"The salute is ready? Wait, isn't lunch and dinner..."

"The bento has been prepared and put in the refrigerator. Just take it out and warm it up and eat it, as usual. However, the bento will break if left for a long time, so I made today's portion, and I will do it myself from tomorrow. .”

Seeing that everything had been prepared, the heart that was brought up was dropped, and Lucretia slumped down on the sofa rudely.

Sure enough, it feels great to be taken care of.

"Yes, yes, I see, you are so wordy, I can obviously cook."

"You have almost degenerated to the point where you can only cook noodles."

"Who is to blame for this?"

Yeah, who is to blame?Blame the witch for being too lazy?I still blame Roman for taking care of her too comfortably.

As the only outsider, Liliana suddenly felt envious when she saw the two people's plain looks. She didn't have such an object that she could openly complain about.

No, this is good daily material, so write it down quickly.

"Don't stay up late when I'm not around."

"You are so long-winded today."

"Your dark circles are coming out."

"Are you looking for death?"

"It always feels like you're going to use makeup in a few years."

"I'm too young to use that kind of thing."

"No, no, it has nothing to do with age. Even junior high school students have many girls who use cosmetics."

"Where did you come from, old man?"

In this way, the breakfast time soon ended, and the two spent the morning amidst the noise, and it was about to enter the noon.

This means that Roman is about to leave.

Suddenly found that in the four years, the two separated very little time, both Lucretia and Roman settled here.Even if we leave sometimes, we can still feel that each other is nearby. There has never been a situation where we ran to another continent like this.

Lucrezia looked at Roman who was about to leave, and suddenly felt reluctant to part with her. She also understood that Roman must be in this mood.

"Then I'm leaving, you take care of yourself."

"Don't worry, I haven't fallen to the point where I can't live without someone to take care of me."

Roman then left.

From that day on, the man never returned to the Witch's House.

PS: As shown in the chapter name.

Chapter 41 on the plane

"Running to Japan at this time, the Pandora witch is probably going crazy. Hehehe, did you feel the malice from Norns? No, maybe she is Norns."

The flight time from Italy to Japan is about 14 hours, which is a painful time.

——Especially for Xiaoyu.

"Are you okay Xiaoyu?"


Just as Xiaoyu wanted to speak, his face suddenly turned blue, and he raised his head and put it down again.

Because of the intervention of the "Bronze Black Cross", Roman and others entered the first class as a matter of course, and then the three of them took over the entire first class cabin.

The first-class seat is as spacious as a half-length sofa, so it is very comfortable to sit on, but what people never expected was that Xiaoyu would actually get airsick.

"Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu, I... woo woo..."

Xiaoyu suddenly covered her lips, and then her eyes widened.

"Is it really all right? And why do you get airsick? It's obviously Tamamo, um, ears?"

Gently stroking Xiaoyu's head, when he touched his ear, he probably understood what was going on.

Xiaoyu's body is a nine-tailed golden fox. Even if she is in human form now, the fact that her body is a fox cannot be changed.Her airsickness is different from ordinary airsickness, but the fox's discomfort with flying in an airplane.

That said, flying to Japan is a bad choice.

"Has the medicine not taken effect yet? If that's the case, Xiaoyu should go to sleep first, maybe he will be in Japan when he wakes up."

Not maybe, but definitely will.Because Roman's method of making Xiaoyu fall asleep is to use spells, he will control the half-day time well, so Xiaoyu can spend this half-day in peace.

"No, no!"

Xiaoyu suddenly became energetic, giving people a feeling of returning to life. She stared at the seat on the other side.

"Xiaoyu, I will never let the master get along with this witch alone."

On the other side of the seat was a lovely girl, about twelve or thirteen years old.

Her skin is very fair, and her short white hair is as long as her face.Wearing a school uniform from someone who doesn't know where it came from, and a blue knitted hat on his head, it looks like a cat from a distance.

After realizing that Xiaoyu was staring at her, the girl turned her attention, and the two just stared at each other.

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