The day before going to Japan, Roman sat in the Witch's House and watched TV leisurely, but the words he said suddenly made people care.

Roman didn't care about Lucrezia's eyes like a fool, but asked Xiaoyu.

"Xiaoyu, are you ready to go to Japan?"

"No problem, master! Clothes, yen, and passports suitable for the current season in Japan are all ready meow."



Well, if you are cute, you are cute, and a fox who doesn't like cuteness is not a good Xiaoyu.

Looking at Xiaoyu who started to pack her luggage, she felt the aura of a good wife and loving mother, in stark contrast to Lucrezia who was lying on the sofa like a good-for-nothing.

Lucretia was startled by the obvious eyes, and then she found Roman staring at her, and asked displeasedly.

"Why are you looking at me? Tsk, this look is really annoying."

"No, I just want to say, Claire, you really can't do it."

"Hey, I'll bite you."

Roman didn't need to care about the threat that was no longer threatening, but turned his head to the other side.

"It's really helpful, Liliana, if you hadn't appeared in time, I really don't know what to do?"

"It's my honor, King of Spells, being able to help is the greatest gift."

Liliana politely responded to Roman's words while saluting seriously.

The full name is "Liliana Krannichar", the famous "Sword Fairy", and the "Bronze Black Cross" affiliated to the Italian association is also an association that has inherited the mysteries of the "Knights Templar".

Although the "Bronze Black Cross" and the "Red Copper Black Cross" are descendants of the "Knights Templar", they are hostile to each other, probably to prove that they are knights orthodox.This pair of similar and hostile enemies was eased after the appearance of Roman. The power and identity of "King Solomon" forced them to be loyal to "King Solomon". .After all, they are associations that have been hostile to each other for hundreds of years, and they are also descendants of the "Knights Templar", they also hope that they can become Roman's most capable assistant.

Due to Roman's strength and fans, the two associations sometimes have disputes for similar reasons, which Roman never thought of.

But so far, the "Red Copper Black Cross" is still stabilizing the "Bronze Black Cross".There is no other reason, but Paul's extraordinary strength.In terms of the strength of warriors alone, Paul is the second person in Italy after Tony. Even if the title of "Supreme Knight" has been withdrawn, the return of the title does not mean that his strength has weakened.

Speaking of which, Liliana and Erika have an entangled relationship.The age difference between the two is almost the same, they are both talented knights, and they won the title of "Great Knight" almost at the same time. Both of them belong to similar associations, but they are hostile organizations. I have to say that fate is really full of malice. .

In terms of personal relationship, I don't know whether to use "good relationship" or "high tacit understanding" to describe it.It seems that Erika unilaterally teased Liliana, but if Liliana really hated Erika, the friendship between the two would not have developed to the present, but every time Liliana saw Erika Sometimes he makes no secret of his disgust.

Could it be that Liliana actually dislikes integrity?

After finding the childhood experiences of Liliana and Erica from the past, Roman refocused on the girl.

Her face is as beautiful as a fairy, and unlike Erika who seems enthusiastic, Liliana is as quiet as a spring.Her long silver-brown hair was tied into a ponytail, making her look more capable, and her majestic temperament made the young girl more reliable.

When ordering air tickets, Roman discovered that one person cannot order two air tickets. However, Xiaoyu is a "smuggler" who has neither an ID nor a passport. Now, if he applies for a certificate, he must postpone his trip to Japan .Fortunately, Liliana had already appeared in front of him before he could return home.

Taking advantage of the influence of the "Bronze Black Cross" in the government, it took only one photo session, and Xiaoyu's ID and passport were already in hand.

Sure enough, the powerful and powerful can really do whatever they want.

"How is Krannichar's body, I haven't seen him for three years."

"Grandpa is in good health and still manages family affairs."

"It's really an old man who refuses to admit defeat. The old man always needs to find something to do, otherwise he will grow old very quickly. Speaking of which, we haven't seen each other for almost four years. Although I met you three years ago when I found you to hand over the affairs, But if you hadn't announced your name at the station just now, I wouldn't have recognized it. You are like this, and so is Erica, children grow up so fast."

"It can't be helped. I was still very young at that time, and the King of Spells didn't even see me for ten minutes. Please don't pay too much attention—"

Upon hearing Erica's name, Liliana frowned visibly. It seemed that her relationship with Erica was very complicated and interesting.

"Speaking of which, Liliana, how old are you?"

There was a flash of panic in Liliana's eyes, but she still answered Roman's question seriously.

"Just turned sixteen not long ago."

Roman, who noticed this, suddenly started to speak faster.

"To be awarded the title of 'Grand Knight' at such a young age is truly remarkable."

"It's amazing, this is nothing compared to the glory of the King of Spells."

"This sword is very nice, what's its name?"

"It's called 'Silver Master.'"

"Are you in high school now?"

"There is a tutor at home, and I only go to take the exam during the exam."

"How about the serialization of Magical Girl vs. Tentacle Prince?"

"Because there was no inspiration, it was discontinued half a month ago."



If special animation effects were added at this time, Liliana's face would be completely dyed red, and finally turned blood red like a tomato, and finally, because of her shyness, a burst of steam would rise above her head.

——Cuckoo, cluck, cluck...

Well, don't worry about the group of pigeons outside the window at this time.

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