Protagonist halo

The Protagonist Halo Chapter 73

First it was Rei Miyamoto, and now it was Toshishima Tsuko.

This guy is completely preparing to let a woman fight the world for him.

The so-called time is not enough, it is also where to go, and then throw the mess to his woman.

She knew that she knew the nature of this guy, but she wanted to know the answer clearly.


Her heart is moving, she can't always get no response, after all, the EQ of the guy in front of him is many times higher than that of Xiao Shi Xiao.

Or is it so fun to play with girls?

"So, how big do you think my heart is?" Ye Shenyue did not answer directly.

"It's definitely not this little Japan." Although it's surprising to say it, Saya has this instinct.

A guy who can control zombies is definitely not so ordinary.And even now, he didn't show any arrogance or enthusiasm that he should have, and he actually didn't have much interest in the upcoming seizure of power.

"Yes." Ye Shenyue couldn't help but glanced at Shaye. This girl is really smart, "You really know me well. And why must you choose you..."


Saya's heart beat fast. When Ye Shenyue and her stood on the rooftop and mentioned that he was looking for her because of her identity, it had been overthrown.

How can a person who has the world in mind care about the identity of the daughter of the leader of a city with hundreds of thousands of people?

And if it's not the identity, then... it can only be because of her.

"Actually, you are very similar to my first love. So, I want you to go further with me."

After talking about Ye Shenyue, she found that Saya's expression was dumbfounded, and then her entire face instantly became alive with anger.

"Yeshenyue!" Seeing that Ye Shenyue was about to leave, Saya's angry voice finally came over.

Just treat a substitute for first love!Unfortunately, she thought he liked her!

But Ye Shenyue had already turned her handle and was about to escape, but just after opening a gap, Ye Shenyue's eyes changed.

"You are such a bastard!"

It happened that one of Saya's pillow flew over and hit the door frame, but Ye Shenyue's figure had disappeared.


Faced with this young girl with dull hair.

"Sorry, Rei, Saya is very important to me. She is very smart and will be able to help me a lot."

Ye Shenyue's expression finally changed, but the orange-haired girl in front of him who had been listening for a long time suddenly rushed into his arms.

"It's okay." It's okay, as long as you still like me, it's enough.

Do you know how painful my heart was when I saw you die in front of me?I want to hope you can survive, and then I can do anything.

As long as you are alive, as long as you are by my side.The others are not important anymore, not important anymore.

As for the other women... Toshishima Tsuneko possesses superb kendo, while Gaocheng Saya is extremely IQ.

It's me, the most useless.

The cheeks of the young girl who had been thrown into Ye Shenyue's arms were already dyed with crystals.

Chapter 066 To perish, let you be mad!on

The clothes still felt moist, the slightly warm and wet feeling penetrated the fabric and then penetrated into my skin.



Rei Miyamoto cried and cried in his arms.

"Yue, I'm sorry, I'm so useless, I can't help you... I can't participate in what you want to do... I want to help you..."

A girl who was stubborn and could bear to arm herself when she encountered terrifying zombies, she cried in his arms and saw through his thoughts.

He has something to hide from her, and he... is using Dudao Kongzi and Gaocheng Saye.

However, she didn't blame him, but instead complained of her weakness.

She was complaining that she couldn't help him.

Ye Shenyue suddenly thought of himself, why didn't he tell Miyamoto Rei the truth in the first place?She is clearly his first girlfriend and a girlfriend that cannot be ignored.

It's just that he concealed what he had done, and also concealed his selfishness, so as not to let her know that he was making the image of a gentle childhood sweetheart in front of her.

Then exclude her.

Is it really just because she doesn't have the IQ of Gaocheng Saye, or the extraordinary force of Dudao Kongzi?So can't help him?

Is that right?Was he just that to Miyamoto Rei?

No, it is not.

Yashenyue remembered his heartbeat and good feeling two weeks ago when he received Miyamoto's hand-knit scarf.

It's definitely not like that.

Ye Shenyue lifted Miyamoto's face and wiped away her tears with his fingers.

"It’s not like that, Li, you don’t need to be like this. Even if you are a vase, no matter whether you have the ability to help me or not, you are the girl I like. I have a lot of things to hide from you. Because I don't want to lose you."

Yes, take the tricks and make the fakes come true.

He approached Miyamoto Rei with purpose, but he was already deeply involved.

He needs the power of Kenko and Saye, and then uses them to like himself, and let them help themselves without betraying themselves.


They are not ordinary characters in the animations he has seen, but the living girls he knows.

Maybe he approached them with purpose, but.

He will not deny that he likes them.

"Host, have you discovered that you are like the male protagonist in a miserable drama?"

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