
Ever since Kahn was recognized as godfather, Hermione almost spent her holidays with Kahn. He has a lot of things that Hermione is interested in.

The textbooks for the first to seventh grades, other books in the magic world, as well as various magic materials and top-quality crucibles, Hermione tried to boil potions a few times in advance, although they failed, but Kahn watched from the side, and No danger arose.

Hermione also followed Kahn to the house in Diagon Alley. Kahn gave Hermione a key. The houses in Diagon Alley are all equipped with anti-curse, and it is difficult for ordinary wizards to use the unlocking spell to enter here.

The house is very large, and there is a special study room and a room for brewing potions, which may have been left by the original owner; in short, Hermione fell in love with this house as soon as she came to it. The house with a strong magical atmosphere is not far away. It's Diagon Alley.

"Hermione, you can choose any room you want to use. It's just that it hasn't been cleaned so people can't live here. I'm going to apply to the Ministry of Magic to open a shop. By the way, I'll see if there are any vacancies for house elves."

Kahn said to Hermione, this is his starting point in the wizarding world.

Chapter 66 Funding and Development

Since the house-elves failed in the war with wizards, they have been trained by wizards in a slavish way for generations. They have even been differentiated into the category of magical creatures, and they have to accept the management of the Department of Magical Creatures Management and Control of the Ministry of Magic in the UK.

They don't allow free house-elves. In the eyes of the Ministry of Magic, once a house-elf is idle, it may cause harm to wizards or the human world, and the consequences may be more serious than some magical animals.

After all, house elves can do magic, and despite being slaves for centuries, wizards have never let down their vigilance against such creatures.

Moreover, adopting a house-elf is also relatively expensive. First of all, a deposit of [-] Galleons is required. Many wizards think it is expensive, but it is because of the deposit.

After all, house elves don't need wages. After recognizing a master, they will be servants in this family for the rest of their lives, so the expenses on house elves are only spent when claiming them.

After all, house elves are very practical. At least in the eyes of Kahn, a lazy person, it is better to have someone serve them than to do it yourself.

Hermione also went to the Ministry of Magic. At this time, Voldemort has not returned, and the Death Eaters are all dormant. The British wizarding world is relatively safe except Knockturn Alley and places where there are no people. Hermione wants to know more about the wizarding world. situation, so Kahn agreed.

Except for the strange way of going to the Ministry of Magic, everything else opened Hermione's eyes. It was the first time she saw so many wizards outside of Diagon Alley, and this was the management department of the British wizarding community. .

After being guided by the staff of the Ministry of Magic, Kahn and Hermione quickly came to the fourth basement floor. After getting out of the elevator, Kahn felt that there were a lot fewer wizards here, but at a glance, they could still find wizards in the corridor. I saw a dozen wizards walking back and forth, holding some documents in their hands.

According to Boss Tom’s introduction, the Fantastic Beasts Management Control Room is the department with the second largest number of people in the Ministry of Magic, and the No. 1 department is the Department of Legal Enforcement, which is the part where Aurors are located; the Ministry of Magic exists to maintain the stability of the wizarding world , the first is to target dark wizards, and the second is to guard against magical creatures.

Following the instructions on the office door, Kahn quickly found the house elf to relocate to the office. After explaining his intentions, the staff of the Ministry of Magic who received Kahn were stunned for a moment, and then started business for Kahn.

"Here is what you need to know about adopting a house elf. This is the form. Fill in the address and the number of elves you want to adopt. After leaving a deposit, you can go back and wait for news."

Most of the wizards who can come to adopt house elves are either rich or expensive, so the attitude of the staff of the Ministry of Magic is also relatively good.

Kahn quickly filled out the form, and after leaving the corresponding deposit, the people in the house elf resettlement office told him that usually there would be a reply within seven days, and Kahn would be notified whether to adopt immediately or wait.

After dealing with the house elves, Kahn went to ask about opening a shop.

There is no clear departmental management of this matter, basically two departments of the Law Enforcement Division, which cannot sell Muggle items, and cannot sell items related to black magic; the former needs to go to the Misuse of Muggle Items Office, and the latter Then go to the Auror office to report. If you open a shop in Diagon Alley without reporting, Auror will check you every day.

This time Carter just came to find out. After all, he didn't have everything ready to open the store, but at least he knew the process. After a while, he will come to the Ministry of Magic again after he is ready.

After dealing with the matter, Kahn and Hermione went back. The two went to the Leaky Cauldron after eating some desserts in Diagon Alley. Kahn was not in the habit of cooking, so he took Hermione to have a casual meal.

His goddaughter always has a steady stream of energy when she sees new things. Today is a good example. She ran with Kahn for a whole morning without feeling tired, and said that after returning Contact the spell and preview your homework.

Hermione can feel that Kahn takes care of her, so she doesn't want to live up to this expectation, and she also likes the wizarding world very much, and now she just puts more energy into it.

After Hermione drank the last sip of juice, she said to Kahn, "Godfather Kahn, I want to continue learning how to make potions when I go back."

"Of course you can, but I think it's best to have a guide to guide you in the science of potions. If you try to figure it out on your own, even getting started is quite difficult. You should have felt it in the past two days, Hermione."

After Kahn agreed, he persuaded him again, and what he said was indeed reasonable. Hermione was smart, but if he made potions according to the textbooks, he would be a genius like Snape; No potion was successfully refined, even the simplest.

"I'll find someone to teach you potions. There is still a month before you start school. If someone gives you advice, I believe you will make great progress. What do you think? Hermione."

"Thank you, Godfather!"

After Hermione agreed, she smiled happily. She had already felt the profound knowledge of potions, and it would be great if someone could guide her.

Although the godfather was suggested by her parents, during the time spent with Kahn, Hermione felt more and more that Kahn cared for and helped her; will feel embarrassed.

How can it be like now that she can read magic books casually, even the new books released by Lihen Bookstore, and there are so many magic materials for her to use.

Not to mention being able to invite a Potions teacher before school starts, Hermione thought for a while, even if her parents dote on her again, they might not spend so much money on her, because her family does not have the conditions.

Kahn is different, he has a lot of Galleons, maybe he can't invite Snape and Horace, but there is still a chance for other slightly weaker potion masters; even some Hogwarts graduates, some people in The grades in Potions class were very good, and the knowledge they had mastered was enough to teach Hermione.


Kahn asked Tom, the owner of the Leaky Cauldron, to hire someone. After learning that there were fifty Galleons as a reward, Old Tom happily agreed to this matter; in his opinion, this matter was very simple. It's just looking for a Potions teacher who can guide the little wizards who haven't entered school.

As long as you pass the NEWTs Potions test and fully meet Kahn's standards, although there are not many such people, Old Tom knows a few, and Kahn's salary is not low. If it is not that he is not good at it, Old Tom himself want to go.

In addition to this incident, Kahn received a reply from the Ministry of Magic on the third day.

He applied for two house-elves, and the Ministry of Magic has adjusted them for him, and they can come to the Ministry of Magic to pick them up at any time.

Chapter 67 The House Elf (for further reading)

Within two days, Old Tom found a wizard Keitel for Kahn who had just passed the NEWTs pharmacy exam. He had graduated from Hufflepuff for nearly three years and hadn't found a suitable job for the time being.

Keitel really wants to develop into the wizarding world, but the NEWTs certificate in pharmacy is not very useful in the Ministry of Magic, and the potion shops in the British wizarding world have regular partners and potion apprentices, so it is difficult for Keitel to find a suitable job .

If old Tom hadn't contacted her, Keitel would have gone back to inheriting her father's bakery, earning money as a Muggle to support the family.

This is not an exception in the wizarding world. Although she can refine potions, no one will buy potions from her without the guarantee of a potion store; Harmless potions become highly poisonous.

So most people would rather pay a little more to go to St. Mungo's Hospital or Slug Potions than buy potions from strangers.

Keitel took over the invitation because of Kahn's high salary. After all, Aurors only earn between 1500 and 3000 Galleons a year, and her weekly income is 100 Galleons.

Although he only worked for a month, Kahn revealed to Keitel that if he performed well, Kahn would hire her as a potion apprentice after he opened his shop.

Kahn's financial resources have been proved to Keitel through the house elves. This kind of servant has always been a symbol of strong financial resources. Those who have no family property can't afford to support house elves.

What's more, Kahn still has two. Keitel accepted Kahn's invitation after a little thought, and with the promise of a potions apprentice, Keitel even used his skills to teach Hermione Granger, even A Potions lesson plan was drawn up to teach Hermione.

In addition to recruiting Keitel, Kahn's biggest gain is that he got two house elves, Phil and Isaac. After signing the contract with the Ministry of Magic, these two house elves became Kahn's personal Everything is gone.

The Ministry of Magic also gave him a book about the forbidden items of house elves, the first of which is that house elves are not allowed to touch wands, and there are many other prohibited items.

However, the Ministry of Magic can formulate these prohibitions at will. Anyway, Kahn does not intend to abide by them. The servility of the house elves is already very serious, especially Phil and Isaac; knowing that the house elves will not betray, Kahn En naturally wants to increase the strength of the elves.

For example, allowing them to practice attacking magic or use wands and the like, this is to better protect the master, even the elves will not refuse Kahn's order

Moreover, it is very difficult for the Ministry of Magic to monitor house-elves. Even if they found out that Kahn condoned house-elves, they would only be fined. Ownership of the house-elf, unless the master Karn dies.

After Phil and Isaac came to Kahn's house, they cleaned it up, and Phil was very good at cooking and cleaning. Isaac was on the sidelines because he didn't argue with Phil when cleaning the house. Sulk.

Because Kahn announced several orders after they became servants, one of which was that without his permission, the elves were not allowed to harm themselves through self-mutilation.

The best way to do something wrong should be to reflect on it, so as to create greater value for the owner, instead of self-harming and injuring themselves, and asking the owner to spend Galleons to treat their injuries, which is a secondary loss for the owner.

Kahn instilled this truth into Phil and Isaac, and it was quickly accepted by them, and they regarded it as the truth.

One night, after Phil and Isaac cleaned the entire building, Kahn called them over for questioning.

"Phil, Isaac, do you know attack-type magic?"

After the two house elves heard this sentence, panic flashed through their protruding green eyes, their hands were a little panicked and they didn't know where to put them, and they said tremblingly: "Master, the elves will never attack the master... .”

"Phil, I need you to protect me, and when I'm not around, you also need to protect my goddaughter Hermione Granger, so you must have a certain strength, understand?"

Kahn unquestionably interrupted Phil's words, putting his master's safety first.

After hearing this sentence, Phil and Isaac directly ignored the rule that elves cannot train attack magic, and instead considered the owner's safety.

"Master, our magic is somewhat different from that of wizards, but the attack magic is similar..."

After listening to the answers of the two elves, Kahn knew a little about the strength of the house-elves. There are some differences between magic power and magic and wizards, which are based on different races. However, house-elves are born masters of magic, and many spells are cast Better than a pure blood wizard.

This is because the house elves have not touched wands, but according to Phil and Isaac, they have never used wands since they were born, and there is no wand master who specially makes wands for elves, so they don’t know the effect of wands on them. How much strength has improved.

Afterwards, Kahn took out ten wands and asked Phil and Isaac to choose one to familiarize themselves with. If it is useful, it will belong to them. See, the memory of the witnesses must also be cleared, this is Kahn's request to Phil and Isaac.

Hermione is now learning from Keitel every day. In addition to Potions, Keitel can also teach Hermione about the knowledge of spells in the first fifth grade, so Kahn added 50 Galleons to Keitel every week. Because of the extension of her teaching time.

The house-elf also moved into Kahn's new home in Diagon Alley, and now Isaac lives in Diagon Alley, while Phil runs back and forth with Kahn.

With the protection of Phil and Isaac, Kahn's two homes are very safe. Phil and Isaac even added a basic protective spell to the house. Those with weaker magic power are impossible to break through the elf's spell. .


"Dragon blood is so hard to buy. It seems that other than trading with those powerful wizards, the only option is to try your luck in Knockturn Alley..."

Kahn never went to Knockturn Alley because he was afraid of being cheated. Those dark wizards are more ruthless than capitalists. Kahn only wants money at most. Those dark wizards will not only cheat money, but also kill you.

But it is too difficult to buy things through regular channels, even dragon blood, let alone unicorn blood, phoenix blood, etc. It is really difficult for Kahn.

Maybe a donation to Hogwarts?Kahn remembered that the funding of Hogwarts had always been a problem, and the reason why Lucius Malfoy was able to become a school director should be a very important reason for donating money.

Kahn thought over and over again, but decided to go to Knockturn Alley, at least to collect some flesh and blood genes of magical creatures.

Chapter 68 To Knockturn Alley

Although Knockturn Alley and Diagon Alley are only separated by a wall, they are completely different in terms of environment and atmosphere.

After Kahn walked in, the black wizard wandering in the alley immediately set his sights on him as a newcomer, but Kahn was not afraid, anyone who dared to come looking for trouble should be prepared to meet the art of explosion.

He had five detonating talismans and ten catties of explosives on his body. The death of the shadow clone just made Kahn feel uncomfortable for a while, but it was hard to say for the people in Knockturn Lane. The houses within ten meters nearby did not collapse, even if their spells used Well, a strengthening spell was used on every single brick.

However, these black wizards only waited and watched temporarily, and did not choose to act.

When he came to the Bojinbok store, Kahn took a look and walked in.

The room was dark and full of various items, but Kahn was very careful not to touch anything.

"This guest looks very strange, does he come from somewhere else?"

A thin-looking man with shrewd eyes appeared behind the counter, tapping the table rhythmically with his fingers, showing a philistine smile of a businessman

"You can use Galleons to exchange for any service you want at the Bojinbok store, this strange gentleman."

"I hope it's really what you said, Garen is not a problem for me, as long as you can get the things on the list..."

Kahn didn't care about Bojinbok's flattering words, and directly took out the list of items he needed, put them on the counter and pushed them over.

Bojinbok smiled silently, and then picked up the list to look at it, but after seeing the list, the expression on his face changed, and the more he looked at it, the faster it changed, and he couldn't tell what it was in the end expression.

"No one can get these things. The phoenix is ​​clearly recorded in the British wizarding world at Hogwarts, and no one would take such a big risk to deal with a unicorn..."

After listening to Bojinbok's words, Kahn asked back: "In other words, apart from the ones just now, you can get the rest, including Felicia?"

"The Bojinbok store's relationship can be developed to Romania. As for the Felician, it just needs some Galleons..."

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