Princess Against the World

Chapter 1112: What a real brother

The eyes of other people stared in resentment instantly.

This is really a good brother! !

I was dying, and I didn't forget to drag them down to the Yellow Spring together!

But this kind of anger roared in his heart, but he dared not speak.

No one dared to offend these two killing gods when the shot was shot.

Quietly killing eyes wandered on everyone, as if choosing the next target.

Someone finally couldn't help himself: " message is Nishizawa!"

Someone took the lead and broke the news, and others couldn't hold back.

For a while, they all scrambled to speak out their own message.

"I am outdated!"

"I am three people..."

"Mine is discovery..."


For a while, everyone swarmed forward like treasures, for fear that if they were slow to talk, they would upset the two of them, which would lead to murder.

With a cold face, he found a piece of cloth and asked these people to write down all the messages in blood, and then put them away one by one.

He cleaned up the people here, but Ling Luoyu walked towards Lu Dage and others who had been abandoned for repair.

"Originally, I thought you might be useless, but it seems that you are still useful!"

When her fingertips were overturned, a small porcelain bottle appeared in her palm.

"There is a pill of Thousand Vine Lan...but, only one!"

She glanced at the three people on the ground.

"The one who wants please raise your hand!"

Based on the experience of these messengers, although I don't know what a thousand vines are, I can guess that this pill is a life-saving medicine!

Lu Dage took the lead in raising his hand, struggling to say: "Give me..."

The other two are not far behind.

"I need to……"

"Give it to me..."

Under the desire to survive, everything is imaginary.

Ling Luoyu stepped back and smiled coldly: "But I only have one pill!!"

Her gaze flew to three people.

Although he didn't say anything, the implication was obvious.

Among the three people, only one person can take this medicine.

As for the other two people, there is only one life ending!

It is a matter of life and death, and none of the three are unambiguous.

"Give me...I want..."

"this is mine……"

"You are not allowed to grab..."


Lu Dage had the highest cultivation level among several people. Seeing the other two struggling to move forward, killing intent suddenly appeared in his eyes and suddenly rushed towards them.

"You guys get out of here... that's mine... mine..."

The other two people seemed to have no foundation, and were instantly knocked into flight.

But Lu Dage himself didn't get much better, and he fell to the ground heavily.

Rao was so, at the moment he landed, his eyes were still staring at the pill bottle in Ling Luoyu's hand.

"Give me...Give me..."

He crawled forward, fighting for the life-saving medicine.

Just two steps after he climbed out, his ankle was firmly grasped by one person.

"Don't think about it!"

Before he turned around, a heavy object fell on his back.

Although Cui Xun was hurt in the end, his desire to survive was the strongest.

He almost exhausted all his strength and threw himself on Lu Dage.

"I hurt the most, it should be given to me!!"

Struggling to get up, he threw himself under Ling Luoyu's feet, struggling and begging to look up.

"Give...that medicine...Give me!!"

Ling Luoyu took a step back, his eyes were cold and merciless, and the evil spirits were cold.

"I said, there is only one pill, but you have three people!! Therefore, this pill, I will give the most valuable person... Do you think you are that person?!!! "

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