However, it was precisely because of their wealth that aroused the dissatisfaction of the nobles, which finally caused the Knights Templar to become a thorn in the eyes of various countries, leading to their demise.

Although the Knights Templar has disappeared, there are many knight secrets that have inherited the Knights Templar, among which the "Red Copper Black Cross" is the most powerful of these associations.

Roman originally had nothing to do with the "Bronze Black Cross", but the location where he descended was Solomon's Temple.In order not to spread his wrong identity, he used the only cross on his body - the Apostle's Cross, to control all the knights who stayed in Solomon's Temple and called themselves "Knights Templar".

The original function of the Apostles' Cross is to use the brilliance of the stars to unify the faith. However, Roman combined the "C Document" spell, and finally made the new Apostles' Cross exert the power of "belief in King Solomon". Now all the knights in Solomon's Temple , and even the knights who have left the temple of Solomon will unconditionally believe in the words of "Solomon", that is, the words of Roman.

These include spies belonging to other societies lurking in Solomon's Temple.

Roman is not a person who does good things, and lacks the desire to pursue power and money, let alone likes superior people.Therefore, he did not distort the will of the believers, but only made them think that Roman was not the summoned "Solomon of Disobedience", but the "King Solomon" who woke up from the depths of the temple, that's all.

Because of the lack of restraint on believers, the news that "King Solomon has awakened" spread to other associations, and his every move was monitored.

However, it is meaningless to do so. Roman has no idea of ​​leaving Solomon's Temple. Even though he has great power and is working hard to manage the Knights Templar, he still has no idea of ​​​​expanding outward.

That's it, all parties suspected his identity, monitored his every move, but did not disturb him.No, maybe someone has already come, but the person who came never went back.

So in the end, the Knights Templar on Solomon's Temple maintained an unrelated relationship with other associations, until Roman showed the power to defeat the disobedient god, and it was on the stage of the magic world .

It doesn't matter whether Roman is really King Solomon or not. When he shows his power beyond other magicians, whether he calls himself King Solomon or God, the magicians below have no room for resistance.On the contrary, the strength that Roman displayed brought him "friendship" from all over the world.

Among them, Roman has the closest relationship with the "Bronze Black Cross", the largest association that inherited the Knights Templar.

To be more precise, because of the frequent communication with the "Red Copper Black Cross", "King Solomon" has become a banner of the "Red Copper Black Cross", faintly showing signs of replacing the commander-in-chief of the association.

No matter in the magic world or the ordinary world, it is an eternal rule that the weak attach to the strong.


"It's so boring, Roman, can't you find something interesting?"

The power of the game console was already low and needed to be charged, so Lucrezia became idle again.

Normally, at this time, she would go to the clinic in the town to help, but now Roman is on vacation, so Lucrezia can only complain to Roman.

You can't force me to go to work just because you're too boring, right?

"This world has never been boring, but you have become a boring person."

Roman's posture at the moment was the same as Lucrezia's, lying on the chair like a ball of ooze, and Erica was the only one in the room who kept sitting in a dignified manner.The eldest lady still can't let go here, or she can't let go in front of Roman.

The "Red Copper Black Cross" is the largest association that has inherited the Knights Templar, and Erica even calls herself a descendant of the Knights Templar. In front of Roman, the current real lord of the "Knights Templar", the still young She has maintained a very restrained mood.

Paul also considered his niece well-intentioned.On the one hand, he hoped that his niece would look familiar in front of the "King of Spells", and hoped that while she could inherit the "Red Copper Black Cross", he would have the ability to maintain the "Red Copper Black Cross" and "King of Spells". good relationship.On the other hand, after realizing that the "King Solomon" had a growing influence on the "Crimson Black Cross", Paul restricted Erica and Roman's contact to prevent Erica from becoming a puppet of "King Solomon" one.So in the past few contacts, Roman and Erica only met a few times, but they couldn't even talk.

Now that Erica has reached the age of fifteen, and after she has her own independent personality, she can rest assured that Erica will contact Roman, and even sent a private message asking Roman to take care of her.It's a pity that the reality is not as good as Paul imagined. Roman's influence on Erica seems to be deeply rooted, and even Roman doesn't know what his influence is.

So is he that scary?Scary enough to make a child cry?

"Huh? Is it raining?"

Lucretia noticed that the sky had turned dark in the blink of an eye, the sky was covered by dark clouds, and it looked like it was going to rain soon.However, this dark cloud came without warning, and its appearance was obviously not a natural phenomenon, so Lucretia was surprised.

So Lucrezia looked at Roman with questioning eyes.

"Oh, it looks like it's about to start."

The lazy expression was replaced by excitement, and Roman suddenly became energetic.

"What started? Let me see what you saw, too!"

Roman's words also cheered Lucretia, she got off her chair and jumped on Roman.

"Wait, hasn't your spell power recovered?"

"Who doesn't know that your spirit vision is the strongest? You won't suffer anyway, it doesn't matter if you let me see it."

Lucrezia was lying on Roman's body, her bumpy figure clung to Roman's body, and the pair of elastic Opals in front of her had already begun to deform under the squeeze, and at this time her face had already merged with Roman's. up.

After a pause, Roman said again.

"Erica, you come here too."


PS: Sure enough, a chapter of [-] words is suitable for me.

Chapter 11 Boys and Teens

Regardless of the fact that Sardinia is surrounded by the sea, it actually rarely rains in this location of Sardinia.Sardinia is a warm and dry place, and it hardly rains in areas with a Mediterranean climate.

Of course, nothing is absolute.It is understood that Oliena has more rainfall than the surrounding areas, because a certain conjurer who does not want to be named is too soft-hearted, and will always rain lightly when the nearby townspeople complain, and Olie The residents of Oliena regarded it as a miracle, and for a long time regarded Oliena as "a small town favored by the gods".

In fact, it's not bad. A certain conjurer who doesn't want to be named has power comparable to that of a god. His followers are more worthy than those of the gods. It's just that he doesn't have a good sense of the gods.

It is said that after Kusanagi Godou received Roman's mission, he came to the town with the snacks he bought from Nuoro City.Because I don't know Italian, I can't do this kind of work in a foreign country. I can only follow Roman's instructions, take snacks and sit on the bench in front of the closed clinic, and then put a large bag of snacks on the conspicuous place.

It didn't take long before a group of seven or eight-year-old children secretly watched Kusanagi Godou from a distance, but they didn't dare to approach him when they wanted to get close. Their simple and simple aura made him understand that he couldn't continue to wait.

Then Kusanagi Godou pointed to the group of children, pointed to the clinic, and then pointed to the snacks beside him,

Although it was just a simple movement, it was unexpectedly understood by everyone, or everyone had been looking forward to it from the bottom of their hearts, so the group of children gathered here immediately.

"Each person can only take one piece."

Kusanagi Godou spoke broken English, and he didn't know if they could understand it, but they obediently took one piece and left.During this period, several courageous children also took the initiative to talk to him. Unfortunately, Kusanagi Godou, who doesn't understand Italian, couldn't understand what they were saying, but the pronunciation of "Roman" was quite clear.

So Kusanagi Godou nodded with a smile.

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