"Although the temptation to come back from the dead is great, it is not enough for me. After the body is still, it means that it cannot continue to become stronger and stronger, and it means that no matter how many times it is resurrected, it cannot resist an attack that cannot be resisted." Now. I don’t know what kind of enemies I will encounter in the future, but I can’t allow myself to stagnate here. Sorry, Doctor Bayi, I wasted your good intentions, am I too greedy?”

Yayi Yonglin didn't answer the girl with cherry hair, she just silently took the medicine jar back.

At this time, a lively voice came from outside.

"Mash, are you not ready yet? We're leaving!"

"It's senior!"

The cherry-haired girl took the shield and left the ward. When she reached the door of the ward, she turned her head and showed an innocent smile.

"Thank you, Doctor Bayi."

When the cherry-haired girl disappeared from Baiyi Yonglin's sight, Baiyi Yonglin felt empty in her heart, as if she had missed something important.

"Wait, the person of origin is the one on the moon..."

At the same time, in the outside world——

A boy in a white robe with long white hair stood blankly on the street.


Long time no see, readers who have been following me.

Everyone who met for the first time and caught up with the epilogue for the first time.

I am very happy to end another volume, but when I wrote this, I didn’t know what to write, and then the author deliberately turned to the postscript of the last time.

This volume took more than three months. Although there are a lot of long-winded words in it, there are updated authors every day, which is worthy of everyone.A very important thing happened in the middle, that is, the author has officially joined the company. Fortunately, the update has not been affected. Does this mean that the author is actually the conscience of the industry?

After the forbidden volume is over, there are still two main volumes left, and self-destruction is inevitable.When the book was first published, the author's idea was to catch up with the progress of the national server fgo, and blew himself up on the day the doctor left, but unfortunately things backfired, and he still failed to catch up in the end.Even so, as the author, I still hope to write a touching plot (laughs).

The Forbidden Scroll has many deficiencies, because the plot of the Old Testament is very long, and the time is too long, the memory began to become blurred, and the settings of the original work were forgotten, the author had to read the book while coding, and wrote it as I don't know if everyone is satisfied with this appearance.

Tomorrow will be a new volume, "Campione Godslayer!" "The world, I hope you like it.If you think of an interesting idea, you might as well talk it out and discuss it together.

——November [-], [-].

Chapter 1 Young man, do you want to join the church?

"Young man, do you have any idea of ​​becoming a teacher?"

Why is the sky blue?

Sunlight is originally colorless, but when sunlight enters the atmosphere, it will be scattered by water droplets, crystals, and water vapor in the atmosphere. The colorless sunlight will be divided into various visible light and invisible light.Among them, after a lot of visible light, because of the wavelength, ozone and other reasons, blue light finally spreads all over the sky, so when people raise their heads, they will see the blue sky.

"The Yuanshen sect believes in a god called 'Yuanshen'."

It is a pity that after the industrial revolution began, the "pure" sky was polluted.Human development has brought damage to the environment, and the earth, ocean, and sky have been affected, so the sky is no longer the same dirty "sky blue" as it used to be, sometimes with a touch of orange, and sometimes purple, This is the price paid for human development.

Kusanagi Godou is not qualified to evaluate whether the environmental price paid for human development is worth it or not. He has only now discovered that the blue sky is very beautiful.Rarely, when staring at the sky, the sky has become pure and innocent.

"She is cute and beautiful, with the teaching of 'self-sacrifice, benefit the world', saving people in need."

Not only that, if you look carefully, behind the blue, it seems... There is also a rainbow-like magnificence hidden.

Is it an illusion?Probably, anyway, you can't see the scene there with the naked eye, and it hasn't rained in the past few days, so how could there be a rainbow?But if it is really a rainbow, this rainbow is too big, covering almost the entire sky.

Sure enough, it was an illusion.

Kusanagi Godou lowered his head, and saw a man with orange hair standing in front of him.

This man is about twenty-seven or eighteen years old, no, maybe even younger.There was a pure smile on his face, maybe only a child could see it, this kind of smile blurred his impression.The short orange hair was tied up, and if it was put down, it would probably be as long as the shoulders, and tied into a ponytail gave people a casual feeling.

He looks like an office worker, either a doctor or a lawyer, maybe a researcher from some research institute...probably.This person gave people a relaxed feeling, completely lacking the rigor and rigidity that these scholars should have, and it was precisely because of this that Kusanagi Godou approached him to ask for directions.

During the summer vacation, Kusanagi Godou became idle, probably because he couldn't bear his grandson wasting his time, so Kusanagi Godou's grandfather handed him a slate and asked Kusanagi Godou, who didn't understand Italian at all, to send it to a In the hands of friends in Italy.

Because of the language difference, and because he was in a foreign country, Kusanagi Godou couldn't avoid asking strangers for directions.It's just that I didn't expect that I would accidentally poke a hornet's nest and meet a chattering uncle (?).

"Well, please, here..."

At that time, Kusanagi Godou used awkward Italian to ask directions to a leisurely uncle, that is, the man with short orange hair in front of him.

Because the other party looks very leisurely, the chances of being willing to give directions are still very high, but Kusanagi Godou never thought that the other party would be so enthusiastic, so enthusiastic that Kusanagi Godou regretted asking this man for help. An urge to escape.


Shaking his head.


Shaking his head.


"know a little."

In fact, he could understand everything the orange-haired man said, but it was impossible for him to communicate.


"Ah, I'm Japanese."

At that time, Kusanagi Godou thought he had been saved, and it was really difficult to meet a person who knew his native language in a foreign country, especially when the other party's Japanese was very good.

——Must be a very learned man.

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