There is also a classroom with a light on.

There sat the third man, Zheng Jiaxian.

This man, with a huge head and a huge figure, sat there calmly, as if the 500 Watt light bulb didn't suit him at all!

He crossed his hands, clasped his fingers, and rolled his thumbs up and down leisurely.

He saw so many scenes like this!

But the East, West, North and south wind, I am still!

It's his irrefutable truth to respond to changes with constancy!

No matter what the investigators say, ask or do, he doesn't open his mouth, doesn't say anything, doesn't get angry, doesn't get excited and doesn't make any reaction——

He also has one magical skill, that is, he can sleep with his eyes open.

The investigators looked at him, his eyes also looked at the investigators, but he was actually asleep!

And sleep very sweet! Even breath, deep dream!

At the beginning, the investigators didn't find it. He looked at them with open eyes, but his eyes were still, and it seemed that his eyes were dim! So he went to him and motioned to him, but he didn't respond!

Pushed him a few more times, he just woke up from the dream!

Of course, he just yawned! Then he blinked his eyes and gave a friendly smile to the investigators! Ha ha, nothing happened!

When it's time, you have to feed him on time, give him water and let him go to the toilet!

It's enough for him to have a few time points for activities!

He can do more push ups or arm traction when he goes to the toilet. In short, he can take advantage of this opportunity to relax his muscles and bones, so no matter how you let him sit and the big light bulb roast him, there is no deterrent force for him. He is as leisurely as usual!

Hehe, it's really a strange person in the world!

The case handling personnel have met the super "nail households"!

Gu qiangjun did not admit it, Zheng Jiaxian did not speak, the two key figures of the ban language, for this case, it is impossible for them to qualitative! Although Ma Sanqiang and pan Wendao have said everything, but if the key figure doesn't admit it, it's impossible to conclude the case and identify it!

When the investigators were in trouble and the case couldn't be carried forward, an unexpected news came that Gu qiangjun's psychological defense line completely collapsed


The investigation team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection arrived in Changbei, the capital of Jiangnan Province, that afternoon.

After getting off the plane, the heat wave made the leaders who just came from Beijing feel that the atmosphere of the city is absolutely different!

It's said that Changbei city is a stove. People who haven't been here really don't realize it.

Only when we have a down-to-earth trip to this city can we know what a real "stove" is. There seems to be a fire in the air. It's hot everywhere!

Together with governor Shu Qiaofeng and Li Chengxin, secretary Wu received the investigation team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

The investigation team consists of four members from the first discipline inspection and Supervision Office of the supervision department of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. The group leader is Tang xiaomou, the director of the supervision office. The three members are Wang frog, Yang Chengjing and Hua Guoshan, the deputy directors.

Tang xiaomou looks young. He is estimated to be in his early 40s. Wang frog looks like an old man with a bald brain. He is surrounded by a circle of barbed wire and a pair of thick glasses.

Yang Chengjing and Hua Guoshan look similar to Tang xiaomou, no more than 45 years old.

After we met each other, our faces were dignified.

After all, this time the mission is to investigate the disappearance of Gu Weiying. The disappearance of an executive vice governor for no reason is also a very shocking thing for the central government.

We didn't have too many greetings. We went straight to the theme.

After sitting down, governor Shu Qiaofeng made a brief summary of Gu Weiying's daily work during this period.

From Gu Weiying's daily work and activities during this period of time, it seems that there is nothing different. The daily work of an executive vice governor is step-by-step, and Gu Weiying has no special performance.

If there is anything different, it is that Gu Weiying went to Xinjiang city for investigation half a month ago. It is said that this was not in the daily work arrangement, but Gu Weiying himself suddenly put forward it at that time, and it was not written in the standing log of the provincial government, which is somewhat questionable.

So Shu Qiaofeng also transferred out the relevant information of that day. It seems that there is nothing special about Gu Wei's winning in Xinjiang city, that is, he emphasized that stability is everything! Looking at the industrial park and the new area planned by Yuhe, it seems that these are common sense, and there is nothing special.

Speaking of this, Shu Qiaofeng seems to take a casual look at Li Chengxin. Although this look is very short, this meaningful expression is enough to make Li Chengxin's heart jump wildly.

He knew that it was he who left Xinjiang city, and Gu Wei went to Xinjiang city after winning.

However, he went there for inspection, and this arrangement was written in the Standing Committee's diary! Of course, as for what happened suddenly later, it was beyond his expectation. He came across the unexpected incident that the villagers attacked the municipal government by accident and got involved in it by accident.

However, what he emphasizes is that stability is everything! We must properly solve the problems raised by the villagers and give them an explanation!

He thought about it, and there was nothing wrong with what he said! What he said has nothing to do with Gu Wei's going to Xinjiang city, and nothing to do with the disappearance of old gu!

So he sat calmly.

So, why did Gu Weiying disappear? What happened?

As soon as the problem of Tang xiaomou came out, everyone was speechless.

In short, we can't find Gu Weiying anywhere now. The mobile phone has been turned off for a long time, and all the clues that can be contacted have been lost. Gu Weiying, a heavyweight who once dominated Jiangnan Province, suddenly disappeared from the public's view like a human being.

After listening to the report, Tang xiaomou and the four members of the investigation team began to divide into two groups to ask the relevant personnel.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the provincial government office building became particularly strange. Everyone is afraid of being called for questioning. It seems that once this matter is involved, it is plague.

When the investigation team made an inquiry, Li Chengxin returned to his office and gasped for a moment.

All day long, his brain was booming.

Last night and the girl that sweet and passion, by such a make completely disappeared!

This old Gu, I really don't know what he is singing? Why play missing? Is it really a dead end?

In fact, from Li Chengxin's point of view, the consequences of what Gu qiangjun did must be quite serious. Once investigated, Gu Weiying, a father, can't get away with it. However, with Gu's contacts and consistent style, he won't be dragged into the water! The end of official career! However, at this age, even if it can be on, but also at most one session, how can it be? Flutter to flutter, and finally the same home, people struggle for a lifetime, is not it?

Li Chengxin remembers that he saw a passage that told the end of officialdom and life

In the end, they don't know where they are; The final result is the same for the main bureau and the deputy bureau; The main department, the deputy department, and finally they all took a walk together; In the end, the prime minister and vice premier are all the same; The chairman and vice chairman will all be absent in the end. Life is like a competition field. In the first half, the ratio of education background, power, position, performance and salary rises; In the second half, the ratio of blood pressure, blood lipid, blood glucose, uric acid and cholesterol decreased. In the first half, he followed the trend; In the second half, it's man-made. Accept your fate! You have to take care of both sides and win both games. If you are not sick, you need to have a physical examination. If you are not thirsty, you need to drink water. No matter how upset you are, you need to understand. If you are reasonable, you need to let people know. If you have power, you need to keep a low profile. If you are not tired, you need to rest. If you are not rich, you need to be satisfied. No matter how busy you are, you need to exercise. A person's life is like taking Beijing Metro Line 1 all the way west: through international trade, envy prosperity; Through the Financial Street, dream of wealth; After the princess grave, I think about the gorgeous family; After Yuquan Road, still ambitious --- at this time, there is a voice floating in the ear: Hello passenger, Babaoshan is coming! Suddenly wake up: life is short.

Does Lao Gu not even have this insight? What else is missing? His disappearance, even if it is nothing, is also something!

It's so unreliable!

Li Chengxin felt sorry for Lao Gu!

After all, after a lifetime of revolution, he came to such an end. As Gu Weiying's opponent, he still felt sad!

The box of rice on the table made him hungry for a long time.

Xiaoguan reminded several times, he just opened the lunch box to eat a few mouthfuls, tasteless, hard to swallow!

Some people may think that Li Chengxin is a bit of an affectation when he thinks that his opponent is missing. Isn't that great good news for him? How depressed he is! Officialdom has always been a life and death struggle. If Gu Wei wins the "missing", won't he rest assured? Can't you get what he wants?

In fact, Li Chengxin and Gu Wei win are fighting for that position. However, what he wants is not such an outcome. There are many ways to let Gu Wei win out. This is a way that Li Chengxin never thought of, and it is impossible to think of, because this way is too tragic! Li Chengxin felt that the struggle between him and Gu Wei won was far from the realm of putting his opponent to death!

Gu Weiying is several years older than Li Chengxin. He has worked step by step from the grassroots. He is a cadre with great wisdom and achievements. His hegemony has something to do with his growing up experience.

From a small staff member at the grassroots level to today's executive vice governor, Gu Wei won not only by hard work, but also by great wisdom! This is not the realm that ordinary people can reach!

There are tens of millions of Party members and cadres at the grass-roots level in China. Few of them have such proud achievements as Gu Weiying! He did not have a prominent family background, no strong backing, is completely on their own step by step out! Li Chengxin admired such a cadre from the bottom of his heart!

Of course, because of the arrival of Li Chengxin and Gu Weiying, they have formed such a political pattern that they can not become friends. In fact, there are no friends in officialdom, but only rivals!

Therefore, between Li Chengxin and Gu Wei, it is the current situation. Li Chengxin even thought that if he and Gu Weiying were not competitors but partners, they might be good partners!

However, there is no such if!

It was a long night for many political figures in Jiangnan Province

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