However, the scene is still a mess! The two sides are still fighting!

Tang Ming had no choice but to fire a warning gun!

After a shot, the scene was suddenly quiet! Everyone was shocked! Scared!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wan Haijun directed those policemen to rush into the crowd immediately and forcibly isolated the two sides!

After the villagers reacted, they didn't care much. They raised their sticks and hit the police well!

"You sons of bitches know how to help the evil forces bully the common people! Kill you

The police have shields and helmets in their hands. At least they can take a few shots! However, some comrades were injured!

"You can't do it to the common people! When they fight, we can only defend, not resist! " This is the death order given by Tang Ming before departure! Therefore, the police did not make any action against the villagers.

Tang Ming is very clear that if the police beat people, it will cause more serious riots. At any time, the people's police can only safeguard the interests of the people, and can not wave their fists at their own people!

Liang Xiaosu looked at the uncle who had just talked with her, and his eyes were full of begging.

She knew that the old man must be the most prestigious person in the village. His words have more weight than hers!

"Uncle, let these people stop! If we continue to fight like this, it will not be good for both sides, nor will it be good for the villagers! " Liang Xiaosu said.

Uncle took the loudspeaker from Liang Xiaosu's hand and said, "everybody, everybody, brother genjin is dead! He died for all of us! We must pay for this revenge! If these grandchildren follow our idea, they should be killed alive to relieve their hatred! However, we can't do this. If we do this, more people will sacrifice for it and pay a greater price. Our goal is not to kill people, let alone to sacrifice ourselves. Our goal is to return the compensation that belongs to us and the mine that belongs to us. Today, this young Deputy Secretary of the county Party committee has set up a letter for us, We'll trust them again! If they can't give us a satisfactory answer and a fair answer to the dead, this matter is endless! After that, we would go to the gate of the county Party committee, the gate of the municipal Party committee, and even Zhongnanhai every day to seek justice! I don't believe that there is no reason in this world! Let's stop and let them go! Leave it to the government! "

"Secretary, my man is dead, you have to decide for us!" The dishevelled woman, crying, crawled over and howled, pulling Liang Xiaosu's clothes.

"Auntie... I beg your pardon, we will certainly seek justice for the dead. Please believe us --" Liang Xiaosu bent down to help her. She felt very sad, and her eyes became moist unconsciously.

The crowd was quiet at last. After a long time, it really dispersed, leaving a gap. Then the police quickly controlled the red hair, yellow hair with sticks and some villagers who participated in the fighting

The scene has finally stabilized.

Liang Xiaosu breathed a long sigh of relief.

However, the family members of the deceased lying on the ground began to cry again: "you died miserably, my God... How can our family live..."

Liang Xiaosu went over and squatted beside the family of the dead. He could not help but shed tears when he saw the old woman crying so sad.

"Aunt, I beg your pardon - we will punish the murderer severely. Let this uncle go home..." Liang Xiaosu said with moist eyes.

"Old man, how can you be so stupid? You ignore your own life for the sake of everyone. How can we live if you leave our family behind, old man?" the cry was sad and made people cry.

Several villagers carried the dead on the stretcher next to them. Under the command of the old man just now, they walked slowly to the village.

"Secretary Liang, if the problem can't be solved, we'll carry the dead to the gate of the county Party committee and the municipal Party committee, and we'll do what we say -" Uncle Quanshui came to Liang Xiaosu, stopped deliberately, looked at her and said.

Looking at the desolate dead on the stretcher, Liang Xiaosu's heart became a group again.

If we can find out the truth in a week, she really has no bottom!

This matter, Liang Xiaosu so promise, can be regarded as completely hit himself to the south wall, even no way back!

She just wanted to calm down the scene, without considering how difficult the investigation and handling of this matter will be and what kind of resistance it will encounter.

She thought too simply!

The villagers at the scene finally dispersed one after another!

Looking at the front of the mountain was dug beyond recognition, Liang Xiaosu's mood is more uncomfortable.

The surrounding undeveloped mountains are lush and green, while the excavated mountain is like a mangy head with a long abscess and shaved off.

This is predatory development! The whole mountain will be denuded and the surrounding areas will be hollowed out as long as the money can be sold in the future.

Liang Xiaosu felt that he had caused a big trouble! Mine affairs have always been the most complicated. It is not so easy to find out the interests involved!

Why didn't you call Du Ruiqi, the head of the county Party committee? What a fool!

After the villagers had almost left, Tang Ming looked at Yu Gaoteng around him, frowned and asked, "what's the specific situation?"

"Secretary Liang, county magistrate Yu, director Tang --" Yu Gaoteng said wrongly, "this, this -- in the early morning, people from Matou village came to steal the mine and were found by the people in the mine, so the two sides fought. At first, when the town knew about this, people from the police station came to mediate, and the two sides seemed to calm down, I didn't expect that later, the people of Matou village returned to gather the whole village together and started to work with the people in the mine. As a result, more people were called by both sides, and this is what you see. "

Tang Ming locked his eyebrows, took a look at Yu Gaoteng and said, "why didn't you report it earlier?"

"This - originally thought it was a small matter, but I didn't expect it would be so big - there have been such things before, but after all, nothing big happened. Alas -" Yu Gaoteng said with a sad face.

"Let's go, you'll come back to the Bureau, Navy, take all relevant personnel away from the mine, stop mining the mine!" Tang Ming said without expression.

"Yes Wan went to the Navy immediately.

This mine is not the first time to cause trouble!

Tang Ming still remembers that there seems to have been one such incident last year, but it didn't make such a big noise. Mahou town police station was held down and dealt with, but they didn't participate in it.

I didn't expect that this time there would be so much noise, and there would be lives!

Tang Ming also felt that the water in it was too deep. It was definitely not a simple matter for villagers to steal. If not, it would be a major event for Yuhe officialdom!

However, Liang Xiaosu, the newly appointed Deputy Secretary of the county Party committee, was involved without knowing it. Tang Ming made a sweat for her just now when she was writing a document!

She was kidnapped alive for no reason! If this is replaced by a veteran officialdom, it is absolutely impossible for Liang Xiaosu to take such a big responsibility so simply! Many officials hide faster than anything!

Liang Xiaosu has never experienced such a scene, and she is so simple and kind-hearted. How to end in the future depends on her nature and wisdom!

Back to the county Party committee, it was already past lunch time. Liang Xiaosu had no time to drink, let alone eat, and rushed to Du Ruiqi's office to report the situation.

Yu Shaofeng came with her. Tang Ming reported to Du Ruiqi on the phone and went back to the public security bureau to start the case.

Seeing them coming in, Du Ruiqi immediately poured a glass of water for each of them and said, "it's hard work. What's the situation like?"

Liang Xiaosu took a cup of tea, Gulu Gulu drank some water, looked at Du Ruiqi and said, "Secretary Du, the situation is like this."

In front of Yu Shaofeng, she thinks it's better to call Secretary Du. In private, they are called sisters.

Liang Xiaosu restored the scene to Du Ruiqi.

When Du Ruiqi listened to Liang Xiaosu's talk about setting up a document for the villagers, she thought it was ridiculous. It was naive and ridiculous! But she is not good at criticizing Liang Xiaosu face to face.

Liang Xiaosu is still young after all! I was inspired by the old farming method! It's impossible for any old doggie to give them a written evidence at the scene. This is a taboo in officialdom!

Of course, Du Ruiqi affirmed Liang Xiaosu's ability to deal with things.

After all, it's the first time she's faced with such a difficult thing. It's very good to stabilize the scene. When she was faced with an emergency, she was scared for the first time!

Everyone has the first time, everyone has to accept the exercise and test, people can grow up in this kind of exercise.

"Things happen very suddenly, and people die. It's the first thing to stabilize the scene quickly. No matter what means you use, you have to do it. You've done it well." Du Ruiqi looked at Liang Xiaosu and then at Yu Shaofeng. "I don't think it's a bad thing for Secretary Liang to make a written promise. No matter whether he makes a written promise or not, this matter must be solved, and a reasonable explanation should be given to the villagers. Moreover, the mine affairs should be handled well, and no tail should be left. That's the most important thing. Therefore, this case, Secretary Liang is the team leader. After investigation, county magistrate Yu assists Secretary Liang to deal with the case. Director Tang is responsible for the investigation of the case. He wants to buy time. If he says it will be solved in a week, it must be fulfilled. Otherwise, the villagers will not believe us. Lack of trust has now become the biggest contradiction between the government and the people. "

"Good!" Liang Xiaosu nodded, and did not feel anything wrong.

This matter has been taken down by her, and she can't shirk it. In this case, we should make a thorough investigation and give an account to the villagers.

At the moment, Liang Xiaosu also has a feeling that the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

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