Pan Wendao, as a national cadre, dares to act so boldly to put on a legal cloak for Ma Sanqiang's illegal mining. Can pan Wendao do it alone? Can environmental protection, public security and safety supervision work together? Will there be more backstage support behind the scenes of Pan Wendao? If so, who would it be?

All kinds of problems are entangled in Liang Xiaosu's brain again. For a moment, she can't make it clear. What's more, she doesn't know where to throw the hot potato safely and properly!

What if she accidentally makes a big mistake? Will it lead to disaster?

There are traps everywhere in officialdom! She has just stepped on this platform, and many things don't seem to understand.

However, in Makou village, she made her own stand and set up a written document for the villagers. Now that she has accepted their materials, does she have to do it if she doesn't?

Liang Xiaosu fell on the bed with his eyes open, but he felt the darkness in front of him

Vaguely, Liang Xiaosu felt that he was awakened by the harsh ring of his mobile phone!

She didn't have time to open her eyes, took the phone and put it next to her ear.

"Hello..." her voice seems to be still floating in the dream, some ambiguous.

I went to bed too late last night, and my thoughts were too tangled to sleep for a long time. Finally fell asleep, but so early wake up!

"Secretary Liang and Secretary Du inform all standing committee members to hold a centralized meeting immediately and go to the conference room of the county Party committee in half an hour!" This is the voice of Ding Yuansheng, the director of the office.

Liang Xiaosu suddenly woke up!

Look at the time. It's only 7:30. It's normal to go to work at 8:30! Why should the Standing Committee be convened so early? Is there something important happening?

There was no time to think about it. Liang Xiaosu got up quickly, changed clothes, washed and immediately went to the county Party committee compound.

Fortunately, they live very close to each other. After they go downstairs, Xiao Wu, the driver, has been waiting for them for a long time! The car started immediately and arrived in the courtyard of the county Party committee in less than ten minutes.

When she walked into the meeting room, she saw that the nine standing committee members at home had basically arrived. County Magistrate Zeng Lei has also sat in his own position, everyone's expression is very grim.

Only the position of Du Ruiqi, the Secretary of the county Party committee, is empty.

She had some bad intentions and went to her seat and sat down.

Passing by Tang Ming, the director of public security, she saw that Tang Ming gave her a very different look.

Is today's meeting related to the Makou kaolin mine? Tang Ming got more crucial evidence there? However, if this is the case, Secretary Du should at least let her know! Du Ruiqi knows that she started to investigate this matter in Makou village last night. She must gather the evidence she has and then hold a meeting to study it? Holding such a meeting without informing her is not in line with the rules!

Liang Xiaosu's heart was a little uneasy. She didn't know if the meeting was related to the Makou kaolin mine. If so, she didn't communicate with Du Ruiqi in advance, and it involved pan Wendao, director of Xinjiang Bureau of land and resources. Can you say this... This at the meeting?

Footsteps came from the door, and Du Ruiqi came in.

She was still wearing a decent professional dress, her hair was sharp, her face was light pink, and she looked dignified and generous. The purple scarf around her neck made her charming.

Du Ruiqi smiles, sits down and looks at everyone. Then she looks at Zeng Lei sitting beside her and says, "county magistrate Zeng, let's go!"

Zeng Lei nodded, looked around the conference room and said, "it's important to have a meeting in the early morning. Just received the news notice, the provincial Party Committee inspection team will come to Yuhe at about 10 am to inspect the implementation of rural garbage treatment. Not long ago, an on-site meeting was held in Fuhe City, and now it's time for acceptance. It is said that Comrade Li chengxinshu, deputy secretary of the provincial Party committee, personally led the team. It can be seen that the degree of attention is extraordinary! "

"So we must take it seriously. We can't tolerate any carelessness. The news came so suddenly that we were caught off guard and didn't have time to make more preparations. However, the ancients were right when they said that they were not happy. Therefore, all comrades present here should immediately go to their own villages and towns to supervise and inspect, and be sure to make all preparations before ten o'clock. Now we don't know how the inspection team checks. If we are to lead the way, then we will go to Ping'an town and Wuyou town. Not long ago, we went to carry out spot checks. These two towns have done a good job and are exemplary! The effect is even better than that of Binhe village in Fuhe city. "

"However, if the inspection team does not follow the route designated by us, but draws lots from them or directly orders them, then the uncertainty will be too great. It is possible for any township! Therefore, we should not be careless in every township. We should be well prepared for the inspection by the inspection team of the provincial Party committee! "

Oh! As soon as you listen, you look at each other! This is really serious! Why did you come all of a sudden without saying hello in advance? Do you want to spot check? Random, that's killing! As we all know, the work in the villages and towns below can't stand solid and serious examination!

What's more, it's the inspection team led by Li Chengxin, deputy secretary of the provincial Party committee. This specification is really extraordinary!

However, Yu Shaofeng's face is a little happy, because he is in charge of Ping'an town. He has made achievements. Of course, he is eager for the leaders to go to the site he is in charge of to check, so that his achievements can be displayed! Although Wuyou town is not in his charge, he came from there and has his credit!

Xu Linlin, the deputy county magistrate, is the most miserable. He is in charge of Mahou town and Yangshui town. The sanitary condition of these two towns has always been the worst, especially in Mahou town. The kaolin mine in Makou village alone has completely changed the town. The roads are dusty on sunny days and muddy everywhere on rainy days, let alone in the village, which is a mess!

After the promotion of garbage disposal, the situation has been a little better, but no matter how good it is, it is not up to the standard! And yesterday, there was a group incident in the Makou kaolin mine. The villagers were angry. If they got to Mahou town at this time, he would be dead! Of course, Du Ruiqi and Zeng Lei are dead!

Thinking of this, Xu Linlin seems not afraid. He thinks it matters a lot. Du Ruiqi and Zeng Lei will never let Li Chengxin, deputy secretary of the provincial Party committee, take a large number of people to Mahou town to see it. Didn't they just poke the hornet's nest to others? The first person to lose face is the leader of the party and government! Even if he is responsible, it will be settled in the future!

Hehe, wooden things, wooden things! Calm down, calm down! Xu Lin Lin comforted himself.

When Liang Xiaosu heard Zeng Lei's words, his heart beat faster!

He's coming down? Why didn't you hear anything before? Why didn't he tell himself he was coming down? This sudden attack, is it a turn to leave, or to stay?

Thinking of this, Liang Xiaosu felt that there was a deer scurrying in his heart! She was a little flustered by the direct attack! She is also in charge of a town, Wuyou Town, a relatively remote place far from the county seat. Yu Shaofeng was party secretary of Wuyou town in those years.

There is no problem with the sanitation of Wuyou town.

When Yu Shaofeng was in Wuyou Town, he had noticed the phenomenon of littering in rural areas. At that time, he started to let villages open up garbage collection stations, and then sorted them out. Those that could be recycled would be recycled, while those that could not be recycled would be pulled away for landfill regularly. After the implementation of "Zhonghua furnace" incineration this time, the problem of treatment has been completely solved, and there is no need for transportation.

I don't worry about my work, but Liang Xiaosu is also a little confused.

Although they have broken through that line of defense and become you and me. However, this kind of relationship always seems to make people have an indescribable feeling.

After that night, Liang Xiaosu did not take the initiative to call him, and he did not call. Including her promotion, he didn't have a phone call, no text message, it seems that he didn't know.

And she wanted to call him several times, but she didn't know how to speak? Say I miss you? Or thank you? Or... I can't seem to say anything.

This time, if he wants to come down, of course, he won't take the initiative to call her. What's more, how could he, the Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party committee, disclose his whereabouts to her in advance?

But to be honest, Liang Xiaosu will really miss him.

Every time in the dead of night, she would think of him, the scene that he held her and danced with her, and the scene that he danced with her with music was always vivid in her mind

Ah... Thinking of this, she blushed again unconsciously!

Working hours, working hours, standing committee time, why do you suddenly think of these?

She hastened to pull back the reins of thought.

Du Ruiqi said: "it's really a bit sudden in the early morning, but this is the key time. Please work hard to implement the township procuratorial work in your charge, and make sure the scene is qualified. Last time we attended the on-site meeting of rural garbage disposal in Fuhe City, Secretary Li specially said that we would come to Yuhe to have a look, but I didn't expect to come so soon! "

At this point, Du Ruiqi deliberately took a look at Liang Xiaosu.

At this glance, Liang Xiaosu felt a little weak.

Hehe, it's really meaningful!

If Liang Xiaosu believes that Li Chengxin is here for inspection, Du Ruiqi knows very well that the purpose of Li Chengxin's coming here is definitely not to drink!

Of course, we should not be careless about this inspection work, because it is the entire inspection team, led by Secretary Li. Du Ruiqi knows that Li Chengxin will not pick on her, let alone embarrass her.

But there are other people in the inspection group. If you're right, they should be accompanied by people from the relevant functional departments of the provincial government, such as environmental protection, agricultural and rural working groups, and maybe there are also some nosy old men who are about to retire from the National People's Congress and the CPPCC. They have plenty of spare energy. Their strong point is to be good at finding problems, So we can't neglect it!

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