Fuck, it's the critical moment when this girl runs too slow to be caught up. Lin Feng couldn't help but complain.

But complaining is meaningless, the most important thing is to solve the terrible problem first

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Lin Feng strode forward to catch up with the limping Floya, and then rushed forward quickly holding her arm.The speed of the two people suddenly increased significantly.

Fortunately, the Hummer was not far away from them, and the two of them quickened their pace and came to the door of the car.


Fuck, a string of bullets hit the bulletproof steel plate of the Humvee, and a string of sparks splashed, scaring Lin Feng and the two of them to lie on the ground with their necks curled up. Then Lin Feng still raised his gun and shot a bunch of bullets in the direction of Hellboy.

It may be because Lin Feng's shooting accuracy is better, so he suppressed the Hellboy behind him all at once.

Floya took advantage of this opportunity to quickly open the car door and climb in. Seeing this, Lin Feng was unambiguous, opened the rear door and quickly got in and then closed the door.As soon as the car door was closed, the sound of a series of bullets hitting the armor was heard from the car door that Lin Feng had just closed.

Fuck, daddy is scared to death, you wait for me

At this time, Floya did not know how to start the car.Lin Feng hurriedly urged Floya, "Hurry up, drive quickly"

At this time, Hellman was only two hundred meters away from them.

"Hurry up!" Seeing the car making a few loud roars, Lin Feng began to move slowly, but in Lin Feng's opinion, the speed was no different from that of a turtle, so he shouted anxiously at Floya.

Floya didn't turn her head back, she focused on looking ahead, and turned the steering wheel as big as a washbasin with both hands so that she was about to fly up. "This is already the fastest."

In fact, Floya cannot be blamed for this, because although the Humvee has always been a favorite ground combat tool used by the US military, it has excellent mobility and defense.But the disadvantages are also obvious.

With a self-weight of more than two tons and tires as wide as tank tracks, the Hummer is destined to be unable to run fast.

In addition, in order to defend against attacks such as bomb attacks, Lao Mei likes to install some protective steel plates on the car, which makes the car heavier and runs slower. The military Hummer, which originally had a top speed of about 140 kilometers per hour, ran to At 100 kilometers per hour, it feels like the engine is going to explode

And the start was even more flawed, as slow as a tortoise.At this time, Lin Feng and the others were facing such a dilemma.

The pursuers behind were obviously chasing after them with no intention of letting them go.And the weapons in his hands are much better than Lin Feng's.If Lin Feng's 2 is still there, he can crush the opponent to death in minutes, but now he has a 5 in his hand, obviously he does not have the advantage of firepower, and it is very disadvantageous in the fight.

What the hell, if I have a 2

Hey, how did I look? This is a military Hummer! Suddenly thinking of something, Lin Feng hurriedly looked up.

sure enough

I saw that on the roof behind the cab of this Hummer, there is a machine gun position that can rotate freely in 360 degrees in the roof plane.

And right in front of the machine gun is a Browning 2HB heavy machine gun that Lin Feng is so familiar with.

Damn it's time for you to be unlucky

Lin Feng grinned grimly, then got up and got into the machine gun position.

Like the conventional configuration, the front of the Humvee's machine gun position is equipped with a thickened steel plate to resist attacks from frontal enemies.Although the biggest disadvantage of this single-sided steel plate is that when the upper body of the machine gunner on the roof is exposed outside the car, it cannot defend against bullet attacks from the other three sides, but Lin Feng does not need to worry about this at this time, because there is only one enemy

Without saying a word, Lin Feng immediately rotated the machine gun to the direction where the enemy was.

The Hellboy behind seemed to realize that something was wrong, and immediately concentrated his firepower on the machine gun position on the roof, trying to kill Lin Feng before Lin Feng threatened him.

But the fact is that he was still a step too late.When all his bullets hit the roof of the car, what was waiting for him was the protective steel plate that was waiting for him.

Dangdang sounded several times, and the protective steel plate in front of Lin Feng blocked all the opponent's bullets without even losing a single hair.

Seeing this, Hellman knew something bad was going on, so he quickly started looking for a cover, trying to hide.

"Damn it, you had such a good fight just now, now you know that if you run away, I will run away from your uncle."

The grinning Lin Feng suddenly pulled the trigger, and the 2HB heavy machine gun on the roof immediately sprayed out a long stream of flames.

Text Chapter [-] Pursuit

boom boom boom

The 2HB heavy machine gun roared like crazy under Lin Feng's trigger, and the hot bullet casings flew across Lin Feng's cheeks.

And the Hellman in the rear no longer had the previous arrogance at all, and was beaten by Lin Feng until he ran away with his head in his arms.Basically, wherever he fled, he would be smashed into a sieve by Lin Feng in an instant.

It wasn't until Hellman also climbed into the machine gun seat of a Humvee that the two began to go back and forth and hurt each other.

But at this time, Lin Feng's car has slowly increased the speed under Floya's driving, and the speed has already reached 70 hours, and the two cars gradually distanced themselves.The accuracy of shooting each other is also getting worse.

Seeing that the distance was getting farther and farther away, Lin Feng also stopped shooting, spat out a mouthful of saliva and said to the outside of the car, "I guess you are lucky, if you dare to catch up, I will see if I don't blow your head off."

But as soon as Lin Feng put down his harsh words, Hellman started the Humvee and chased after him at full speed.

"Damn it, you are all robbers or bandits, you can start a car without a key at will"

However, this was not the thing that made Lin Feng scold his mother the most. What surprised Lin Feng the most was that Hellman actually pulled out the heavy machine gun on the roof of the car, then stabbed the rearview mirror of the driver's cab with the butt of the gun, and put the machine gun there.At this time, while he was holding the steering wheel and approaching quickly, he stretched out half of his hand from the car window to hold the machine gun and was ready to shoot.

"Your uncle, you think you are Schwarzenegger, do you want to be so fierce?" Lin Feng cursed angrily, then lowered his head and shouted to Floya who was driving below, "Hurry up, we are going to be overtaken, hurry up!" "

Floya didn't know what to say, but responded to Lin Feng with a more roaring engine sound.

Seeing this, Lin Feng didn't say much, and returned to the machine gun position, holding the machine gun tightly and waiting for Hellman to enter his best shooting range.

I don't know the reason, although Floya has stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, but Lin Feng feels that the car behind him is still faster than him, because the distance between the cars is gradually approaching

It's now

Lin Feng, who had been concentrating on aiming at the opponent's cab, suddenly pulled the trigger. The 2hb heavy machine gun started to run at full speed again.

Almost at the same time, the pursuers behind also launched an attack on Lin Feng, and many bullets hit the protective panel in front of Lin Feng with a clang.

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