"Why didn't you tell Kanzaki the information that Romani can use the angel technique?"

Angel spells refer to spells that can only be used by angels.In the "Bible", there are many times when angels appear on the earth. Some of them are to help the prophets, and some are to punish sinners... In the deeds of the angels descending on the earth, the miracles and divine punishments that came down were called by the Christians. Believers are summed up and collectively referred to as angelic spells.

Angel spells were originally not usable by humans, but followers of Christianity can transform them based on angel spells, and even obtain the power of angels through idol theory to use angel spells. Doing so will cause people who use angel spells to approach angels.

The Roman that Steele encountered only used three spells, one was a shield, one was a pillar of fire, and the other was an explosion of flames.Leaving aside the first and third ones, there are traces of the second pillar of fire.

There is such a record in the Bible Genesis.God decided to destroy the sinful city "Sodom", and will send fire from heaven to kill the sinners inside.When Lot, the son of Haran, Abraham's brother, and his family fled Sodom, they were warned by an angel not to turn back when they fled.But when Lot's wife fled from Sodom, she looked back at Sodom, and then she turned into a pillar of salt.

When Roman summoned the pillar of fire, not only the magician around him, but also the turf on the ground turned into salt.This kind of magic is unheard of, and the words spoken by Roman are not in human language. When combined, the conclusion that "Romani can use angelic spells" is drawn.

"This is just speculation. We can't conclude that Romani can use the angelic spell just because of a fake. And this is not an important thing, because regardless of whether Romani can use the angelic spell or not, it is a task for Kanzaki It won't change, or do you plan to carry out this mission?"

"No, forget it, now I don't want to see that man at all."

Stiier didn't like Roman in the first place, even though they had worked together to repel the alchemist once, it didn't mean that Stiier's perception of Roman had changed.

"But is Kanzaki really okay? According to Kanzaki's personality, she might have said it outright when they met. As far as I know, Romani keeps these things at arm's length, and the chance of failure is very high."

"Don't be so full of words, maybe Kanzaki's straightforwardness can have a miraculous effect?"

Laura had an ambiguous smile on her face.

"Need a bet?"

Chapter 50 Transfer

It was not six o'clock when Roman woke up.

Although he always gets up very early because of his work, and his long-term habit has made his biological clock very stable, but today he got up very early.

- It always feels like something bad is going to happen.

Recall that, under the reminder of Yayi Yonglin, Roman also watched the development of the timeline with his eyes. Kanzaki Kaori seemed to appear tomorrow, and then something very bad happened.What's more, the guy who didn't have a good relationship with Roman actually called him two days in a row.Well, the first time Roman took the initiative to call Stiles and told him that he was already on vacation, and that if something happened to Academy City, he would solve it by himself.The second time was when Steele called himself to confirm Roman's current location.

Oops, I accidentally exposed my position, so that's why Kanzaki Kaori came here, right?

Roman decided to leave the beach.Although the seaside is indeed a good place for vacation, but after two days of lying down, Index and Hime Kami Akisa also played for two days, it is time to leave here.

Thinking of this, Roman quickly got up to wash up, and then packed his luggage.

It can be said that Steele's opinion of Roman is not bad at all.

After packing the luggage, Roman woke up Index, and pushed her half asleep into the bathroom.After everyone washed up, they had a simple breakfast, and then they were ready to go.

"Roman, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

"Because I think there is no place worth continuing to play by the sea."

"But Roman didn't start playing at all."

Index seemed a little dissatisfied, as if she was still nostalgic for the scenery by the sea.

"And I've already made an appointment with Ji Shen to pick up shells."


Roman turned his head to look, and sure enough, he saw Himekami Ayusa staring at him with resentful eyes, and had the illusion of secretly releasing a curse.

"Sorry sorry, I didn't expect this to happen."

Roman chose to apologize very directly, which is because he didn't think carefully.Because he was obsessed with "Magical Girl Nanoha" and couldn't extricate himself, he had almost completely ignored the surrounding things. What Index and Himekami Akisa were playing and what agreement they had reached, Roman had no idea at all.

"where are we going?"

Ji Kami Qiusha asked in a calm tone, not expressing his dissatisfaction.

Does this mean that she has forgiven him?

That's great, Ji Shen, you really are a good girl.

"Next, I plan to go to a national park. It's a bit ashamed to say that I haven't been to this national tourist attraction for so long in Japan. I finally found this opportunity to try Hakone's hot springs. Not bad. However, going to the hot springs in the hot summer sounds very wrong. And the Aokigahara Sea of ​​Trees over there is also famous. It is said that it is very big, and the trees there are also very special. If you get lost after entering, you will I can't get out."

"Roman, why do you suddenly want to go to such a dangerous place? Isn't the seaside fun?"

"How obsessed are you with the beach?"

Index doesn't care about so much, she seems to have completely brought herself into the identity of a child after playing at the beach for two days, no matter it is sea water or beach, she can even play water fights all afternoon, see Coming to Academy City is really not a good place.

Couldn't he be as considerate as Ji Shen?

Roman sighed, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Ji Shen next to him——

"Resentment, resentment, resentment, resentment..."

Forget it, just pretend you didn't see it.

In fact, another reason why Aokigahara is famous is because it is a famous suicide holy place, or the reason why it is famous there is entirely because of the patronage of suicides.A well-known Japanese writer is called "Matsumoto Seicho". He has a very famous novel called "The Tower of Waves". This novel is written with Aokigahara as the background.

However, in 1974, someone found a female corpse in Aokigahara, and the head of the female corpse happened to be resting on Matsumoto Seicho's "The Tower of Waves".Coupled with the increase in the popularity of novels and TV dramas and this suicide incident, countless suicides came to Aokigahara to end their lives.

What an unknown place this is.In other words, the reason why the number of Aokigahara is so lush is because there is a lot of fertilizer?

Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park is a national park composed of four counties including Tokyo, Kanagawa, Yamanashi, and Shizuoka. In addition, the famous Mount Fuji in Japan is here, so many tourists from home and abroad will visit here. .

So looking at the tourists coming and going, Roman somewhat regretted choosing to come here, but what surprised him was that he was able to find a room in the hotel here, and he had to feel his luck.You must know that other stores are full of schedules, and some luxuriously decorated stores, even if you make an appointment now, you will have to wait a month before it will be his turn.

"It's great. Someone just gave up on his appointment. I feel that even if I go to buy a lottery ticket today, I will win the grand prize."

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