Princess Against the World

Chapter 848: Ochra bloodworm

"What is this?" Du Tiexin's heart suddenly hurt.

The things in his son's body are more painful than raging on him.

Ling Luoyu stared at him, turning his head to look: "You give your son Fiery Pill, don't you know what it is?!"

Du Tiexin saw something bad from her eyes: "What's wrong? What do you mean?!"

"This is called a little ocherworm. It is a small parasitic, blood-sucking worm. The vitality of this worm is very fragile. Once it leaves the blood, it will consume itself for a moment and turn into a pool of blood! But if there is an abundance Blood source, they can live forever forever!"

Du Tiexin's eyes flashed with horror, and she shook her head in horror: "You mean, there is this blood-sucking bug in my son's body!? But... but how did it come from?!"

"Yes, I also want to know how it came here! Ochra worms live in extremely cold places, usually attached to the body of some kind of living thing, and only through blood can it infect the body of a second person! "

Du Tiexin's eyes changed instantly, and he took a breath.

"Is it?!"

Ling Luoyu calmed down and said quietly, "Do you know what's going on?"

Du Tiexin slowly nodded: "Guessed a little... It was five years ago. One night, he was suddenly covered with blood, and he ran back with extreme excitement, saying that he had got a baby!"

"Five Fingers White Flowers?!!!"

"Yes! It's Wuzhibaihua! He handed it to me at the time, saying it was an elixir from Jiuzhuangu, named Wuzhibaihua, and he asked me to put it away properly. I don't know what it is, thinking The blood in his body was definitely not a vulgar thing, so I quickly collected the things...but I didn't expect..."

Du Tiexin let out a long sigh, and looked at his son bitterly and helplessly.

"Unexpectedly, when I came back, he was already in a coma! At that time, I was thinking whether his injuries were injured, but after washing him, I found that there were no wounds, and he was still cold and blue. , So I invited the doctor from Chun Yi Tang for a consultation, but it was only found out that he was insidious poisoning, but there was no solution...In the end, I could only take Rootless Water and Blazing Fire Pill to suppress the insidious toxicity!"

A blazing pill requires a white crystal coin.

In order to save his son's life, he sold out the family property a little bit. In the end, he couldn't, so he could only play the role of a fairy with his grandson to deceive the new visitor, so as to get gold coins to treat his son.

"Before the accident, my son was also the guard patrolling the city, and he was familiar with those people... So, as long as it wasn't too much, they would open one eye and close one eye to help me!"

Du Tie sat down beside his son helplessly and clasped his hand.

"But, I can't afford the Blazing Pill now... the next time I have a poisonous attack, I really don't know what to use to save him! Sometimes I just think, dying... For him, maybe it is life. Relief!"

Wiping away the tears from the corner of her eyes, Du Tiexin thought of Ling Luoyu.

"By the way, San Ye, since you know what this is, is there any way to save my son?!"

"Ochra blood worm feeds on blood, but releases insidious cold energy, so the human or beast parasitized by it will be insidious unless it is born with a cold body..."

Ling Luoyu sat down leisurely on one side, bowed his head and played with his fingers, but stopped talking.

Du Tiexin was a little startled: "Sanye Ling, why didn't you say anything?!"

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