He is very clear, this case continues to dig, will be what kind of situation! But now he can't help digging!

So, does he really want to step on this mine and detonate it to blow himself to pieces?

He really didn't dare! Also sincerely some are not willing to act as such victim!

What should I do?

Why didn't you tell Li Chengxin the truth yesterday? If we have a showdown with him, will he stick in like this? He can't be sure.

Now, he is faced with a mystery that can be solved but cannot be solved!

Tang Ming is still conducting a sudden trial on those who participated in the body snatching the night before yesterday.

The time of the day passed.

Tang Ming has made substantial progress there.

According to the confession of Mao Xiaosi, one of the people who participated in the body snatching, they were assigned by a man named Lao San and rushed to Ma genjin's house in Makou village overnight to forcibly snatch the body and cremate it overnight.

As for why they robbed the body, they didn't know. They will know that after the success of things, they will be able to share a thousand yuan service fee each.

In a single night, the 1000 yuan is very attractive to those idle people. After all, the current market, work a month to get a salary of one or two thousand yuan, a night to grab a body or something, seems to be a piece of cake for them.

However, they didn't expect that the public security personnel came so soon, which disrupted their plans. Moreover, stealing chicken is not an erosion of rice! This operation is a complete failure!

Therefore, the old three came into the sight of Tang Ming.

Who is the third? Tang Ming has heard about it for a long time. He is also a famous man in Xinjiang city. The third brother was originally named Zheng Jiaxian, ranking the third at home, so all the brothers in the road call him the third, or the third brother.

At present, he is a good one on the road. He controls most of the entertainment and leisure places in Xinjiang city. His power in Xinjiang city is even better than that of the public security bureau chief Guan Zhenglai.

But why did the third man take part in this case? Is he and Ma Sanqiang brothers? Do you still want to do anything for Ma Sanqiang at this time? Or does Makou kaolin mine have one or even several of them? That he had to come out and rescue?

Tang Ming asked Guan Zhenglai to arrest Laosan immediately.

Guan Zhenglai's face was grim. He didn't dare to make decisions without authorization.

He has to ask Lin Yu.

Lin Yu is the leader of the joint group. Lin Yu agrees to approve the arrest, but he never dares to fart.

So another problem came to Lin Yu.

Do you want to officially arrest the third man?

After thinking for a long time, Lin Yu finally nodded: arrest Zheng Jiaxian immediately!

After getting the order, Tang Ming asked Wan Haijun to take a few people to the place where Laosan's activities were.

However, two days later, the third did not appear.

After the failure of this matter, Lao San would have run away for a long time! And it's unlikely to happen again in the near future.

The clue of Laosan here can't be solved for a moment. Tang Ming thinks that we should start from Ma Sanqiang!

Ma Sanqiang has been under control since he was locked in. It is impossible for him to have any contact with the outside world.

In the evening, Tang Ming tried Ma Sanqiang again.

Ma Sanqiang is still an invincible figure.

What Tang Ming can't accept most is Ma Sanqiang's dog look! Damn it, it's obvious that I've committed a heinous crime, but I don't know who I'm afraid of! Like Ma Sanqiang, Tang Ming has seen a lot!

Such an arrogant master is always supported by a big tree behind him. Once that big tree falls, such a person will turn his face faster than anyone else!

"Ma Sanqiang, it's better to take the initiative to explain some things. If you don't say it, it doesn't mean others don't say it. You know this better than me!" Tang Ming looks at Ma Sanqiang and says.

Ma Sanqiang chuckled and put his hands on his chest without saying a word.

"Laosan, your third brother... Ha ha..." Tang Ming said here, deliberately stopped to see Ma Sanqiang's reaction.

Ma Sanqiang was really stunned for a moment, but he soon calmed down, still curling his mouth and smiling.

He knows that Tang Ming is testing him. He has seen a lot of tricks!

However, how did the third brother enter their sight so quickly? This surprised Ma Sanqiang.

Third brother usually doesn't show up! The brothers in the mine won't give up the third brother even if they are killed!

But how did Tang Ming know about the third brother? In other words, how did the third brother get into their sight?

Third brother has come in now? Or is it just targeted?

Ma Sanqiang can't judge from Tang Ming's expression.

However, no matter what, he will not reveal anything about the third brother and other people. This is the rule of the road!

If he doesn't have this kind of Taoism, Ma Sanqiang won't want to mix in the Taoism!

"Ma Sanqiang, don't think you can carry on without saying things. If you don't say other people will say... There are some things that people are doing and the sky is watching. Ma Sanqiang, we are all flesh and blood of father and mother. We are all flesh and blood with conscience. So are you... No matter what you do outside, you are still a dutiful son. No matter how your parents treat you, you are still grateful to your parents. You build a house for your parents, you give them money, and let them have a good life! This shows that you are still a kind person in your heart... "

Speaking of this, Tang Ming stood up, took out a cigarette and handed it to Ma Sanqiang. He took one himself.

After Ma Sanqiang lit the cigarette, his expression was not so arrogant, but a little sad. He took a puff of his cigarette and puffed it out with his eyes closed.

Tang Ming knows that his words have gone deep into Ma Sanqiang's heart.

"Ma Sanqiang, have you ever thought that your current status makes your parents unable to look up in the village, they have been isolated by the villagers, and they even dare not go out to face the people in the village... Have you ever thought about how your parents feel? Are they going to be rich soon? They live in the little house you built, just like they live in prison

Tang Ming continued to say while looking at Ma Sanqiang, he found that Ma Sanqiang's body was shaking unconsciously! His face was tangled with grief!

Ma Sanqiang trembled and began to smoke.

Tang Ming's words are hitting his heart!

Speaking of his parents, his heart immediately softened!

Yes, he is a bad man! He's a terrible villain! In Makou village, maybe no one is worse than him! He has been bad since childhood, idle, lazy, sneaky and addicted to gambling. He has never done anything serious!

If you don't study well when you are studying, you will be a thief. If you drop out of school early, you will become a thief!

So that his parents were almost angry with him! The father claimed to sever the father son relationship with him!

But he never blamed his parents! Because he knows that his parents can never give up on him! Even when he went home from prison, although his father ignored him on the surface, he still let him stay at home and hoped that he would change his ways! It's just that he can't be on the right track any more! Because he can't do anything, he can't even grow land, and the society has labeled him as a villain! He knew that he could not stay in Makou village and Yuhe County, so he chose to leave!

However, when he left, he was holding his breath. He said to himself in his heart that he must live a personal life to show the people in Makou village!

Sure enough, he came back three years later! And it's coming back with swagger!

He soon built the best house for his parents in the village and gave them a lot of money! He wants to prove to all who once looked down on him that Ma Sanqiang, a prodigal son, can live like a human being! He also wants to let the parents who have worked hard all their life enjoy the glory and wealth!

His parents also asked him many times where his money came from. Ma Sanqiang only told them that it was legitimate money and legal money, so that they could spend it freely and boldly.

However, he did not expect that since he contracted the Makou kaolin mine, he would confront the villagers in the village to this point! His father also went to the mine many times to scold him. He scolded him for doing such unconscionable things!

Yes, he thinks he should be punished, but it's his own business! He never thought that his parents would be unable to look up in the village and dare not go out! It's something he didn't think about before! He always thinks that as long as people have money, they have dignity! Can live like a person! No one dares to look down upon him!

Tang Ming's words tonight seem to make him understand in an instant! Understand their parents to do so is a heartless spirit of the blow and injury!

Although he is very rich, he also gave his parents a lot of money, but money is really not everything!

If parents have money but become so unhappy, then the money is a shackle, a burden, and the root of evil!

Ah... Ma Sanqiang felt that there were ten thousand needles in his brain, and he was in severe pain! Come in three days, he did not have the slightest guilt and uneasiness, also did not have any worry and fear! Entering the bureau is a routine for him. He doesn't have to worry about mine affairs. Naturally, someone will help him with the aftermath!

However, at this moment, the only remaining kindness in his heart was completely planed out by Tang Ming and presented to him naked... He felt that he couldn't stand it! I really can't stand it!

"Ma Sanqiang, your parents want to see you..." before Tang Ming finished, Ma Sanqiang roared.

"Enough! Shut up Ma Sanqiang stood up and glared at Tang Ming. "Don't think that you can soften me and make me confess to you! I tell you, don't dream! Ma Sanqiang is a man who does things by himself. Don't think that if you threaten me with my parents, I will give in to you! Tang Ming, if you are a man, you should do things aboveboard. Don't play those shady games for me! If you dare to give my parents advice, I will not forgive you for death! "

Listening to Ma Sanqiang's words, Tang Ming is not angry, but happy.

He knows how to break Ma Sanqiang's mouth.

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