shameless?

He didn't say a word when his alma mater was blocked?

Zhao Lei didn't come back until Lingxiao walked more than ten meters.

"Stop! Who allowed you to go? " Zhao Lei said.

Lingxiao turned back and said, "legs are on me, but I can't walk as I want to."

"Don't go unless you beat me down!" Zhao Lei said aloud.

Lingxiao thought about it and said, "isn't that good? After all, you come up to block the door, you only hit one, and then you're going to be beaten down by me. Isn't that a shame? "All the people present were speechless.

Brother, do you have time to think about this?

Why don't you think about the face of your school first?

Hearing this, Zhao Lei also laughed angrily and said, "if you can beat me down, just come here."

As soon as his voice fell, he took three and two steps to the sky and suddenly walked back ten meters.

A whip leg, turned into a shadow, with a huge force to draw down.

Zhao Lei's eyes were round, as if he couldn't believe it.


A loud noise came out, and everyone was in front of him.

Zhao Lei felt like he was hit by a speeding car.

Severe pain, spread all over Zhao Lei's body, but he did not even scream.

Then the onlookers saw the scene of Zhao Lei falling to the ground.

One by one, they looked at Lingxiao in shock. They couldn't believe it either.

Brother, are you so fierce?

Why don't you come out earlier? Are you kidding?

Lingxiao murmured, "you have to be beaten down to let people go. Actually, some people ask for this kind of request. Crazy!"

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