If mom is a station announcer, that would be great! One day, Liang Xiaosu had this idea in his mind.

Listening to the announcer's voice in the station, she felt that it should be her mother's voice, and that a beautiful and small woman like her mother should be sitting in it.

However, once she accidentally saw the announcer, she was surprised, the original announcer is also very beautiful, much better than her mother's body!

What makes Liang Xiaosu envious is that the announcer is still so feminine and curvy in his work clothes. He walks with his head held high, which is very attractive!

Unlike her mother, when she works, she wears such a wide, greasy work clothes and a pair of big white gloves. She has to check the train like a man every day

Liang Xiaosu has yet to figure out how her mother chose such an unsuitable job?

Liang Xiaosu's father is an ordinary employee of Xinjiang water supply company.

My father is honest and diligent, independent of the world. He has been working all his life, and has not even mixed up with the lowest level.

The earliest is in the company to read water meter, every day to each district to read water meter, riding the oldest bicycle, through the streets.

Later, when he was old and his eyes were not good, he was called back to the company and put in the office to take care of him.

Such a family, ordinary and ordinary, but it is a stable and down-to-earth life, not rich, but there is real and simple happiness.

Liang Xiaosu graduated from university. Although she was admitted to the civil service, it is very difficult for her family, without any background, to make a name in the officialdom. In other words, it's almost impossible.

Nowadays, in the civil service, two kinds of people are most popular. One is the second generation of officials, who are born with the golden key and enter politics with their feet on the wheel of fire and wind. The rising speed is like riding a rocket. It's amazing!

There is another kind of person, that is, the second generation of rich people, who have money and influence in the family and join the civil service in order to serve the family better. This kind of person, is also the same level, unstoppable.

Like Liang Xiaosu, he is not the second generation of officials or the second generation of rich people, but the second generation of poor people. In his life, he may only be an ordinary public servant.

This is what Liang Xiaosu, who has just entered the civil service, thinks. She has no extravagant hopes for the official career. What she wants is a stable job and then a stable life.

Then find a man who is as stable as her, and repeat the ordinary and simple life of her parents.

However, she did not expect to meet Du Ruiqi, a female county Party secretary from a civilian background, who later became Du Ruiqi's secretary.

This may be the first turning point in her life.

Entering the house, her mother welcomed her with a smile and said, "your daughter is back. Your father is wrapping buns for you in the kitchen. You can eat them in a moment."

Liang Xiaosu likes to eat buns since she was a child, but her father learned the technology of making buns outside in order to get the best buns for her. After improvement, the buns made by her father are more delicious than those sold outside.

"Well, I knew there was something delicious home!" Liang Xiaosu came to the kitchen with a smile.

"Dad... It smells good!" Liang Xiaosu watched his father busy with his apron, and was moved for a while.

"Well, the girl has come back. She'll be ready to eat soon." Dad turned his head and saw her smile, a face of satisfaction.

"Xiaosu, come on, have some water first..." mother called her in the living room.

Liang Xiaosu ran to the living room like the wind. Her mother had poured water for her.

At home, Liang Xiaosu can restore the true nature of a girl. She can be naive, coquettish, and run around

"Xiaosu, mom saw you in the news last night..." Mom looked at Xiaosu and said happily, "you are with the Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee..."

Liang Xiaosu looked at her mother in surprise. She never cared about the news. Why did she suddenly see her yesterday?

"Ha ha, yes, Secretary Li came down to investigate, without a secretary, I was temporarily transferred to take charge of his daily work..." Liang Xiaosu said while drinking water.

"Oh..." my mother nodded thoughtfully, thought about it, and said, "it's not easy for big people to wait on me, is it?"

"No, it's very good. He's very easygoing and kind. He's a very good person..." Liang Xiaosu said sincerely.

"That's good, such officials are rare..." my mother said with emotion, "we are ordinary families. My mother doesn't expect you to prosper, as long as you can be safe and happy!"

"Mom, this is the job. Secretary Li said I did a good job..." Liang Xiaosu said with a smile, "you think too much..."

"Xiaosu, listen to my mother, it's time to solve my personal problems. You're not too young. Find a suitable young man..." my mother looked at her and said, "look at your classmates. They're all married. If they're not married, they're already well-known. It's something everyone has to go through... Moreover, this woman's marriage is like the spring of crops. It must blossom in spring and bear fruit in autumn. Children and the season of life should also be grasped. Don't miss it.... "

Oh, again! Liang Xiaosu sighed in his heart.

Every time I go home, my mother will nag me, always urging her to find a boyfriend and get married early.

Even a few times, also arranged for her to go on a blind date, forcing her to meet a strange man.

What is it all about? This is what Liang Xiaosu fears most.

"Well, eat steamed buns, eat steamed buns, delicious soup dumplings are coming..." Dad came out of the kitchen with a smile, holding a steaming steamed bun in his hand.

"I want to drool when I smell it..." Liang Xiaosu said with a smile. He immediately took the steamer from his father and put it on the table. When he opened the steamer, a hot steam and the smell of steamed buns floated out.

Liang Xiaosu picked up the chopsticks, put one in his mouth and bit it. The juice overflowed from his mouth. It was delicious!

"Love brand steamed buns, once you eat, you will never forget..." Liang Xiaosu said with a smile while eating, "Dad, you can open a steamed buns shop, just call No.1 love steamed buns shop, and ensure the first one in the city!"

"Ha ha, that's good. After I have a good investigation of the market, I'll improve my technology, and I'll switch to selling steamed stuffed buns!" Dad also said with a smile, "now I can only serve my little girl for the time being..."

Dad said, and went into the kitchen, continue to cook.

Every time Liang Xiaosu came back, her father would make a big meal for her. Steamed stuffed bun was just a snack before the meal, and the next was the dinner.

Every time he saw his father's busy back, Liang Xiaosu would sigh that his father was really the best man except for his career. He cared for his family, loved his wife and cared for his children. In his whole life, he loved his mother as a treasure. At home, Liang Xiaosu seldom saw his mother cook, as if buying vegetables and cooking, It's all dad's patents. Mom never worries.

Liang Xiaosu remembers that if his father had something to go out, if he had a few days, he would make a few days' food and put it in the refrigerator for his mother to eat hot every day.

In a word, mom never buys food to cook.

Liang Xiaosu always wanted to find a good man like his father. Although no career, but care for the family, can take care of the family, she thinks, for a woman, this is the real happiness, ordinary and down-to-earth happiness.

However, fate seemed to be joking with her. When she thought she had found such happiness, God mercilessly took it from her hand!

After dinner, Liang Xiaosu accompanied his parents to have tea for a while and then went back to his room.

Open the drawer in the middle, the handsome and bright smile appears in front of you... Although it has been two years, his voice and smile, his words and deeds, and every time he calls her name, they all appear clearly in front of you and echo in your ears.

Yes, two years, but he never seems to leave her world, never

Her hand stroked him in the picture, and tears began to blur her eyes

"Wang Cheng... Are you OK over there?"

Her heart flew back to the beautiful university campus with the memory

The cherry garden of Jiangnan University is a favorite place for Liang Xiaosu.

This is the most beautiful and romantic place of Jiangnan University after the beginning of school every spring.

It was here that Liang Xiaosu met her love and the "Prince" in her heart.

In his sophomore year, in that rainy season, a cherry blossom day, Liang Xiaosu lingered in the cherry garden.

Occasionally there is a couple walking in the rain, holding an umbrella, walking on the path covered with cherry blossoms, this beautiful and romantic, is really intoxicating.

Liang Xiaosu was alone, holding an umbrella in his hand, but he didn't open it.

She likes the feeling of being wet by the thin rain. It seems that the air is full of sweetness and fragrance, which makes people very comfortable and intoxicated.

Of course, at such times, she is also eager to have someone to accompany her. However, in the university campus, where there are many flowers, Liang Xiaosu is not the most outstanding one. In addition, she is so unknown that she never takes the initiative to contact the opposite sex. Naturally, she will not be an attractive person.

In many people out of the double into the right time, she is still enjoying a person's loneliness.

Looking at the cherry blossoms in full bloom in the spring rain, Liang Xiaosu had some fantasies. She didn't pay attention to her feet. She didn't expect that the road was slippery in the rain. She slipped on the sole of her foot and fell to the ground. She sprained her foot!

When Liang Xiaosu looked around, she didn't find a figure. She had to endure the pain and limp back, but she didn't want to walk more and more painful! This foot seems to be forced against her. I can't lift it when I step back

She showed her teeth in pain. She was expecting a classmate to come by and help her. A male classmate just came to her face. It seems that she is also from our school.

Seeing her expression of pain, he could not help but stop beside her and asked, "what's the matter with you? Can I help you? "

Liang Xiaosu looked up and was immediately surprised: what a tall and handsome boy! His angular face is very similar to that of Hong Kong Star Guo Fucheng, especially his eyes. When they look at her, they all seem to transmit radio waves

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