"Godfather, this time..."

"Forget it, it's over, just pay attention next time." Kahn interrupted Hermione and said to her: "But you still need to learn Occlumency and Memory Magic, and I will write to Lupine later. A letter asking him to find a suitable wizard to teach you.

In addition, the honey in the milk is gone, let's take this incident as a lesson. "

After Hermione heard the words, those brown eyes widened a little. Will she drink that kind of milk again in the future!

This kind of punishment is not considered punishment at all in the eyes of others, but Hermione is one of her own, and Percy was not injured; To confuse other people, and through the drawer with the anti-lock spell.

It's a pity that Tom died early, otherwise Kahn felt that he could squeeze a little knowledge of black magic from him. The 17-year-old Tom almost searched the restricted area, and he was better than Kahn in this regard.

Hermione stayed here for a while longer, and when it was almost time to rest, she got up and rushed to the Gryffindor lounge.

The second after leaving the office, Hermione breathed a sigh of relief, and then patted her chest; fortunately, the godfather didn't ask her what she talked about with the diary, otherwise it would be really difficult for her to answer for a while.


The incident in the Chamber of Secrets did not cause any disturbance, but Lucius still found out about Percy from his son.

But now he is completely unable to mobilize the school board to attack Dumbledore, because with Kahn, Dumbledore's reliance on the school board has decreased a lot.

Moreover, the Malfoy family is also full of trifles. Lucius really thought about attacking Dumbledore, but Kahn was still at Hogwarts, so he dismissed the idea angrily.

The Malfoy family is dealing in dragon-related products, but now that a leg has been cut off, Lucius can't control the affairs of Hogwarts.

Kahn still maintains the same behavior as before at Hogwarts, practicing magic, going to the restricted area, and teaching lessons, but he is getting lazy about teaching lessons. He has almost taught what should be taught, and his There is not much knowledge reserve.

In fact, Kahn wants to teach Hogwarts students to use the levitation spell to control ten Gatling machine guns. This is the best way to fight dark wizards and dangerous creatures; currently, in the magic world, there are only four-star magic Creatures can ignore this modern heavy firepower.

He couldn't teach this, so he was going to ask Lupine to come over to be the assistant of the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Hermione could help prepare the wolfbane potion. With Hermione's current level of potion, Snape could deduct points from her. , can only start from the attitude.

One thing that made Kahn happy, however, was that the rumor that he liked garlic and onions had finally been explained, and the price Miss Granger had to pay for it was a glass of fresh milk in the morning.

Towards the end of the second school year, Kahn finally completed all the requirements before transforming into an Animagus. He had been holding Mandrake for several months, and he had to clean it up for at least a period of time after the end of the Mandela. The smell of pulling grass is eliminated.

"Godfather, can I follow you to see?"

Hermione's eyes revealed curiosity and request, and before Kahn refused, she came up with a reason again: "I will also contact Animagus in the future, and now watching the godfather transform, I can accumulate a little more experience, so The failure rate in the future will be smaller..."

Kahn saw that Hermione was looking for other reasons, so he waved his hand and said to her: "At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, on the lawn near the Forbidden Forest on the south side of the Great Lake, I usually practice spells there, as long as you can bypass Fair Admin Odd."

He will take care of Filch's administrator today, and there will be a little wizard's night tour in the middle of the night.


In the middle of the night, Kahn looked at the three little wizards who appeared in front of him with a strange expression, and couldn't help asking: "The three of you are really here, can the invisibility cloak hold three people?"

"We first used the invisibility cloak to make some moves in the library, and after attracting Filch, we sneaked out."

"It was Hermione's idea!"

Ron and Harry sold Hermione without much hesitation; Hermione gave them a hard look behind them, then pretended to be nonchalant and waited for Karn to use the Animagus.

Kahn shook his head, making the three of them stay away, and then took out the potion he had prepared in advance. He had been preparing for today for a long time, and it was impossible to wait for the next time.

He cast a spell on himself, and then Kahn drank the potion in one gulp.

After doing the above actions, the image of a bird appeared in Kahn's mind. At first he thought it was an eagle or a sparrow, but as the image in his mind became clearer, he found that his mind The bird that appeared was a phoenix.

However, there was a little accident during the transformation. Kahn's blood vessels seemed to be glowing red. This was the outbreak of the Extremis virus, and he was repairing the mutation that appeared on him.

"Damn it, at this time..."

Kahn tried to use magic power and chakra to send a signal to the Extremis virus to continue its transformation. After a while, he reluctantly relied on two different forces to temporarily stop the Extremis virus from "body repair".

And Kahn also began to transform into an Animagus, his clothes blended into his skin, and then silver feathers grew out, and his body gradually grew larger.

"God, is that the Godfather's Animagus??"

Hermione was incoherent in surprise, and Harry reminded Hermione, "Hermione, this is Hogwarts, you should say Merlin."

"I know it should be Merlin, do you know what kind of creature the godfather has become? I have never seen this kind of bird creature, with silvery white feathers, a body size of more than two meters, and..."

Harry interjected, "Kind of like Professor Dumbledore's Fox, Hermione."


"Yes, that's a phoenix. I saw Fox when I went to the principal's office last time, but it has red feathers, and Professor Penter's transformation is white."

Harry corrected and said that he felt more and more that this bird was a bit like a phoenix, but it was a bit bigger, it seemed to be more than two meters.

"Impossible, the phoenix is ​​a magical creature, and Animagus absolutely cannot become a magical creature..."

Hermione was more daring. After Kahn's body stopped changing, she ran forward. This is her godfather and she will not hurt her.


Hermione's body is less than 1.5 meters, and it is still too short in front of the two-meter-long Phoenix. You need to raise your head to see the Phoenix's face.

After Hermione said hello, the silver-white phoenix grabbed Hermione's collar with its mouth, then threw her back and threw her on its back; Hermione almost fell when she sat up, and grabbed her with both hands Only by touching the feathers beside him did he stabilize his figure.

"Wow, Harry, look, Hermione is riding a phoenix."

"I see, Ron, but unfortunately that's Hermione's godfather, not ours!"

Harry adjusted his glasses, and said enviously in his heart, wishing he also had a godfather who could turn into an Animagus for him to ride.

"I heard that phoenix feathers are very valuable and are used to make magic wands..."

After Harry heard this bold idea, he quickly shook Ron and warned him: "Ron, Ron, take back what you just thought, that's the professor's Animagus, not a phoenix!"

Afterwards, Kahn tried to flap his wings. He spread out his transformed wings, which were about four or five meters long. With a slight flap, a strong wind could blow, blowing Harry and Ron to the side.

Kahn flew straight up, but he grabbed Harry and Ron with two feet, and then flew towards Hogwarts.

After transforming with Animagus, Kahn seemed to have gained the same flying speed and claws as the phoenix. He took the three of them to fly around Hogwarts to experience the joy of flying. Feel.

But the same flight, Hermione and Ron Harry are two completely different experiences, just like a soft sleeper and a standing ticket on a train, and a ticket to stand outside!

After putting the three of Hermione into the Gryffindor tower, Kahn also changed back from the Phoenix state.

Hermione was still a little excited and said to Kahn at this time: "Godfather, it was really fun just now, wasn't it, Ron, Harry."

"Yeah, yeah, just a little bit."

Harry said reluctantly, he almost vomited in the sky just now, but fortunately he swallowed it back.

"Okay, you still have class tomorrow, go back and rest quickly."

After learning the Animagus, Kahn's mood improved a lot, so he took the three of them for a ride; after sending them to the tower of Gryffindor, he directly used the flying spell rushed to his office.

Although the flying spell is more convenient than the phoenix flight, it is not as conspicuous as the latter, that is, it is manifested in front of people.


After seeing Kahn's Animagus, Hermione also wanted to learn this magic very much, but she was still a little puzzled, but Kahn used it as a phoenix to perfunctory it.

After all, they went to see Fox again afterwards. Although they were very similar, there was still a big difference. Adding Kahn's words, Hermione could only conclude that it was a bird that looked a lot like a phoenix.

After the holiday, she probably will go to the encyclopedia of birds again.

Kahn has gained a lot this semester. In addition to learning a lot of new magic, he also harvested a basilisk and other magic crafts.

At the end of Hermione's second school year, Kahn also signed several deals with Keitel, and then Kahn's potion material store can slowly expand to other European countries.

"I'm about to go back and have a look..."

Kahn thought about the Marvel world and the ninja world. He had already laid a solid foundation in the wizarding world. With those very binding magical contracts, it was difficult for his potion material store to close down.

But before going back, he must at least make all the arrangements here.

Chapter 110 Doctor Green

"The harvest is quite good, the time... more than two months, it's okay."

The time since Kahn disappeared is not short, and his influence is getting bigger and bigger. Now there are biological research centers, biopharmaceutical companies, Umbrella military security companies, and energy companies that have just been registered.

In the future, he can use a shadow clone to stay in the Marvel world. If he doesn't fight, and seal more chakras with the sealing technique, it should be possible to persist for more than a month.

There is also the basilisk. After unsealing the frozen basilisk, he said to it: "You will live in the sea near here in the future. I will give you food regularly. Remember not to let others discover your existence."

In the second half of Hogwarts, Kahn also used the Immortal Chakra Seal on the basilisk. After half a year of gestation, the connection between him and the basilisk became closer, and it also allowed him Perceive the other person's thoughts.

Now Kahn basically controls the life and death of the basilisk, and after the basilisk adapted to the magic chakra, it allowed its tens of meters long body to grow again. Kahn did not know its current growth limit, but fortunately There's a piece of sea near here that hides it.

What he gained the most this time was a series of spells, such as the flying spell, the Imperius spell, and transfiguration. Ten years of development.

Ten years later, Kahn will definitely be able to build an extremely powerful army by virtue of biotechnology and mechanical technology, and may be able to upgrade the civilization of the earth into the fourth largest empire in the universe.

This is Kahn's ambition, but it is not impossible.

However, he still needs to develop slowly, after all, his company has not gained a firm foothold in the United States.

After handing over the accumulated matter to Shadow Clone, Kahn picked up the phone, dialed it directly and said, "Betty, are you busy?"


"Honestly, I really don't know your development direction. In my opinion, clean energy should at least wait until you develop a biopharmaceutical company. Do you know how many people will face counterattacks if you develop clean energy now? ..”

Betty Ross has been reporting Kahn's recent development since he got in the car, and there is a bit of resentment in it. After all, Kahn disappeared for such a long time, and Betty Ross can mobilize four points under his name. One of the industries and funds.

If she is a little bit different, then Kahn's industry will be very dangerous. The most important thing for him now is the Extremis virus that he cooperates with the military, which is also controlled by Betty.

But she felt that it was difficult for her to feel that way, she didn't need money, she didn't hate Carn Pent very much, and she didn't want to see others deal with him; Betty often felt that she was going crazy.

Even if she doesn't want to develop clean energy, it is because she is worried that Kahn will be targeted by those traditional resource tycoons. After all, even her father can't do anything about those people, and they really dare to launch a local war for energy issues.

When Kahn left for two months, she didn't forget him, but missed him more and more; even now in the car, Betty Ross began to grind her legs slowly, but she would demonstrate her skills by taking documents. Move, luckily she traded for a Lincoln with a sealed compartment.

"Don't worry, Betty, it will take at least two years for Vanke and the others to really develop. By then, even if someone has malicious intentions, I can deal with it."

Kahn said comfortingly, if it is an ordinary person without any superpowers, he really should pay attention to those resource tycoons, but he is not.

Within two years, Vanke and his son will not publicize the matter of the Ark reactor. Anton Vanke was deported by the United States, and he is the most aware of the consequences of anxiety, and his body is slowly getting healthy, and now he can afford to wait. .

"Leaving this aside for the time being, how is the Extremis Virus going?"

Kahn noticed that Betty had been looking at her, and her legs seemed to be rubbing, so he put his arms around her waist, let her sit on his lap, and said, "Report to me this way, I want to hear clearly. "

"The Extremis virus is going well, and the first batch has been..."

After saying a few words, Betty Ross took Kahn's hand away angrily, so she couldn't report at all; but feeling the heat of the other party's body made her swallow, and finally Betty speeded up the report.

Betty Ross has a special channel to inquire about the news of the super soldier squad from the military; the success rate given by Kahn's side is about 70%, but the success rate of the military side is only 50.00%, but many failures The reason for this has nothing to do with the serum, but with the user's emotions.

This is the conclusion drawn by military researchers. The serum of the Extremis virus has a lot to do with emotions. If it is too excited or frightened, it will trigger the heart rate and cause the Extremis virus to rapidly heat up and explode.

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