"Human beings are special?" Yuan Ye was somewhat puzzled by this conclusion, "Are you going to deny the theory of evolution?"

"No, no, no, the theory of evolution is of course a great achievement. As a believer in science, I will not oppose the achievements of the sages." The words of the mechanical white clothes paused, as if to organize the language, "Let me put it another way, do you think the perfect human What is the definition of?"

"An existence that reaches the upper limit allowed by human genes, such as having the intelligence of Einstein and Newton, and at the same time having the physical strength of the carbon-based physical limit." Yuan Ye thought for a while and expressed his opinion.

"There is generally no problem. After all, those great men in history were born from a mother's womb, and grew up from a fertilized egg under the control of genes." Mechanical Baiyi nodded, "After clarifying the genetic arrangement After the influence of the physical body, the biologists who mastered this data established a model, which they called the [soul-body model], I quite like this name, it is a very oriental-style name."

"Under the guidance of this model, human beings can create the human beings they want through genetic adjustment technology." The mechanical white clothes called up the search engine and entered this term, but no corresponding results were found at all. "It can be said that the perfect human It was born as early as the moment the genetic adjustment technology was perfected."

"Didn't it mean that genetic technology is still flawed, far from being able to create a perfect human being?" Yuan Ye blurted out subconsciously, which was completely inconsistent with the cognition in his memory.

"Intelligence manipulation in order to make the public's resentment less strong is well known in the industry." The mechanical white clothes pointed to his head, "Actually, anyone with a little brain should understand that if you don't understand the genetic How can it be possible to announce the perfection of gene adjustment technology? And if the gene adjustment technology has been perfected, how can it be possible that the perfect human has not been born. "

After thinking about it, there is really no problem. In the case that only the upper class can enjoy genetic adjustment, if it is announced that the technology of genetic adjustment has been perfected, then the dissatisfaction will definitely explode in an instant, and maybe it will immediately fast forward to the world view of Gundam. Everyone shouted "for the blue and clean earth", and then began to wage war.

However, if it is publicized that the genetic adjustment technology is not perfect, and then a wave of propaganda that the lower limit of the prosthetic body far exceeds the upper limit of the carbon-based body, the society will have a trend of worship for the prosthetic body, and on the contrary, there will be a wave of admiration for those upper-class people who carry out genetic adjustments. The idea of ​​"look at those guinea pigs using flawed technology" thought, and the resentment will naturally dissipate.

If according to the mechanical white clothes, the limit of carbon-based humans can be broken, then this kind of propaganda has played a hidden role; if it is fake, if it is a prosthetic body, it is obvious that the richer side has a greater advantage.

Yuan Ye was a little scared. If he hadn't been pointed out by someone, he would have never thought of this possibility. The person who can propose such a plan is definitely a genius in communication.

"What you're talking about is all about genetic technology. Heqi, which sounds like it involves the field of metaphysics, doesn't it have anything to do with it?" Yuan Ye asked.

"Don't be too impatient. The most important thing before you talk about the key points is to pave the way, to pave the way." The mechanical white clothes are also interested. He used to do hard work for the boss in the research institute. Getting used to it will always catch these habits, "At this time, you need to be quiet and listen carefully."

After hearing what the mechanical white clothes said, Yuan Ye stopped asking questions, and quietly waited for him to reveal the answer.

"This part is the inference I made after hacking into the database of our research institute with the authority of my superior to get the data. The accuracy is not high." The mechanical white clothes seem to be completely caught in the teacher's identity setting, "From the data Look, human beings are still exploring the limits of human beings after creating perfect human beings through genetic adjustment technology."

"After all, you have to know that the human body is ultimately determined by both innate genes and the acquired environment." The mechanical white clothes pulled out data that Yuan Ye could not understand at all, "Even if the innate perfect genes determine the upper limit and the lower limit , but without scientific acquired training and exercise, it is still impossible to touch the limit of the carbon-based body."

"But for things like acquired conditions, the number of samples can be piled up to produce a near-perfect result, and even technical simulation can be performed." The mechanical white clothes pointed to the dissected body that he had just pulled out, and pointed Those whitish muscles said, "For example, I used electrical stimulation to instantly increase his muscle strength to the carbon-based limit."

Yuan Ye frowned, the lunatic attitude of the mechanical white clothes who didn't treat people as people at all made him sick, but he still had patience, after all, the answer to the mystery was about to be revealed soon.

"The real miracle happens when the carbon-based limit is reached—please allow me to call it a miracle, because I can't find a more appropriate adjective." The mechanical white clothes were still intoxicated by the atmosphere of the sermon, and did not notice the source. Ye's expression, "Humanity is starting to drive new energy."

"No matter what words you use to describe it, Qi, bioelectric energy, internal force, it doesn't matter." The mechanical white robe rubbed its chin with its prosthetic arm, "For example, the human body is like a steam engine. The strength of the body is the strength of the rubber ring, when the strength of the airtight rubber ring meets the requirements, the machine begins to get rid of pure biological energy and become an existence that can use heat energy."

"For another example, you should know about coils, right?"

"I learned it in middle school." Yuan Ye replied.

"When I was in school, it was also in middle school." The mechanical white clothes looked nostalgic, "After so many years, there is still no breakthrough in basic physics, and I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing."

"The coil was originally just a useless wire, but when it was wound up, it became a coil, and human beings can use the best energy we have found so far-electric energy." The fingers of the prosthetic body in the mechanical white clothes are wrapped around At the same time, it is obviously very interesting, "The development of biotechnology will eventually lead to a new energy innovation, but this time it is an energy innovation that belongs to individuals alone."

"The most important thing is that reality is governed by the cruel laws of physics. Therefore, humanoid creatures that can reach the carbon-based limit have almost the same body structure and arrangement patterns. In the field of statistics, they can even be regarded as The same type." The mechanical white clothes seemed to be a teacher who deliberately threw a simple question to the students in the class to answer, "Do you know what that means?"

"It means that the production of qi belongs to the category of science, it can be manufactured repeatedly, and everyone can have it." Yuan Ye keenly grasped the meaning of the words in the mechanical white clothes, like a well-behaved student who listens to the class, subconsciously blurted out.

"That's right." The mechanical white clothes laughed unscrupulously and maliciously, "It's just that the people in this sentence refer to people who have undergone genetic adjustment."

Inexplicably, a feeling called "fear" surged into Yuan Ye's heart.

===Chapter 21 The Moral High Ground===

"The definition of human has been changed, right?" Yuan Ye said rather bitterly, "From now on, people who have not undergone genetic modification are not considered human."

"Exactly." The mechanical white clothes snapped its fingers, "Not only is it a comprehensive crushing of intelligence and physical strength, but also the possession of violence."

"But don't worry, there are other methods." The mechanical white clothes said with a relaxed face, "For example, use biotechnology to create a carbon-based limit body, and then transfer your brain to it. It is a kind of prosthetic body technology, although it does not have the psychological problems that will occur after the replacement level exceeds 50.00%, but it is also far more expensive than the latest military full-body prosthetic body."

"That is to say, it's still exclusive to the upper class." Yuan Ye chewed all the words from the beginning to the end of the mechanical white clothes, and suddenly found a blind spot, "Wait a minute, according to your words, after the body reaches the carbon-based limit, it will Naturally generates new energy, so why didn't you know about it before this?"

Yuan Ye expressed his guess: "You haven't been genetically modified either, have you?"

"It's really sharp. Although I hate children with too good intuition, I have to praise you." The mechanical white clothes said with a smile, "Indeed, I am the lucky one. My parents shook my genes in the mother's womb. When I rolled the dice, I was lucky enough to roll to the intelligence part, and my carbon-based brain development level is almost the same as those of those who have been genetically adjusted, and it is precisely because of this that I was lucky enough to be admitted to Xindi University."

"Then what do you need me for? According to you, all technical problems have been solved, and human experiments have been done countless times. How can you need data from someone like me who doesn't understand this technology at all?" Yuan Ye Holding the hilt of the sword in the tennis bag, he asked his own question.

"Do you remember what I just said to you? 'The humanoid creatures that can reach the carbon-based limit have almost the same body structure and arrangement pattern'." The mechanical white clothes still spoke to Yuan Ye meticulously like a teacher. Explains, "In other words, as long as the carbon-based limit can be reached, new energy will naturally arise."

"This is also consistent with the results of my anatomy. After the electric stimulation method is used to forcibly increase the carbon-based limit, a certain high-level energy will appear out of thin air." The mechanical white clothes pulled a new body, and it can be seen that this It has been a while since the body was dissected, and the corpse has already begun to change, "But there is a premise, that is, the person is still alive. I have done the same experiment on corpses and animals. After forcibly increasing to the carbon-based limit, and did not yield the same results as the in vivo experiments."

"That's why I say that humans are special."

"Is it because of the existence of the soul?"

"The existence of the soul is still not confirmed." The mechanical white clothes shook his head, "If I have the ability to confirm the existence of the soul based on this data, I won't be stuck in that small research institute."

"The electrical stimulation method is unsustainable, and the damage is irreversible. I can't use it on myself." The mechanical white clothes called out a report, "But I got inspiration from the myths of China. Their In the myths and stories, it is said that warriors have to "strengthen their muscles and bones, move their energy and blood, and then manifest their gods and miracles."

——This is a bit like the setting of the online novel of Chinese martial arts before I traveled. It couldn't be that some researcher of the myth of the two swords was lazy and directly compiled the Internet blowing water into the paper.

——However, considering that most of the myths of my era were created 100 years ago, it is also possible to use the settings of online novels in the early 2077st century as part of the myths in 21.

Yuan Ye couldn't help complaining in his heart.

"Of course, I have also found examples. There are indeed people who practice ancient martial arts or the carbon-based physical fighting techniques that have been classified as ancient martial arts at the beginning of the century. They have reached the carbon-based limit through acquired training." A scholar in white mechanical "But they all said that I have no qualifications, and practicing their martial arts will not yield results."

"I don't understand. They are all the same carbon-based body. How can there be such a thing as aptitude? If it is a special structure unique to a certain type of body, then I can completely modify it through technology." The mechanical white robe smiled wryly. Said, "But before I had time to find the answer to the question, the fact that I secretly kidnapped and dissected people was revealed."

"After paying a heavy price, I escaped from the pursuit of the sword-bearer." The mechanical white robe focused his gaze on Yuan Ye, "I was already desperate, but I met you - possess and body People whose ages do not match their level of swordsmanship and who have not undergone prosthetic transformation, by dissecting you, I will definitely be able to figure out what the 'talent' they are talking about."

——I disappointed you, and I have no qualifications, but I have cheats.

Yuan Ye laughed at the mechanical white clothes in his heart, and then said seriously: "Thank you for your popular science, I have benefited a lot."

"So I decided to give you a thank you gift." Yuan Ye pulled out the knife from the tennis bag, "How about a sword that penetrates the brain? Humans haven't completed uploading their consciousness, so they shouldn't be able to live through the brain."

"Why can't we cooperate?" The mechanical white clothes asked inexplicably, "I can guarantee your survival, I have enough prosthetic body technology to realize this promise, if you can really reach the carbon-based limit, for you Is it beneficial too?"

"Logically speaking, there is nothing wrong with it, but first of all, I don't want my life to be in the hands of others." Yuan Ye said word by word, "Secondly, I am very disgusted with you, a murderer who doesn't treat people as human beings, And decided to kill you by the sword, to comfort those dead souls who were dissected by you."

"Children only talk about right and wrong, adults only talk about pros and cons." The mechanical white clothes said disdainfully, "Don't talk about this kind of secondary school, be more mature, isn't it cold to stand on the moral high ground?"

"It's true middle school two who can say things like 'children tell right from wrong, adults only talk about pros and cons'." Yuan Ye said loudly, "Standing on the moral high ground is not only not cold, but the wind is also I'm so excited to blow it!"

This time the mechanical white clothes did not reply, instead, a huge roar sounded from the doctor's robe.

——Has the difference in combat power changed from [like an ant] to [indistinguishable]?It seems that I guessed correctly, that doctor's robe is the power device of his prosthetic body, allowing him to temporarily break away from the output limit of the civilian prosthetic body and exert stronger power.

——But this is also good, let's make a dozen first and add more.

Thinking this way, Yuan Ye rushed towards the mechanical white clothes.

===Chapter 22 Battle===

Accompanied by a huge roar, Yuan Ye rushed in front of the mechanical white clothes.

The moment the knife was slashed, the mechanical white clothes raised its arm, accurately blocking Yuan Ye's slash, and at the same time the other arm went straight to Yuan Ye's abdomen.

Yuan Ye slid back and stepped back, holding a weapon vs. not having a weapon. The attack distance is one of the biggest advantages. The initiative to attack is on him, not on the mechanical white clothes.

Yuan Ye's current combat plan is to ensure that the weapon does not collide violently with the prosthetic body part of the mechanical white clothes and cause damage, and to find opportunities to attack the pure physical parts of the mechanical white clothes through testing.

——I always feel that the situation is similar to the first time I encountered the mechanical white clothes.

This idea suddenly appeared in Yuan Ye's mind. At that time, he acted accordingly and grabbed the lamp post interrupted by the mechanical white clothes as a weapon in his hand. He needed to prevent the mechanical white clothes from destroying the fragile lamp posts. Advantage.

The familiar experience reassured Yuan Ye a little, but the fierce offensive of the mechanical white clothes still made him concentrate on coping with it.

The first time he fought against a prosthetic enemy, the most uncomfortable thing for Yuan Ye was that the ability to "pre-read" the opponent's behavior based on his high-level swordsmanship experience failed.

If the leg kicks of the mechanical white clothes can barely be predicted by the subconscious twitch of the waist muscles, but the strong boxing of the upper body of the mechanical white clothes with some prosthetic bones in the chain bones, Yuan Ye can only rely on his own reaction nerves It's time to dodge, but the swordsmanship experience is still faithfully playing a role, allowing Yuan Ye to quickly think of ways to dodge or use the sword to unload or block when facing an attacking fist.

——It would be great if there was a swordsmanship specifically for prosthetic enemies.

Yuan Ye couldn't help thinking in his heart, but in the past two days, he has figured out the logic of adding some skills, which made him dispel his thoughts. The skills that appear in the skill column will only be things that he has the potential to do. If he wants to To pre-read the actions of the mechanical limbs of the prosthetic person, he needs to change a prosthetic eye that can see the flow of electricity, and then the system will activate this skill.

But even so, after getting used to the strength and frequency of the mechanical white clothes' attacks, Yuan Ye gradually understood the mechanical white clothes' attack ideas, and became easier to deal with, and began to fight back frequently.

When Yuan Ye's knife slashed across his chest for the third time, the mechanical white clothes realized that this was not going to work.

The swordsmanship of the mechanical white clothes is completely inferior to that of Yuan Ye. He has not completed the prosthetic body of the eyes and brain, and almost all modern fighting auxiliary technologies are based on the premise of these two prosthetic bodies, but There is no built-in transformation, he can also be external.

However, the external and internal modifications are completely different technologies. The auxiliary fighting system equipped on the glasses can calculate Yuan Ye's sword path even at the moment he swings his sword, and change in real time according to the direction of Yuan Ye's muscle force, but he himself If you don’t react, if you react and your movements can’t keep up, then everything is useless.

The current stalemate is only due to the high defense power brought about by the mechanical white clothes prosthetic body. If it weren't for this, the hands of the mechanical white clothes would have been cut into eighteen sections by Yuan Ye's knife, and then his head would be beheaded with a sword down.

As soon as the mechanical white robe gritted his teeth, the roar of the doctor's robe sounded, and he activated the optical camouflage to hide his body.

This made Yuan Ye in trouble. Although it is not known whether it is a defect of the optical camouflage, the doctor's robe can still be seen, but the man in the mechanical white clothes is gone.

But it's not like that night, he only needs to deal with the baseball bat that can be seen. Now he can't grasp the timing of the opponent's punch. It's not a joke to get punched.

But fortunately, through the attack and defense just now, Yuan Ye has a rough grasp of the attack distance of the mechanical white clothes. It is possible to maintain a defensive posture and fight and retreat. The disadvantage is still an indisputable fact.

After falling into a disadvantage, another problem was exposed-Yuan Ye's physical strength was not enough.

High-intensity offense and defense are very energy-consuming things. Even though Yuan Ye's physical fitness has improved a lot after adding 15 points to the system, it is still a bit difficult to face the prosthetic body that will not get tired at all. After 5 minutes of optical camouflage, Yuan Ye's exhaustion finally couldn't be hidden, and it began to show in his actions.

——It's time to add some.

Yuan Ye put away other thoughts, and he couldn't wait until his physical strength was exhausted to add more, otherwise the fault tolerance rate would become lower.

The mechanical white clothes will not give up such a good opportunity, even if he does not have superb martial arts experience like Yuan Ye, he can read the information of his physical decline from the gradually thickened breathing and heartbeat of others, but Yuan Ye's forehead The external manifestations such as the gradually dense beads of sweat and the slowing down of the sword swing speed, as long as he is not blind, it can be seen that Yuan Ye's condition is not good, so the mechanical white clothes chose to take the initiative.

It can only be said that the mechanical white clothes were lucky. They chose the moment before Yuan Ye was about to add points when he took the initiative to attack. At the moment when Yuan Ye tentatively swung his sword, preparing to force the mechanical white clothes back and then opened the distance to add points, The feeling of touching the carbon-based flesh was transmitted to him along the blade.

This made Yuan Ye make a wrong judgment, thinking that the mechanical white clothes had finally been caught by him, and gave up retreating to apply force to expand the wound.

But Yuan Ye didn't notice that when his sword pierced through the chest of the mechanical white clothes, the prosthetic hand of the mechanical white clothes under the optical camouflage also swung to his abdomen, and when the subconscious alarm bell sounded, it was too late for him to avoid it .

At the moment when he felt wrong, his experience in swordsmanship allowed Yuan Ye to make the best decision in the worst case. Now that half of the sword body has penetrated into the flesh, it must be too late to pull it out, so he simply let go of his grip on the sword hands, retreating backwards.

This made it too late for the mechanical white-clothed boxer to apply more power. Only the accumulated kinetic energy during the punching process acted on Yuan Ye's abdomen. Although the stomach acid surged up from him, he did not hit the final one that completely lost his combat effectiveness after all. fist.

Yuan Ye opened the distance, opened the skill bar with the reflection of the sword body, and spent 570 psionic energy points, which is 18 years of lifespan, to upgrade his swordsmanship to LV.6.

Level [-] to level [-] seems to have crossed a threshold. If you want to continue to improve after the skill level exceeds level [-], the cost of psionic energy will start to increase exponentially, but now the situation is urgent, and you still have to add points.

With the upgrading of sword skills, new insights appeared in Yuan Ye's heart, and almost instantly, he found a way to win.

===Chapter 23 Death in white clothes===

This winning method came from Yuan Ye's aching abdomen.

Although the mechanical white clothes' attack hit Yuan Ye's abdomen, it also exposed a problem - the output of his prosthetic body was not as strong as before the optical camouflage was turned on.

The reason why he made a defensive counterattack before was because Yuan Ye made a strategy after fighting the mechanical white clothes with all his strength for the first time, and after getting the power feedback, and the punch that the mechanical white clothes hit him in the stomach, if not Because the output is not enough, it will be a punch of lore.

——Remember this lesson, before the next life-and-death battle, no matter what, you must at least ensure that the combat power gap label on the opponent's head is [slightly inferior] or [like an ant]. If the label of the force gap is [no distinction between equals], then it is really equal, and the car will overturn if you are not careful.

Yuan Ye reminded himself in his heart and made a judgment at the same time.

For safety reasons, civilian prosthetic bodies that can be bought on the market in 2077 basically use the unlimited power transmission technology to maintain battery life, and only carry a very small battery to prevent emergencies, and the power supply agreement of the unlimited power transmission technology It will limit the bionic muscles of the prosthetic body from exerting the strength beyond the set strength of ordinary people.

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