"So, I was thinking, what would happen to you if you gently kissed here? Would you be like a normal person? Now it seems that there is nothing wrong!"


After the Miyano boy heard it, he wished he could travel back in front of himself who was talking about this topic, and give himself two slaps.

What topic to talk about, don't talk about this kind of topic.

it's good now.

"Did you have fun in the room with Yihua and Wuyue last night?"

Looking at her boyfriend who couldn't even lift a sliver of strength, Er Nao's eyes flickered on and off.

Nino, who said such words with a smile on his face, is no less than Godzilla in the eyes of today's teenagers.


"I heard that you are asked to answer questions, do you want to be paid?"

The girl opened her lips, revealing her sharp canine teeth in front of Miyano boy.

"No, listen to me..."

Seeing this, Miyano boy still doesn't know what his girlfriend is going to do next.

The boy quickly regarded what he said from his mouth as fart, and his tone was filled with rare anxiety, trying to explain.

"I'll pay you now!"

However, Er Nao said righteously: I refuse!

The girl turned a deaf ear to what he said.

She lifted her face and turned into two empty eyes looking directly at the sweaty boyfriend, whose face was twitching severely.

"I will use my own method to let you squeeze out everything that happened last night."

After leaving this sentence, the girl opened her mouth and bit the boy's collarbone like a vampire who needs to supplement nutrition and sucks human blood.

Chapter 260 Pure White (`?ω??)

"Why isn't my brother-in-law coming down?" '

Quietly holding a cup of green tea, the girl with dark blue earphones was sitting dignifiedly on the sofa. After taking a small sip of the tea, she once again shifted her gaze to the stairs in the corridor.

After staring intently for a while, but still not seeing the figure she wanted to see, she silently looked away again.

Counting this time, this is the 15th time she has raised her head.

If you count the time, Er Nai and her brother-in-law spent more than 45 minutes alone in the room!

Even explaining what happened last night is too long a conversation.

Generally, things like this can be explained clearly within half an hour.

So, what are they doing now?

The girl tilted her head, while thinking about this question, she also killed the time by the way.

After all, she is so boring now!

In the brother-in-law's house, the other four people have found their own places.

Yihua and her uncle chat happily amidst laughter;

Er Nai was in the room with her brother-in-law, she didn't know why, she didn't come down for a long time;

Yotsuba was dragged to her room by Hinata, and seemed to be playing games with her;

May was chatting with her aunt in the kitchen, helping to wash the dishes and preparing meals.

She was alone, alone, with nothing to do.

Pushed out of this circle, the only one sitting alone was Sanjiu Nakano.

Her existence is like an ugly duckling sneaking in among the swans.

Even if she grows up in the same environment, she is destined to become an ugly duckling living on the ground and in the lake, not a white swan soaring in the sky and flying freely.

The emptiness floating in her chest made her unable to settle down.

(Ichika, Nino, Yotsuba, and May are not here...my brother-in-law is not here either, I am the only one.)

None of the familiar figures are by my side now. Under the girl's calm appearance, her heart is shaking violently.

Even in such a lively environment, Sanjiu's heart is still empty and unsatisfied.

If she doesn't find something to do now, Sanjiu really doesn't know what to do.

(Am I....shouldn't be here.)

In this joyous atmosphere, Sanjiu felt like she was sitting on pins and needles.

Surrounded by the warm environment, Sanjiu felt weird, as if she was a different kind of alien.

Slowly, the girl who didn't know what to do at all began to have the idea of ​​escaping from here.

(I shouldn't be here.)

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