"Robot? Isn't that human?" Hoshino Shiori asked in surprise.

Yuan Ye patted his head and remembered that Shiori Hoshino had not reached the carbon-based limit like himself. When facing a super-high-precision bionic robot, if the other party did not speak, it would be impossible to tell whether it was a real person or not.

However, Yuanye's perception was greatly enhanced after reaching the carbon-based limit, and he could even hear the sound of about fifteen decibels from the silent motor wrapped in sound-proof material.

But fortunately, Yuan Ye's perception is not strong enough to "smell farts, see worms on the other's face", otherwise, he can only regard women as pink skeletons like those seniors in the Internet literature, and be forced to inherit The idea that "the thing that sword needs to stay away from most is feelings", instead of enjoying getting along with a beautiful girl like Hoshino Shiori quite happily.

"It's a robot, it's just an ultra-high-precision bionic robot, so you can't recognize it." Yuan Ye explained, "In this hospital, most of the important services are in charge of them."

"He didn't dare." Yuan Ye shook his head and replied, "Did you see that robot before?"

"Robot? Isn't that human?" Hoshino Shiori asked in surprise.

Yuan Ye patted his head and remembered that Shiori Hoshino had not reached the carbon-based limit like himself. When facing a super-high-precision bionic robot, if the other party did not speak, it would be impossible to tell whether it was a real person or not.

However, Yuanye's perception was greatly enhanced after reaching the carbon-based limit, and he could even hear the sound of about fifteen decibels from the silent motor wrapped in sound-proof material.

But fortunately, Yuan Ye's perception is not strong enough to "smell farts, see worms on the other's face", otherwise, he can only regard women as pink skeletons like those seniors in the Internet literature, and be forced to inherit The idea that "the thing that sword needs to stay away from most is feelings", instead of enjoying getting along with a beautiful girl like Hoshino Shiori quite happily.

"It's a robot, it's just an ultra-high-precision bionic robot, so you can't recognize it." Yuan Ye explained, "In this hospital, most of the important services are in charge of them."

===Chapter 160 Three Greetings===

"Eh?" Hoshino Shiori exclaimed subconsciously. She thought Yuan Ye didn't know about it, or even if she knew, she would just pretend to be confused, but she really didn't expect Yuan Ye to admit it so directly.

"To be precise, I know that this kind of transaction exists." Yuan Ye thought for a while, and decided that it is better to be honest, Hoshino Shiori is not an unreasonable person, so he should be able to understand, "But it is not under our control." ...or it is not within the direct jurisdiction of the Black Dragon Society."

"What do you mean?"

"Although the Jidao Organization is theoretically the actual controller of the grassroots in Yingzhou, in the final analysis, the Jidao Organization's control of the grassroots has not been officially recognized in terms of legal principles. If it is only from the legal level, Xiaguan has never given up on the grassroots. It’s just that they don’t have the extra power to maintain this control.” Yuan Ye shrugged, “The so-called Black Dragon Society’s control over Sumida District is only a de facto control.”

"The lack of legal principles has led to the fact that the Yakuza organization can't really achieve Kasumigaseki's official control over the grassroots when the power is sufficient. In fact, the role of the Yakuza organization is more similar to the organizer of the various grassroots autonomous bodies. Role, after all, Yingzhou grassroots self-government has been a tradition before the great unemployment wave." Yuan Ye explained, "If you have to find a ecological niche that appeared in the past history to match, what is the relationship between the Jidao organization and Xiaguan? It is more similar to the relationship between the lower-level feudal lords and kings in Europe in the early days of the Industrial Revolution."

"For this reason, this kind of transaction for 'relief posts' is actually not under our control. They are like merchants in the feudal period. When conducting commercial activities, they have to pay taxes to the lord, and the lord grants permission for their activities. relationship." Yuan Ye paused, and continued, "So I only know the existence of this kind of 'offering' from the financial statements, and I just saw what happened, so I think about it."

"If I'm not wrong." Yuan Ye turned around and pointed to the cleaners, "These people are probably the relevant personnel in the hospital, or the relevant personnel of the relief agency who requested the posts, and they sent these posts that should have been issued. All the money was blackmailed, and then subcontracted and exploited layer by layer, and finally the wages were reduced to a tenth of the original, and then those desperate unemployed were found to fill the jobs."

"The Black Dragon Society just received his confession. In theory, it has no jurisdiction over these matters." Yuan Ye replied with a shrug.

Of course, it’s not true that there’s nothing to do. Although in theory the Black Dragon Society has no affiliation with these people selling relief jobs, the Black Dragon Society can be regarded as a local snake after all, and there are still ways to manage it.

However, it is quite boring to directly agree to this kind of thing. It is like a teacher who has prepared a lesson. It would be too boring if he just read the handouts. You still have to throw away a few simple burdens and wait for the students to ask questions. There is a sense of accomplishment in answering.

"Is there nothing to do?" Hoshino Shiori asked as expected by Yuan Ye.

Yuan Ye naturally climbed up the pole: "Of course, you will know later."

Before, Yuan Ye could be said to have been irritated by the mess of the Black Dragon Club, and he had no intention of dealing with these trivial matters at all.

After all, he knows in his heart that the Black Dragon Society is still an extreme organization in the final analysis, just like the rats in the sewer, they are always carrying dirt and germs on their bodies, and now they should solve the main problems first, and then slowly clean up these leftovers and wash themselves. White is right—of course, it’s not really about washing the black into white, but scraping off all the black on the canvas, and then painting it with white.

But since the other party hit him on the head, he doesn't mind spending a little energy to cut off the other party's money path, just like a businessman operating in the feudal lord's territory, if he is cautious about conducting black business in private, that's all. , but if the feudal lord who came to allow him to do business is really disgusted, then it is only a thought of the feudal lord to let him go.

Although it seems a bit unfavorable to use feudal lords who have been swept into the garbage dump of history as a metaphor, but in fact it is quite appropriate. Yuan Ye, who became the leader of the Black Dragon Society, is like Bai Ding who obtained an official status in ancient times and obtained a fief There is a distinction between the newly promoted nobles and those who still need to make money secretly.

To use Sheda's words, he is the "strong man" now, while those people are "weak people". Whether they exist or not depends on his thoughts.

But this does not mean that Yuan Ye will use his "power of the strong" unscrupulously, and he does not believe in Sheda's set, and he will kill himself if he does many injustices. The teachings of his ancestors still exist today even after time travel. In Yuan Ye's moral system, it assists him in making value judgments.

"How mysterious." Hoshino Shiori complained in a low voice with some dissatisfaction, "Can't you tell me directly now?"

"If it was before, there is still time to explain, but we have all walked to Mr. Sato's ward, it is better to go in first." Yuan Ye put his hand on the doorknob, turned around and reminded Hoshino Shiori to confirm After checking the gift box in his hand and not taking it by mistake, he pushed open the door.

"Good evening, Mr. Sato." Yuan Ye walked through the entrance of the ward and came to the bed of this single ward, but there is no one lying on this bed now, Sato has already changed into his regular clothes, and sat on the chair next to him On the board, chatting with a middle-aged man in a suit.

"Oh, are you here?" Seeing Yuan Ye coming, Sato turned his head and said hello.

"Congratulations to Mr. Sato for being discharged from the hospital." Yuan Ye handed over the gift box, "A small gift is not a respect."

"Too polite." Sato said the established polite words.

The two were still going through the process of socializing, and Shiori Hoshino was already impatient and took the gift box in Yuan Ye's hand, stood beside Sato, and began to ask about Sato's physical condition with concern.

Sato stared helplessly at his granddaughter, who was somewhat discordant with the world, but then he thought about it, like Yuan Ye, who is more compliant with the world, and some young and mature talents are a minority. The generation of young people born after the great unemployment wave is comparable to that of the last century. After the bubble economy burst, young people are even more "mourned". It is good not to regard relatives as enemies, and you can't expect too much.

"If the body recovers, if it has not fully recovered, how about staying in the hospital for observation for a while?" Yuan Ye also asked about Sato's physical condition. After all, Sato had no intention of going to the hospital at the beginning, but the final injury was He was overweight, and he had no choice but to enter the hospital where he relied on the broken medical equipment in the black clinic under his command.

===Chapter 160 Accounting===

"There is no problem at all. I know my own body." Sato replied, "When I went to pay the hospitalization fee, I found that you had already paid the money. I will transfer the money to you now."

"That's not necessary. The Black Dragon Society already has a corresponding security system. The medical expenses of senior cadres are fully covered. I should pay the money for both emotional and reasonable reasons." Yuan Ye said helplessly, but Sato's stubbornness was It fits his age very well, "What's more, you also helped introduce me to those doctors. This alone has benefited me a lot."

The status of doctors in Yingzhou in 2077 is much higher than that of doctors in Yingzhou before Yuan Ye crossed over, and they have completely become part of the ruling class—after all, in 2077, the structure of the human body has long been understood, and the so-called doctors are actually It's just a part-time job as a biological master. These groups who have mastered gene adjustment technology and a full set of biological transformation technology are completely different from the status of the gold-collar class of the capital group that he can only attach to before crossing.

Sato's recommendation, using the words of the Goku movie that Yuan Ye watched in the past, is actually the so-called "handover". These important channels are usually not interfered with by others, but now they take the initiative to hand over to others. Yuan Ye, in fact, is that Sato is transferring the power in his hands to Yuan Ye. Without Sato's support, Yuan Ye would not have stabilized the situation of the Black Dragon Club so smoothly.

"Really?" Sato nodded without forcing, "Then I will accept it with peace of mind."

"Why did you choose to leave the hospital at night?" Hoshino Shizhi complained with some dissatisfaction.

"It's because this is the earliest flight I can book, at one o'clock tomorrow." Sato replied.

"Airplane? Grandpa, where are you going?" Hoshino Shiori asked in surprise.

"Of course I left Yingzhou." Sato patted Hoshino Shiori's head and replied.

"How come?" Hoshino Shiori was a little incredulous.

"I'll tell you the details later, please call my attending physician over now." Sato patted Hoshino Shiori on the head and said, "Go."

Although Shiori Hoshino didn't understand the ways of the world very well, she still knew that Sato wanted to dismiss him, probably because she had something to say to Yuan Ye, so she obediently left the ward.

"Why did Mr. Sato leave Yingzhou?" After Hoshino Shiori left the ward, Yuan Ye directly asked the question that Hoshino Shiori had asked before, because he knew that the reason why Sato supported Yuan Ye was probably because of Talk to him.

"Frankly, this is something I have thought about for a long time." Sato crossed his hands and said firmly, "I have long thought of leaving Yingzhou to live in my old age. After all, this place is full of filth, and I am here. There are too many causes and effects, it is really not a suitable place to spend your old age in peace."

"And this is what prompted me to practice this idea." Sato took out a voice recorder and played it.

There was a familiar male voice in the recorder, Yuan Ye could tell that it was the voice of a little boss under him.

The little leader in the recording pen was excited, inciting Sato to come out to fight for them, support them in the arena with Yuan Ye, and compete with Yuan Ye for power.

Yuan Ye's face changed a little when he heard that, after all, this is not a good thing.

"There is no problem at all. I know my own body." Sato replied, "When I went to pay the hospitalization fee, I found that you had already paid the money. I will transfer the money to you now."

"That's not necessary. The Black Dragon Society already has a corresponding security system. The medical expenses of senior cadres are fully covered. I should pay the money for both emotional and reasonable reasons." Yuan Ye said helplessly, but Sato's stubbornness was It fits his age very well, "What's more, you also helped introduce me to those doctors. This alone has benefited me a lot."

The status of doctors in Yingzhou in 2077 is much higher than that of doctors in Yingzhou before Yuan Ye crossed over, and they have completely become part of the ruling class—after all, in 2077, the structure of the human body has long been understood, and the so-called doctors are actually It's just a part-time job as a biological master. These groups who have mastered gene adjustment technology and a full set of biological transformation technology are completely different from the status of the gold-collar class of the capital group that he can only attach to before crossing.

Sato's recommendation, using the words of the Goku movie that Yuan Ye watched in the past, is actually the so-called "handover". These important channels are usually not interfered with by others, but now they take the initiative to hand over to others. Yuan Ye, in fact, is that Sato is transferring the power in his hands to Yuan Ye. Without Sato's support, Yuan Ye would not have stabilized the situation of the Black Dragon Club so smoothly.

"Really?" Sato nodded without forcing, "Then I will accept it with peace of mind."

"Why did you choose to leave the hospital at night?" Hoshino Shizhi complained with some dissatisfaction.

"It's because this is the earliest flight I can book, at one o'clock tomorrow." Sato replied.

"Airplane? Grandpa, where are you going?" Hoshino Shiori asked in surprise.

"Of course I left Yingzhou." Sato patted Hoshino Shiori's head and replied.

"How come?" Hoshino Shiori was a little incredulous.

"I'll tell you the details later, please call my attending physician over now." Sato patted Hoshino Shiori on the head and said, "Go."

Although Shiori Hoshino didn't understand the ways of the world very well, she still knew that Sato wanted to dismiss him, probably because she had something to say to Yuan Ye, so she obediently left the ward.

"Why did Mr. Sato leave Yingzhou?" After Hoshino Shiori left the ward, Yuan Ye directly asked the question that Hoshino Shiori had asked before, because he knew that the reason why Sato supported Yuan Ye was probably because of Talk to him.

"Frankly, this is something I have thought about for a long time." Sato crossed his hands and said firmly, "I have long thought of leaving Yingzhou to live in my old age. After all, this place is full of filth, and I am here. There are too many causes and effects, it is really not a suitable place to spend your old age in peace."

"And this is what prompted me to practice this idea." Sato took out a voice recorder and played it.

There was a familiar male voice in the recorder, Yuan Ye could tell that it was the voice of a little boss under him.

The little leader in the recording pen was excited, inciting Sato to come out to fight for them, support them in the arena with Yuan Ye, and compete with Yuan Ye for power.

Yuan Ye's face changed a little when he heard that, after all, this is not a good thing.

===Chapter 160 Nobuji Sato===

"Hello, Mr. Yuan." The middle-aged man sitting next to him stood up and stretched out his right hand, "I'm Shinji Sato, thank you for giving me this opportunity."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Yuan Ye also stood up and shook hands with Sato Shinji, "This position was completely won by Mr. Sato with his own ability. It's better to say that I can get Mr. Sato's wisdom." thanks."

"Mr. Mina was joking." Shinji Sato smiled and sat back in his seat.

Shinji Sato is a high-achieving student who graduated from the Finance Department of Kyoto University. He is a distant nephew of Sato. He is also related by blood. He comes from a middle-class family and can only have money to do the most basic gene adjustment of fertilized eggs. He has no money to use an artificial uterus. , and did not keep up with the acquired biological maintenance course.

Fortunately, the mother did not make any mistakes in the process of pregnancy, and the development period after birth was not too much affected by the acquired environment. The carbon-based brain developed normally to the extent determined by the genome, and I was working hard, and I succeeded. Being admitted to the finance department of Kyoto University, one of the new imperial universities, has maintained his family's middle-class status, and there has been no class slippage.

However, after graduating from university, in order to seek stability, he did not enter a highly competitive company such as a securities company. Instead, he chose an old-fashioned private bank and spent 30 years in it.

After all, Shinji Sato's family is the kind of middle-class intellectuals who rely purely on selling their brains for money. They don't have a high social status and don't have too many social resources. The old banks are relatively stable. Shinji Sato chose this because of this. bank.

Although entering the bank allowed him to escape the great unemployment wave more than [-] years ago, the old-fashioned bank that relies heavily on qualifications and connections also made him stop at the position of section chief. If he wants to make further estimates, he can only wait until retirement The previous "consolation and promotion" - not every banker in reality is Naoki Hansawa, who chooses a stable company and wants to be promoted quickly, and it's not that there is an author who will cheat you for you, as long as you are born without your own It's basically difficult to hang up with your father.

Sato Shinji is also facing a middle-aged crisis because of his choice. His family education is relatively traditional. He is also a standard Yingzhou social animal. His wife is a full-time housewife. The two are relatively affectionate. The eldest son has grown up. Already working, although he didn't get admitted to a good university like his father and became a gold-collar worker, but he was considered a full-time employee who had entered the seniority ranks. At least he didn't have to worry about it until he got married, so he thought about having another one.

It would be better if Sato Shinji's second child was affected during maternal development like the eldest son, and the genome was not fully expressed, but his second child was found to be very lucky in the examination after the birth, and the genetically adjusted genome was in the During the gestation process, it was not greatly affected, and it was perfectly expressed.

Now Shinji Sato is in trouble. He has worked hard for decades, and he has saved a small amount of money. If he borrows some money from the bank, he can completely customize a developmental creature for him. The maintenance plan ensures that the biological tissues expressed by the genome are fully developed.

In this case, you can already reserve a place in Xindi University. If you are lucky enough to develop perfectly and get admitted to the medical department or electronic intelligence related majors, then you will really become a master. Even if you don’t, then the two brothers will support each other. , There is no problem at all in keeping the positions of two middle-class families.

Under this temptation, Shinji Sato discussed with his elder son and borrowed a sum of money on the credit of the two of them. As a result, his life became more and more difficult, even a little miserable, so he thought about changing jobs.

At this time, Sato Shouyuan helped him find some trustworthy financial personnel. Sato just remembered that his nephew from afar came to him, and the two hit it off and abducted Sato Shinji from the bank.

At that time, Sato provided Yuan Ye with a list of more than a dozen people. After interviewing one by one in the virtual space, Yuan Ye finally chose Sato Shinji because of his tradition.

First of all, Shinji Sato is older and more experienced, so he is not easy to be fooled by those twists and turns, and he will not be impulsive like a young man. What Yuan Ye is most afraid of now is that the black dragon has just started to stabilize.

In addition, he has a wife and children, and he is still burdened with debts. As long as he provides a sufficient salary, it is relatively stable, and it is too easy to cause problems—this is what Yuan Ye learned from the managers of the country he was in before crossing In that great organization, having a wife and children is regarded as an important indicator of whether a person is stable and able to take on important responsibilities.

Finally, it is his blood relationship with Sato, which makes him naturally easy to get close to the faction that originally belonged to Uesugi Tomohiko, and can help Yuanye stabilize this faction, so that he will not stand on the opposite side of Yuanye after Sato leaves Go, and he is a pure rookie in the Black Dragon Association, without sufficient qualifications, so naturally he will not be pulled out by the former Yamamoto's people as a banner.

After comprehensive consideration, Yuan Ye finally chose Sato Shinji, which can be regarded as a kind of check and balance for the inner sea. As he himself said, this can be regarded as having some "imperial thinking", but the result of this move is good or not Bad, it's not what he expected.

After all, although Yuan Ye seems to be quite talented in managing organizations, he lacks experience after all. This is already the best method he can think of - under the circumstances that he cannot fully guarantee the absolute loyalty of Nei Hai, and he is ignorant of financial aspects. Adding points to the system only improves his sensitivity to money flow, allowing him to have the "smell" of top financial personnel, and cannot directly gain the experience of an old fortune. Finding a trustworthy professional is the right decision.

"This is the first time we met in reality, right?" Yuan Ye started greeting Sato Shinji according to common sense.

"Yes, we met each other in the virtual space before, and this is the first time in reality." Shinji Sato nodded, "I didn't expect Mr. Yuan to be younger than what I saw in the virtual space, really Unexpectedly, a hero comes from a boy."

"That's ridiculous." Yuan Ye asked and answered, "Mr. Sato must have been very tired after driving here from Kyoto. I don't know if there is a temporary residence?"

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