Chapter 130 Four Purchasing Alchemy Items

The trading system can be used again. Kahn opened the panel and clicked to search for a good starlight.

Immediately, I saw some scenes of the next world, people in suits and leather collars walking on the street, and cities with a very high degree of modernization, these are not characteristics.

After reading the "trailer" given by the trading system, Kahn didn't guess what the next world would be; a world with a high degree of modernization, and it seems that there are many ordinary people, so is he going to sell serum?

If there is too little intelligence information, Kahn will not want to act rashly. It seems to be a modern city, what if Satan lives in it.

"Giving up is definitely not giving up. There are only three trading worlds in such a long time. If there is something good in it, wouldn't it be missed?"

Kahn still decided to go there. With his current strength, he can face many dangers. Except for those invisible curses or gods who are so strong that they are abnormal, otherwise, gods like Asgard, he will have a battle. ability.

"Speaking of curses, I'm going to the Wizarding World to buy some anti-curse potions or alchemy items, as well as Felicia... Orochimaru seems to have said that the fire dragon's flesh and blood are not enough, and the unicorn has never been obtained. The wizarding world bred its own dragons."

After relaxing for a few days, Kahn has a lot of things to do. Because of the Austen Group, Kahn had to reject a campus party that Karl invited him to, wait for news, cooperate with General Ross and Betty, etc. It took almost two months to go through the formalities before he officially became the chairman of the Aoshi Group.

Although the board of directors is still there, Kahn already has an absolute right to speak in the group, and the Pent Group, which has renamed the group, is planning to acquire the shares held by other directors.

Kahn handed over this matter to Betty and Laura, and merged the biopharmaceutical company, the biological research center, and Umbrella into the Pent Group.

Betty is in charge of helping Kahn deal with interpersonal relationships. She is the daughter of military upstart Thaddeus Ross, and she has a natural advantage in her identity; Kahn handed over the group reorganization to Laura. After hearing about this appointment, Laura She was almost wet with joy, she had the urge to dedicate herself at that moment.

Laura was originally just an executive. Although she had been the CEO of Kahn's two companies for a while, the time was not long; she suddenly became the CEO of a large group, which made her unhappy.

Although Laura's ability experience is not as good as this position, she has the Chakra Seal on her body, which can reassure Kahn; as for group affairs, find a few more people to help her, and then she can gradually become proficient.

There are also the Vanke father and son. Kahn plans to establish a new energy department within the group. One of the Vanke father and son will be responsible for the research and development of new energy weapons, and the other will be responsible for the research and development of clean energy.

After the Aoshi Group was in the bag, Kahn handed over the super soldier serum to General Ross. He and the people behind him couldn't wait any longer, otherwise they wouldn't have cut off the big cake of the Aoshi Group so quickly. into his hand.

During the period, General Ross was still a little bit unwilling to give up on Hulk, and wanted Kahn to study the reason why Hulk was so powerful, to see if he could create a third type of super soldier; How much damage did the general do to Hulk? If this power can be used to strengthen the human body, it is estimated to be more powerful than the super soldier serum.

But Kahn still refused, a Hulk must be taken care of by him personally, even if this is the danger of Hulk breaking free; the Pent Group has just been established, and it is time for development.

Whether it is the recovery potion or the other three specific drugs for the treatment of terminal illnesses, they will be put on the market soon; Kahn will have to thank Hydra, without their efforts to influence the FDA, Kahn's three specific drugs cannot be shortened so much time.

However, biopharmaceutical companies make money, and they will also give them dividends. After these types of drugs are developed, they can occupy a market worth hundreds of billions of dollars. Faced with such a huge amount, Hydra will also be tempted.

After all, they are human beings, not jihadists. As long as they are human beings, they have selfish desires. The 27% of the biopharmaceutical company's shares are enough for Hydra to divide; they originally wanted to take more, but Kahn's attitude became tough After getting up, the Hydra people gave up.

Not long after cooperating with Hydra, Kahn thought of Sokovia Wanda and Kuaiyin, who were born with abilities, and their abilities could be enhanced through mind gems.

Kahn originally wanted Betty to take care of this, but she was too busy, so he sent Jayne and a team of Umbrella members to Sokovia to find the two children and bring them back, if Kahn If I remember correctly, Wanda and Kuaiyin should be around 13 years old now.

Kahn would earn if he could recruit both of them; one Scarlet Witch and the other Speedster.

Jayne is Kahn's third subordinate who has been injected with super soldier serum. He has already started to strengthen Umbrella's people, and he cannot inject all super soldier serum. virus serum.

For example, the gene of the invisible beast may gain the ability to be invisible after injection, but I don’t know if it can be invisible together with the clothes; the initial Extremis virus serum does not give the injector very strong power, but it has a characteristic that is There is a possibility of evolution. The Extremis virus can optimize foreign genes, and Kahn is the beneficiary.

But if you want more genes from fusion, you may need genes with strong vitality such as intercolumn cells or phoenix genes, otherwise there is a possibility of failure.

After arranging things in the Marvel world, Kahn was ready to travel across the world, but before going to the third world, he had to go to the Wizarding World to buy some potions and alchemy items, and take a look at his goddaughter by the way.


Every time Kahn left the wizarding world, he would ask Phil and Keitel to write down important things for him. Keitel remembered that it was the account book of the potion material store.

It's a pity that Phil is just a house elf. They don't know how to collect information, so they can only passively save Kahn from the Daily Prophet, while Isaac was sent by Kahn to sneak into Hogwarts to protect Hermione.

But what Kahn didn't know was that Hogwarts house elves would not report a servant of a professor and school trustee, so Isaac was very happy at Hogwarts.

Kahn was tired of reading the newspapers for a whole year last time, and many of them were cumbersome and useless news, so he went straight out and went to the potion material store to find Keitel.

Today's Kahn potion material store is already the largest store in Diagon Alley. With its unique fire dragon material and its expanding business scale, after a year, it has already become the number one magician in the British wizarding world. The medicine material store, even the number one potion material store in the European magic world.

"Welcome, sir, you need some...boss, have you just come back?"

Keitel, who was busy in the store, saw Kahn, immediately walked out of the counter and asked, and then asked someone to bring black tea.

After sitting down, Kahn said to Keitel: "It seems that the business in the store is good, Keitel."

"Of course boss, the potion material store is developing extremely rapidly. By the way, I have written down many things at your request."

Having said that, Keitel hurriedly took out a bookkeeping book, most of which were the development of the potion material store this year.

Kahn flipped through it casually, and remembered that the inside was relatively fine, with a hammer here and a mallet here, but Keitel has already opened two potion material stores in Europe, one in France and the other in Germany.

There are 17 employees, and eleven magic contracts for exclusive supply have been signed. The Ministry of Magic is already drafting countermeasures against the behavior of Kahn's potion material store; Many magazines advocated that the Ministry of Magic is an act of interfering in the market and violating personal freedom.

Fudge probably took a bribe to do something so stupid.

Celtic learned this trick from Kahn, and it kept arousing the power of public opinion. This really attracted many people to criticize the Ministry of Magic's 'stupid move'.

After all, in the British wizarding world, it is right to scold the Ministry of Magic, who made Minister Fudge incapable and still loves to promote himself.

Keitel suddenly said: "By the way, boss, the Delacour family seems to be reselling our magic materials in private. They have recently increased their purchases, which has caused a lot of damage to our business in the French wizarding world..."

"Hire some wizards to monitor the Delacour family and catch one of them."

After Kahn finished speaking, he thought for a while, and then continued to ask about the purchase volume of the Delacour family and the business situation of the French wizarding world. After thinking of a tricky way, he told Keitel.

Hearing Kahn's method, Keitel thought about it, and immediately felt the insidiousness of this method; if the Delacour family was recruited, they might be torn apart by other wizards.

Kahn warned and said: "After confirming that they have violated the contract, just do it. If you don't grasp the current situation, then wait."

"I see, boss."

Keitel has managed the potion material store for three years, and her mind has gradually changed to a capitalist. Besides, she has a share of the income from the potion material store. This behavior of the Delacour family is also losing her interests.

Keitel suddenly remembered something, and said to Kahn: "By the way, boss, Hermione seems to be a little tired. She needs a lot of potion materials for refining refreshing potions. Taking this for a long time will make her mentally more exhausted. "

Then Keitel added: "It's also possible that it was used by her classmates, after all, she knows the side effects of taking too much refreshing potion."

"Yes, I will pay attention to this matter."

Kahn nodded to show that he knew, but he also guessed that Hermione was using it herself, because Kahn suddenly remembered that in the third grade, Hermione came into contact with the Time-Turner, which is the most exciting thing in the wizarding world. Care about the alchemy items.

Chapter 130 Nicolas May's Alchemy Notes

Regarding alchemy items, there are not many circulating in the wizarding world, except for the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic, most of them are circulating among dark wizards.

However, the black wizards are mostly deceptive things, or they are alchemy items that curse and harm people. It can only be said that it is difficult to buy a useful alchemy item from the black wizard group.

Moreover, anti-curse alchemy items are also very precious to dark wizards. If they know that Kahn is spending a lot of money to buy alchemy items, they will definitely do everything possible to cheat the gold Galleon from him.

After leaving the potion material store, Kahn went to the Bojinbok store in Knockturn Alley. Bojinbok still has a little credit for selling alchemy items; If you deceive him, the Knockturn Alley store will be praised by Kahn.

"Defensive curse and some magical alchemy items? Sir, your request is too special, I don't know if I can collect it for you..."

Bojinbok said cautiously, although the deal with Kahn would allow him to earn a lot of Galleons, but in front of him was a lunatic who killed several black wizards at the slightest disagreement. If he was not careful, who would know what happened next? Could it be him.

"Then please ask Mr. Bok to collect as much as possible. If it is true, I will not be stingy with Garen, but if it is false..."

Kahn didn't finish what he said, but Bojinbok knew what he was going to say; after leaving Knockturn Alley, Kahn failed to buy something to prevent curses, but he was not completely useless. He bought some things that could curse other people's items.

A book that can record the Imperius Curse. If Kahn uses the Imperius Curse on this book, the person who opens the book again will be controlled by Kahn's Imperius Curse.

There is also an item that can curse the soul, which is very dangerous to use. After knowing the way of these items, Kahn didn't touch it, and directly put it into the space backpack.

These two things are very interesting, and they might be used in the future, and Kahn has no shortage of Galleons, so I bought them.

If he wants more alchemy items, he can only go to the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic besides finding some master alchemists. However, there are gossip that the wizards of the Department of Mysteries are the most powerful in the Ministry of Magic. Can't compare.

Keitel opened a potion shop in Diagon Alley, but the scale of the business is small. Currently, she only sells some potions made by her and Hermione, and a small part is bought and resold from other wizards.

"It looks like I'm going to Hogwarts to find Dumbledore, and I hope he can introduce some real alchemists."

Kahn was a little sorry that Nicolas May died a little early, otherwise he would have known him, or had the opportunity to learn a little alchemy from Nicolas May.

Hogwarts will be on vacation in two days, and Dumbledore is not at school now, because of Sirius' escape from prison and the truth of more than ten years ago, Dumbledore has recently gone to lobby the members of the Wizengamot.

He also wrote to Kahn a few days ago, hoping that Kahn could use the influence of the potion material shop to help him, but Kahn was not here at that time; when he first arrived, he replied a letter to Dumbledore, So things are really difficult to solve, and Kahn will not watch from the sidelines.



After the holiday, Hermione didn't go through the Hogwarts Express, but asked Isaac to apparate her back; after receiving Kahn's letter, she was already a little eager to go home.

"Hermione, I didn't expect you to come back so soon?"

Kahn put down the book on alchemy in his hand, and said to Hermione with a smile; he thought it would be a while later, but he didn't expect Hermione to appear in the room directly.

"Godfather, where have you been this year? Many things happened at Hogwarts, even 13 years ago, you can never imagine that Ron has slept with a middle-aged man for several years …”

Hermione's habitual small mouth began to talk about her story again. She kept talking for nearly half an hour. After Kahn handed over a cup of black tea, she stopped to rest for a while, but after taking a sip of black tea, she stopped and took a rest. Added a sentence.

"The godfather's Animagus is more beautiful. Harry recognized Sirius as his godfather. He was his father's friend, but he always felt a little sorry for Sirius' Animagus..."

When she said this, Hermione looked at Kahn with eyes full of expectation, and the thoughts in her heart were almost written on her face, she almost said that she wanted to take the Phoenix.

However, Kahn's Animagus is too conspicuous. Normally, he doesn't want to change, so he changed the subject and ignored Hermione's expectations. How can a goddaughter think about riding a godfather every day.

Peter Pettigrew has been sent to the Ministry of Magic. If there is no accident, he will be interrogated for his crimes soon. He will change places with Sirius. He will go in and Sirius will come out.

Peter Pettigrew was also unlucky, he happened to meet Hermione who was accompanied by Isaac and protected; Isaac and Phil, two house elves, were allowed by Kahn to practice attack magic, probably two or three Aurors were not Isaac's opponent.

Peter Pettigrew, who hadn't used magic for more than ten years, was directly sent flying by Isaac's magic. When Dumbledore overwhelmed the Ministry of Magic, his arm was not connected... This is Kahn in the prophet Saw it in the daily newspaper.

After chatting for a while, Hermione suddenly asked, "Godfather, the Quidditch World Cup is about to be held, let's go and see it together."

"Invincible begins with the sacrifice of ancestors"

A few days ago Ron invited Hermione and Harry to go to the Quidditch World Cup together, and Harry agreed on the spot, but Hermione didn't immediately agree; correct.

"If you want to go, go and have a look. I'll ask the Department of Magic Cooperation if there are any better seat tickets. Do your friends want them?"

After hearing the words, Hermione smiled and said, "I'll write a letter to ask them now." After finishing speaking, she trotted out of the house, and took Kahn's teacup with her when she left.

Kahn's potion material store is about to become the number one material trader in Europe, and is a regular customer of the Magic Cooperation Department. Hired people to spray very badly.

The principle that money comes first works in many places. A few days ago, Kahn even asked Keitel to spend money to rent a long-term position in the Daily Prophet, scolding Cornelius Fudge every day. Use a whole page to scold.

This holiday, Hermione stayed home for two days, and then stayed in Diagon Alley. Kahn took her to the Romanian Dragon Training Farm for a few days, and prepared Orochimaru for him to inject the dragon gene into the eggs. , hatched it during those few days in Romania.

It is against the law to raise a dragon privately, but Hermione will not report her godfather, not to mention that in Romania these days, she has seen a more amazing side of Kahn, that is, he is more intimate with fire dragons than many dragon trainers.

Even the most ferocious Hungarian tree peak dragon in the dragon training arena is very honest in front of Kahn, and even gets close to him with his head.

Tokahn's relationship, even though Hermione didn't ride the phoenix, she rode the fire dragon and flew in the air for a long time, and took a lot of photos, which made the dragon trainers on the side envious; they served the fire dragon for several years, but they didn't see each other You have to be able to touch it, Hermione became a dragon knight not long after she arrived.

After playing in Romania for about a week, Kahn returned to England with Hermione; because his fire dragon also hatched, his fire dragon is a mixed blood dragon, and Orochimaru even added the gene of the White Snake Immortal to it, so Kahn It's not clear how big he can grow.

However, he prepared in advance a carry-on pocket that was solidified with the Untraceable Stretching Curse. For this pocket, he visited Scamander specifically, expanded the pocket to the size of a city, and simulated a lot of weather in it. .

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