"La Rose City is that high-tech city," Dawu said next to him

As soon as Dawu said "high-tech city", Lin Li thought of it.

"So it was him," Lin Li muttered to himself.

"Dawu, you don't have time to look at this rock." Lin Li said, handing the photo to Dawu.

"Why?" Dawu said a little surprised

"This rock is not a so-called meteorite at all," Lin Li said.

"What's that?" Mikri pushed the door open and asked curiously.

"Deoxys" Lin Li said a name that was unfamiliar to both of them.

"What kind of elf is this?" Dawu asked in a daze

"If you know, there will be ghosts," Lin Li said.

"The elf in the universe" said Lin Li

"Cosmos?" Dawu said in surprise

"It seems that they have concealed a lot from you!" Lin Li said

"The elf from the universe has a strong recovery ability, and can compete with Liekong," Lin Li said

"Researching this in the city, it seems that I am afraid that the city will live comfortably," Lin Li said.

"Actually, Deoxys is not the biggest problem," Lin Li said.

"Deoxys, who has been able to compete with Liekong, is not the biggest problem." Dawu said with a bit of a breakdown, covering his head.

"What will it be?" Mikri asked calmly

"Of course Ray Kong sat down," Lin Li said.

"Rayquaza? Hasn't he been hanging around in the ozone layer?" Mikri asked a little strangely

"Didn't I say that? They are the elves of the universe, they are stowaways"

"It's still smuggling into the ozone layer under the jurisdiction of Long Ge"

"Isn't that hitting me in the face of Brother Long? It is estimated that once Deoxys wakes up, Rayquaza will sense it."

"I'm afraid there will be a big battle in the city!" Lin Li said

Hearing Lin Li's words, Dawu and Mi Keli almost couldn't stand up, fighting in a big city?

How many people can escape from the whole city?

Thinking of this, Mi Keli and Dawu felt chills all over.

"Whoever brings this thing into the city, I will tear him apart!" Dawu roared angrily with red eyes

Chapter 187 Deoxys

"I said you can go by yourself, why do you take me?" Lin Li shrank his neck in the cold wind.

This matter started when Lin Li told them that Ray Kong was sitting.

"What can I do!!" Dawu and Mikoli were a little anxious

"What else can I do? Ask someone to throw that hot potato to an inaccessible place," Lin Li said.

"That's right, that's right." Mikoli and Dawu were a little too shocked just now, and didn't react, but Lin Li reacted as soon as he said it.

Mikri quickly contacted the person in charge of Larose City and told him to hurry up and handle this matter.

After finishing speaking, he hung up the contact directly, got up and planned to host and deal with this matter directly.

"Wait, there is still something to do in the Mikoli Alliance, Lin Li and I will go." Dawu quickly grabbed Mikoli

After all, the conference has just ended, and some responsible persons and representatives from various places have not left. It is true that Mikri does not leave at this time.

"Ahhh! I didn't say I'm going." Lin Li's protest was ignored by Dawu at the side.

He directly took Lin Lisheng and dragged him onto Kuailong's back.

This Kuailong was dispatched urgently.

"Didn't I know little about that Daiou?" Dawu said

"There's no need to take me there either." Lin Li was a little helpless

Kuailong took Dawu and Lin Li to fly at high speed in the air and headed for Laros City.

"Oh! You've worked so hard!" Lin Li said involuntarily.

"What are you calling for? When you trouble Sinnoh, I'll be your pawn." Dawu said

"Okay!" Lin Li said helplessly.

That plan is indeed a bit troublesome by myself, so it's better to ask Dawu to help.

"The Kuailong is flying too fast!" Lin Li looked at the clouds flashing past around him.

"It must be fast, after all, it is a matter of great urgency!" Dawu said

"I don't think so," Lin Li said, raising his head.

"What did you say?" Dawu asked in confusion

"Look at that black shadow in the sky." Lin Li pointed to the figure flying high in the sky.

"That is?" Dawu could only vaguely see a phantom.

"Deoxys" Lin Li said it directly

"My waveguide told me he was Deoxys," Lin Li said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the figure suddenly accelerated and disappeared from the sight of Lin Li and Dawu.

"Where are you going?" Dawu asked anxiously.

"Go ahead of us, it's such a simple question," Lin Li said.

"We are very lucky. In such a big sky, we can even meet Deoxys," Lin Li said.

"What the hell! Is he so fast?" Dawu asked

"It's really fast," Lin Li said.

Lin Li on the side was very calm. Anyway, he rushed there as soon as possible, and whether he could catch up was not his problem.

"Mikoli, is Laros City ready? Lin Li and I met Deoxys in the sky, and we are flying to Laros City," Dawu said anxiously

"Meet Deoxys? Isn't Deoxys in Laros still awake?" Mikri asked

"That's right, didn't Lin Li Deoxys wake up?" Dawu asked a little strangely

"I never said there was only one Deoxys," Lin Li said.

"When we first entered the planet, there were two of them," Lin Li said.

"What??? Such an important matter" Dawu was a little incoherent

"Is it important? It's not important. Deoxys is not important. It's really troublesome to sit with Raykong," Lin Li said.

"It's good to come, Mikoli, tell them, don't hesitate, as soon as that Deoxys arrives, give him the stone," Lin Li said

"They also know that if they can't beat Lie Kongzuo, they will run away by themselves," Lin Li said.

"But what if they go to other cities?" Mikri asked worriedly

"? This is not something you should worry about. Even if they don't run away, you still have nothing to do with those three elves."

"They are not dumb fish and can't fly. They can fly and fly very fast. We have no means to restrict them," Lin Li said directly

"Honestly, let's admit it, Deoxys was beaten by Liekongza to vent his anger, I guess it's okay," Lin Li said

"So, you guys have to find a way to guide it, as long as you don't fight in the city." Lin Li said

"That's the only way to go." Mikri hung up the contact.

"Oh! Which bastard took it back?" Dawu was still very angry about this

"It's not impossible for me to understand if you want to study. Do you have to study in the city?" Dawu said angrily

"Who knows!" Lin Li said indifferently

He wasn't nervous at all, and it wasn't about fighting Rayquaza.

To be honest, Lin Li liked Long Ge very much in his last life, and he felt so handsome.

This time, it was just to protect the crowd.

In case, Lie Kong sits in the city and fights, then let's fight.

Lie Kongzuo is only performing his duties, and the person who brought the things has to be responsible for this.

Therefore, Lin Li expressed that he was not panicking at all.

Dawu was right now, very nervous, for fear that the place would be in ruins when he got there.

On the other side, the city of La Rose has sounded the alarm.

"Citizens, please evacuate to the protected area in an orderly manner"

"Citizens please evacuate in an orderly manner"

At this time, the city of Larose was no longer as lively and prosperous as usual.

With the assistance of alliance staff, all personnel began to evacuate in an orderly manner.

At the same time, a group of trainers is speeding to the research institute in Larose City.

"Hello, our institute is being evacuated in an orderly manner, what can I do for you?" Dr. Renda came out and asked

"So it's you bastard!" After finishing speaking, the head trainer punched Dr. Renda in the face hard.

"Stop, who are you? Why are you beating someone?" Miss Yuko asked

"You are Ms. Yuko, right?" the head trainer said while looking at the information in his hand

"That's right," Yuko replied, supporting Dr. Renda.

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