After looking around at everyone, Messiah sighed a little: "I wanted to say something more before I left, but after seeing your current appearance, I feel that saying anything is superfluous."

"Looking like a bitch, hurry up! Please don't get in the way of me when you're sick!"

Qian Jie snorted coldly and turned his head away, but the eyes under the mask looked this way from time to time.

"Brother Jie means, Sister Messiah, you can go back with peace of mind, we will take your share and fight on."

"Sirin shut up! I never said that!"

"Hey hey, no no no!"

Sirin stood on her toes and smiled like a heartless child: "But don't worry, Miss Messiah, just like Brother Jie said, Xiaobai will leave the rest to me!"

"It should be "leave it to you"!Don't sneak around with private goods! "The stupid hair on the top of the girl's head 'boom!' stood up suddenly, pointing sharply at her "cousin".

"Ahaha... Huh, Huh!"

Sirin looked left and right and whistled, and suddenly pointed to the sky and shouted loudly: "Cousin! The car is ready!"

After confirming that Messiah lost her combat power, MEI asked Weiwei to remotely control the fourth God's key to go to the moon to pick her up first, so as to prevent this Miss Savior who flew away to the second end and died aggrievedly in the near future. In the incoming AOE.

Although the power of the Fourth God's Key has not yet recovered, it is still more than enough as a means of transportation.


Seeing the Fourth God's Key, Messiah curled her lips, which seemed to have exposed Sirin's little thoughts.

She raised her head and looked at the comrades in front of her for the last time, her voice softened unconsciously: "Then, I'll go first."

Sakura smiled and said, "Be careful on the road."

"Let's go!"

Destobia activated her telekinetic power, stuffed Messiah into the cockpit temporarily remodeled by the Fourth God's Key, and showed her a big smile outside.

After the cabin was completely sealed, Messiah's line of sight finally began to rise slowly.

Outside the glass, everything on the moon was leaving her at an extremely fast speed, including Yingjie who was waving to her.

The cold loneliness enveloped the girl, surrounded by stars, she murmured subconsciously: "It's so quiet..."

"Of course it will be very quiet to travel alone on Earth and Moon! But don't worry! As a guide, I will do my best to improve your mood! Remember to leave a good review after the trip!"


"Hey! It's me! To be precise, it's the great magician! Remember to add "big"! "

The double-coloured beauty projected in front of Messiah burst out with a signature bad smile, burying the coldness of the universe for thousands of years.

"Hmm, cough! Testing sound!"

Wei Wei coughed lightly, and took out a microphone from the hat to adjust it as if by magic.

After adjusting, she handed it to Messiah's lips, and happily interviewed:

"How is the Salvation Lord feeling now? Obviously everyone else is fighting or is about to fight the enemy, but I can only watch from a distance."

"Is the question so sharp? You are really competent as a reporter!"

"It's polite to talk to outsiders!"

"This is as weird as those poor students saying that they "don't learn foreign languages ​​because they love their country". "

The girl squinted at her, but still answered the question: "The battle after this has nothing to do with me. Mr. Bai Mo will win, Sakura and the others will win, the previous era will win, and the future plan will go smoothly! The next thing to do is to play the role of KEVIN well.”

"Indeed, despite the change of the Second End, everything is still developing in a good direction."

Weiwei sighed with emotion: "It's a pity that I can't help you much about KEVIN, and I can only ask you to work harder and don't lose yourself."

Messiah's life so far has only been less than 30 years, and even with the continuous reincarnation in the virtual space, it will only last for a hundred years.

And what she will do next is to play another person for 5000 years.

Thinking of this, Wei Wei's voice gradually became lower and lower: "I don't want to see a Messiah lost by KEVIN's memory in a long-term performance in 5 years."

The cabin across the sky once again fell into a wordless silence, and what finally broke the silence was Messiah's brisk tone like the singing of birds and flowers:

"Don't worry! It's just role-playing for more than 5000 years. As long as I persist and persist, the road to the future will continue to extend until we meet again under the same blue sky!"

Subtly, the girl instinctively didn't mention who the person who met again was.

Perhaps in her heart, she was not as confident about the upcoming journey as she said.

Even so, she still comforted Wei Wei instinctively.

Just like the lit bonfire, knowing that it will come to an end after it burns out, it still continues to bring light and heat to others to disperse the beast.

"No, your meme is so blunt!"

Wei Wei, who calmed down her mood, teased: "Then should I sing "Hope no Flower" at this time? "

As a girl at the peak of human intelligence, how could she not notice the hesitation that Messiah inadvertently displayed?

But now she can only pretend that she doesn't know anything about it, so as not to affect Messiah's mood.

But until the future plan is successful, 5 years later.

If the Messiah at the reunion really got into the drama too deeply, she would regard herself as that ice-like man.

Then the series of "Arming the Messiah" she just made will come into play.

She is the owner of Spiral Workshop, the genius Wei Wei who transcends the times!

Helping a schizophrenic guy find himself is just a small thing!

Messiah, who didn't know what the other person was thinking, scratched her head: "Hope no flower? Uh, I don't want that... As the saying goes, women sing and men die—hiss! No, I seem to be a woman now!"

"Why use "as if"?Have you ever been a man before? "

"I'm going to be a man in the next 5 years! Do you believe I'll stick your ass when we meet again in the future?"

Messiah unscrupulously looked at her friend's bumpy figure, especially the big terror that was no less than Alponia, and sucked her saliva maliciously.

"That's just right!" Wei Wei sneered: "I heard that I in other worlds are especially good at making "arming against Kevin", and when the time comes, I will research a kind that can permanently fix your gender as a male and use it on you. You and Dr. MEI live together! "

In this way, there will be two less guys who rob me of men!

The more Weierwei thought about it, the more her heart became more and more moved, and the way she looked at Messiah gradually became strange.

How about... think of a way to turn all these guys into men?That guy Bai Mo is not so open that he can even relax the gender of his love partner, right?

"I always feel like you're thinking about dangerous things. You just want me, Leip, to be with you forever?!"

Messiah gave Wei Wei a hard look, feeling a little excited about what she said in her heart.

Of course, the premise of her excitement is that after her sex change, Bai Mo will also follow her.

However, after thinking about it carefully, she shivered suddenly, and Wang Xingren shook his head desperately like water.

She's probably—no, she will be squeezed by the succubus Mrs. Bai to nothing left!

But thinking of such a scene, Messiah was a little distracted.

The peony flowers die, and it is also romantic to be a ghost!

However, in the main text of this book, there will be no plot of turning into a white lady.

So no matter how much she fantasizes, she just fantasizes about loneliness.

The two people who were also harboring evil intentions looked at each other, and then laughed at the same time.

'The next time we chat briskly like this, it will probably be 5 years from now. '

Putting away some sad thoughts, Messiah said softly: "There are 3 minutes left?"

"Well, there are 3 minutes left."

With 3 minutes left, the God's Key will be unlocked again, and the Ying Jie on the moon will go to support Bai Mo and buy time for the dream inversion.

"Then I'll sleep for a while and call me then."

"Okay." Wei Wei nodded.

Then Messiah closed her eyes and fell into a tender dream.

In the dream, she fell from the sky and shot the axle of the wedding car, and took Bai Mo, who was full of surprise, out of the arms of the woman with blurred faces.

She hugged his lips hard in front of everyone, announcing to them that he was her man.

What a beautiful dream.

Unfortunately, after 3 minutes, Wei Wei failed to fulfill the agreement.

The girl who blasted the second end back to the original time and space with one blow, still failed to return to the earth after all.

Not only her.

Mu Dalu fell into silence again, and the walking corpses left, instead of watching the live broadcast on the screen.

Padofelice knelt on the ground miserably, her ears drooping, and her formerly lively eyes were full of despair.

On the screen of the live broadcast, many figures who were still in high spirits just now fell down.

Commandments, Gold, Destruction, Instant, Apocalypse, Floating Life, Sunshine, and the Fourth God's Key riding on it were blown up with a single shot, and the savior who couldn't even find the body...

In just a split second, the seven people who were spreading hope just now fell to the ground in a pool of blood.

At this moment, standing on the vast and rootless land of the moon is a seemingly thin and slender figure.

A beautiful purple and white figure that everyone had seen twice before.

The staff department fell into a deadly silence, and the only thing left was the ticking of the instruments.


Tianhui, who was leaning against the wall slumped, shed tears of blood and murmured a desperate reality: "Why, why is there a third Herrscher of the End?"

"I should have thought of it... I should have thought of it!"

"I should have thought of it long ago!"

'thumping! '

'thumping! '

The blood-stained fist crazily smashed the metal tabletop, and Mei stared at the figure on the screen, howling sobbing like a cub.

Through dream inversion, cover the "world without Baimo" on the surface of this planet, so as to achieve the purpose of deceiving the world?

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