The princess' wedding banquet was disrupted, and the king was very angry, but there was nothing he could do.And Ruiwen himself fell into the days of drinking to soothe his sorrows, and was depressed all day long.

In Kevin's eyes, what else can he do except sigh?

But, at this moment!

Raven suddenly received a call, and he was very excited.Before Kevin understood what was going on, he saw Raven running to the port dragging a backpack.When he chased after him, an old neighbor told him that his boat was towed away by your son.

Raven went to sea, and he went there for three months.

When he came back, he held the little girl in his arms.Kevin asked him whose child it was, and Raven replied: "This is my daughter, Charlotte Lingling"

"Hello, Loya"

After listening to the story, inexplicably, an absurd guess emerged in the flying squirrel's mind.He pushed Loya's arm and asked in a low voice, "Do you think it's possible?"

This guess was too exaggerated, and as soon as the words were spoken, the flying squirrel began to hesitate in his heart.

Kevin also seemed a little nervous. He asked Raven many times who Lingling's biological mother was, but all he got was a frightening silence because he had the same guess.

Now standing in front of him is Loya, the man who ruined all nations in front of the whole world, so Kevin wants to take a gamble to see if Loya can give him an answer.

The eyes of both of them were focused on themselves, and Luo Ya didn't feel any discomfort.He looked up at "Charlotte Lingling" who was playing childish games with Robin in the corridor outside, and shook his head: "No matter who the biological mother is, she is your son's daughter, your granddaughter. Is it because of the biological mother's relationship, will it reduce your love for her?"

"Family love is the simplest and most tolerant."

"Your world is very wide, but her world is only you"

Hearing these words, Kevin froze for a moment, then smiled freely: "You're right."

After sitting quietly for a while, the old man Kevin stood up and went to the cabinet next to the bed, and took out a chained box from it.The material of the box is very special, and Luo Ya and the flying squirrel recognized it at a glance.

"Sea Tower Stone?!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

I know that the content of these two chapters is a bit ridiculous, but there is no way, who said that One Piece has more pitfalls!Oda Matazu's comparison!As a fan author, what else can I do besides open my mind? ! ! !


Thumb-thick black chains were wrapped around the red lacquered box with the pattern of evil spirits. If he hadn't known in advance that it contained devil fruits, Kevin would have thought it was some kind of ghost seal.

Seeing the box, the flying squirrel and Luo Ya glanced at each other, and both realized the problem...

You must know that the devil fruit has not deteriorated, the result is the same if it is stored carefully and placed casually, let alone the current one... put it in a sea floor stone box!

If you are really afraid of losing the fruit, buying a lot of safes is more effective than doing this!After all, although the box was locked, a skilled little thief was enough to open such a simple padlock.

The most important role of Hailou Stone is to restrain the ability of Devil Fruits!This kind of practice of making a box entirely out of Hailou stone for holding it seems to be really sealing something...

Seal what devil fruit is made of!

Holding this box exuding a strong ominous atmosphere, Kevin sat in front of the two.

"As you can see, this is the devil fruit..." Kevin, who didn't know what happened, carefully placed the box on the table, as if he was afraid of disturbing the evil spirits in the box.Sending his hands away, he breathed a sigh of relief, then said through gritted teeth, "That son of Baga! He actually wants Lingling to touch such a dangerous thing!"

In all fairness, if Lingling had been a boy, Kevin might not have been so resentful.After all, a boy has to be raised as a dog, so that he can grow solidly... Just like he did with Raven.

But look at Lingling now, that little girl with blond hair, she would cry for a long time when she saw a dead rabbit in the forest on weekdays. It's not a clean thing to go up!

"Is this the devil fruit that Raven left for Lingling?"

Loya has no opinion on the appearance of the box, after all, he himself is the creator of the hideous undead army.Coupled with the power of the Frost Dragon, it is obvious at a glance if there is something unclean.

However, in Luo Ya's sight, this is an ordinary Hailou stone box, except for the strange appearance, there is nothing abnormal at all.It's just... the things in it are a bit suspicious, and now he would rather guess wrong.

The flying squirrel is a soldier, and he is upright, and he will not be intimidated by the appearance of the box.He looked at Kevin and said, "Mr. Kevin, can you open the box?"

"...Well, okay." After hesitating for a moment, Kevin took his necklace from his neck.He twisted on the diamond-shaped pendant for a moment, and the pendant turned into a long key.

"I didn't expect you to have this skill?!"

Loya exclaimed in surprise.This kind of small mechanism looks simple, but the actual operation is very complicated, and it requires very high attainments of the maker's geometry and space science, and the exquisite and gorgeous glyph patterns on it, the manufacturing process is also very sophisticated!Didn't expect Kevin to create such a small mechanism besides tailoring skills?

"No, it was given to me by Raven."


Kevin replied, then ignored Loya's embarrassment, took a deep breath, and pointed the key at the lock.


It seemed that everyone was holding their breath, the inaudible sound of unlocking the lock echoed far and far in the room, the iron chains lost their hold and slid down on the table.

"Tsk tsk, it's really not easy!"

Loya's expression became serious, and he reached out to grab the air in front of the three of them.

"Uh... what's wrong, Roya?"

Loya's actions made the two of them a little strange, and the flying squirrel looked at his fists clenched in mid-air, and blinked in confusion.

"...No, nothing."

Loya shook his head, retracted his hands and sat down.Before Kevin and the flying squirrel could breathe a sigh of relief, he continued, "It's just an unconscious spirit body. I crushed it apart."

Spirit...body? ! ! !

The two shuddered immediately, and looked around suspiciously.Because the spirit body that Loya said, the spirit body... isn't that a ghost? !

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