Although Mi Keli was very worried, but seeing Dawu's eyes drifting wildly, he knew that he had something to hide from him, but Dawu is also Lin Li's friend, so there must be something hard to say.

Knowing this Mikri was also a little relieved.

Dawu also hurriedly picked up his coat, "Let's go"

Mikoli nodded, they also had to go to suppress the lava team.

Miccoli is the current champion, so there are still some things to deal with.

So, Dawu went to Lin Li's residence.

Lin Li was basking in the sun at home when suddenly the navigator rang.

Lin Li lazily shouted: "Little crocodile, little crocodile, go and help me get the navigator."

At this moment, the little crocodile, holding the stone with its mouth for exercise, heard Lin Li's cry,

He let go of the hemp rope in his mouth, ran happily into the house, and grabbed the navigator on the table.

"Thank you, little crocodile." Lin Li patted the little crocodile's head and praised.

"Who?!! Tell me something." Lin Li, who hadn't woken up, said directly to the navigator.

"It's me! Dawu" Dawu's voice came from the navigator.

"Oh, it's Dawu, what's the matter?" Lin Li asked directly

"I told you before," Dawu said helplessly, every time Lin Li Xianyu got up, his brain would degenerate rapidly.

"I said it before? Let me think about it." Lin Li thought for a second before giving up.

"Dawu give me a hint," Lin Li said.

"Lava team base" Dawu reminded

"Ooooh, I remember..." Lin Li sat up in embarrassment at this moment.

It was only then that Lin Li remembered that I wanted to split the mountain.

"Are you ready? I can hack at any time." Lin Li said happily.

"Come out, you salted fish, you are on a business trip!!" Lin Li shouted into the room.

Geng Gui, who was wearing an apron, Miao Frog Flower, who was planting berries, Sun Ibrahimovic, who was practicing, and the little crocodile, who was working hard, all looked at Lin Li with bewildered expressions.

"You salty fish are calling us?????"

Lin Li didn't realize it at this moment: "Clean up quickly, pack up quickly, let's go to split the mountain"

"You guys are salting fish at home all day, your body must be rusty, just go out with me for a walk"

Under the speechless eyes of the elves, Lin Li happily packed his things.

Seeing this unconscious guy, the elves sighed helplessly.

What else can the owner of his own choice do?A few elves packed up quickly.

"Ahhhhh!! The little crocodile can't take the sand basin with us." Lin Li stopped the little crocodile who was dragging the sand basin.

"Wow?" The little crocodile tilted his head and looked at Lin Li suspiciously.

"It's outside," Lin Li said casually, making the little crocodile give up the idea of ​​setting off with the sand basin.

At this time, Dawu also came to Lin Li's house.

"Are you ready?" Dawu pushed the door open and said.

"Okay." Lin Li took the elves back to the elf ball.

Lin Li and Dawu boarded the helicopter and set off.

"Dawu, where is Team Lava's base?" Lin Li asked curiously.

"Here, a dormant volcano," Dawu replied

"Volcano?? Team Lava is brave enough." Lin Li sighed

"Huh? Then at the volcano, can our original plan still be carried out?"

That's a volcano, what if we cut it down and it erupts?

"It's okay, I've evaluated it, the volcano is not big, and the pressure of the magma in the formation is not too big"

"Even outbreaks are small outbreaks"

"Within controllable range" Dawu explained.

This is also normal, if it is really a dangerous volcano, the lava team may not dare to set up a base there.

"Don't worry!" Dawu said, patting his chest.

Mikri had already arrived at the scene ahead of time, drove away the surrounding elves, and gave him a reasonable arrangement.

The alliance personnel also began to slowly retreat to the periphery.

Everything is ready to go.

With the buzzing of the helicopter, the helicopter is already approaching here.

Lin Li and Dawu got off the helicopter.

"Long time no see, Lin Li, thanks to you this time." Mi Keli went up to thank Lin Li.

"Stop it, stop it, don't be polite, whoever we are" Lin Li stopped Mi Keli.

"Plus, it's also what we want to cut."

"Kou Jie!!!" Geng Gui jumped out from behind Lin Li.

"It's not too late, Mikoli, Dawu backs off," Lin Li said.

Azure light and grass green light burst out from Lin Li's body, linking with Geng Gui.

Geng Gui accepted Lin Li's assistance.

Looking at the mountains in the distance.

Geng Gui pulled out from the shadow, representing the energy ball cut off by Yakong.

Geng Gui pulled back with his right hand in a gesture of accumulating strength.

Terrifying space energy gathered in Geng Gui's hands again, and it was the first time that Mi Keli behind Lin Li felt such a scene.

Terrifying energy was surging, and under the influence of this terrifying energy, cracks appeared in the surrounding space.

"Geng Gui, Yakong cut it off!!!" Lin Li shouted loudly

"Kou Jie!!?" Geng Gui swung his right arm vigorously, and the light blade formed by the gathering of space energy slashed forward.

There is no doubt that the volcano is cut off instantly by this huge subspace, which is as silky as a hot knife cutting butter.

As a result, the upper mountain body slowly slipped and collapsed.

Chapter 94

Geng Gui cut off the sub-air with a crisp and sharp shot, happily cutting off the volcano at the base where the lava team is located.

The members of the organization who had been hiding in the base suddenly felt the violent vibration of the mountain.

Then they saw the sun! !

"The sun???!!" The lava team members were quite confused at this moment.

Why is there a sun here? ?

It is difficult for everyone to understand this matter, but the sunshine on the face does not lie.

They looked up and indeed saw a sky where dark clouds were rapidly emerging.

"Pray for rain!" At the same time that Lin Li successfully cut down the mountain, Mikri directly directed all the water elves to use pray for rain.

The sun was instantly covered by thick dark clouds, and the patter of rain began to fall from the sky.

The members of the lava team who were still in the volcano at this time felt the rain from the sky, felt the coldness of the rain, and told them that all this was reality.

Looking at the league staff jokingly watching them in the sky, everyone panicked.

"Calm down!!! If that's the case, let's face it head-on!! The Rockets can beat the Kanto League, there's no reason our Lava team can't!!" A man came out and said domineeringly.

Mi Keli stared at the man and said, "Chi Yansong?"

"Hahahaha, it's me," Chi Yansong laughed wildly.

"Let me see your level"

Mi Keli looked at the man below speechlessly.

"It's this stuff that we've been having trouble with??" Mikri asked the staff next to him suspiciously.

The staff member was obviously a little skeptical of life, and took out the information in his hand to check, Chi Yansong's character should not be like this!

The tone was a little helpless and said: "It should be this reckless man."

Mi Ke looked at the staff member suspiciously: "Are you sure?"

"Huh?!! Although I don't want to admit it, but I decided this is the thing" the staff confirmed again.

Seeing the Chi Yansong screaming wildly below, Mikri rubbed the bridge of his nose helplessly.

"Forget it, tell the distance team in the distance, the water cannon will wash the ground!" Mikri said.

"Got it" staff communicated the order.

There is a platform in the distance, where a large number of water elves are ready to go.

The heavy rain from the sky made them quite energetic at this time.

"Water cannon, cover fire, non-stop fire" orders have arrived.

All water elves, aim at the location of the lava team and use the water cannon.

Chi Yansong thought that Mi Keli ignored him because he was afraid, so he became even more arrogant.

But suddenly the scene in the distance turned aqua blue.

Chi Yansong's expression changed drastically, but it was too late to escape. .

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