Chapter 40 The Flaws of Sirens

All the Siren mass-production ships put down their original targets and rushed towards Jiang Jiang with a ferocious pressure.

Jiang Jiang turned around and left at full speed, all the Siren production ships frantically fired at Jiang Jiang, but the shells were always slightly slower than Jiang Jiang's line.

For a moment, Jiang Jiang turned into a windy man on the sea, carrying a congratulatory "salute" along the way, and the three of Xu Lu and the escorts in the distance were all stunned.

Watching Jiang Jiang's commander ship dodge left and right in the barrage where life and death were on the line, Xu Lu muttered to herself, "Why does this guy look more skilled than us? He used to be chased by people with guns." ?"

"Don't be dazed, how can a student have that kind of experience, maybe it's talent. Okay, now it's our turn, huh? Where's Liu Yang?"

Liu Hai arranged for the ship's mother to prepare for battle, while shouting on the radio.Xu Lu nodded in agreement with Liu Hai. Jiang Jiang, who looked only in his 20s, no matter how much he owed a beating, it was impossible for him to be brought up with guns.

"What Liu Yang said...he seems to have rushed out a long time ago, take a look behind..."

Liu Hai looked back according to his words, and saw a commander ship with a missing part of the bow was charging towards the siren army in front of the siren army with a fierce spray, which was quite heroic and heroic. Qi.

Liu Hai quickly grabbed the radio and launched a series of fatal calls to Liu Yang's commander ship.

"Yoko! Puss brain collapsed!? Pay attention to cooperate with the battle!"

Seeing Liu Yang being so reckless, Liu Hai's mother tongue burst out, and Liu Hai, who cared about his younger brother's safety, quickly turned around and chased after this worrying younger brother.

"Hey! Liu Hai, don't be impulsive! Wait for me." Xu Lu yelled on the radio.

"That's my younger brother, a brother who loves brothers and sisters! I..."

"Hey, you guys are too slow! Brother Jiang is giving up his life to save us now! Don't make Brother Jiang, oh no, Brother Jiang has been waiting for a long time! Brother, dear brother, wait for us, brother will come right away!"

After speaking, Liu Yang put down the radio and rushed towards Jiang Jiang without hesitation, like a knight charging to save the leader.

"...Liu Yang, Liu Hai, are you okay?" Xu Lu refused to comment on Liu Yang's integrity.

It's just that the strange smell coming from Liu Hai through the radio made people hiss a little.

Liu Hai fell into dead silence after being interrupted by Liu Yang.

After a long time, Liu Haina whispered a sentence: "It's okay, of course it's okay, my brother has grown up and has his own ideas. By the way, Xu Lu, in order to improve the efficiency of cooperative operations, let's let Liu Yang take the lead. This will save money." Calculated."

"But, isn't this too much pressure on Liu Yang..."

"It's okay, he has a lot of girls, and he's at the front, so he deserves to be beaten... Oh no, he's the striker."

Liu Hai's resentful tone silenced Xu Lu's worries.Xu Lu felt that the situation over there was not something she could provoke, so she shrank her neck and agreed.

The three "cooperated" to use the classic triangle tactics, Liu Yang acted as the forward, and a total of six ship girls plunged into the rear of the Siren production fleet like an awl.

Although the lethality is not as good as Jiang Jiang's ship girls, it hurts enough.

Liu Hai and Xu Lu on the two wings at the back also sent out their own ship girls. Compared with the freshman trial, both of them added a ship girl.

After the firepower is fully activated, the firepower of the three parties makes it impossible for the Siren production fleet to ignore, and although their aim is very different from that of Befa and others.

But the barrage of iron and steel, which was denser than the five ships, was accompanied by the roar of the wind and the explosion of thunder, and it blatantly fell between the siren mass production fleet.

The scorching flames erupted, setting off turbulent waves, and causing obstacles visible to the naked eye to the front line of the Siren mass production fleet.

This caused the speed of the Siren production fleet to pursue Jiang Jiang to be forced to drop a lot.

Under the attack of prey, the Siren production fleet reacted quickly, and half of the Siren production ships stopped advancing immediately, turned around and shot at Liu Yang and the others head-on.

In this way, the Siren mass-production fleet was divided into two parts, one half stayed to attack Liu Yang and the others, and the other half continued to bite Jiang Jiang.

"It's a pity that six Siren production ships were taken away. It seems that the intelligence of these chess pieces is still above the passing line..."

Seeing that the battle was progressing as he predicted, Jiang Jiang's eyes kept flashing.

From the very beginning, Jiang Jiang counted these Siren mass-production ships clearly. From the information he learned before, these Siren mass-production ships are just cannon fodder created by those Siren masterminds.

According to the Siren Illustrated Book, these Siren mass-produced ships should be the lowest-level products, so although they have certain intelligence, they are definitely not high, and the decision is relatively rigid.In this way, how to take advantage of these conditions is very simple.

As a senior space captain, although Jiang Jiang doesn't know the operating principle of intelligent machines, data programming structure and so on.

But for how to deal with these smart tin shells, Jiang Jiang can be said to have rich practical experience, coupled with the assistance of his brain.

Jiang Jiang can say that although I don't understand it very well, I know how to fight, just like clearing a level requires only a strategy.

After that, first use the hard logic of rigid intelligence to get out and kill one ship.

Then the siren will increase his danger level, but it still hasn't reached the level where he can threaten Jiang Jiang.

After that, they used the task priority arrangement of the Siren mass-production ships, and took the opportunity to take down three Siren mass-production ships, and they have been pursued until now.

It can be said that the operation logic of the Siren mass production ship was tightly manipulated by Jiang Jiang, and the Siren mass production ship, which is not very intelligent, is really helpless.

"Sirius, tell Xu Lu and the others to retreat, fight while retreating, fire at 50.00% of full strength, then 70.00%, and so on.

These sirens will only arrange the next distribution ratio according to the immediate situation. "

After Jiang Jiang finished talking to Sirius next to him, he turned his head and told Beifa and others.

"For a while, your artillery fire should not be too accurate, mainly delay, fire in turn, and reduce our threat first.

I will ask Xu Lu and the others to change direction, and then I will drive the ship close enough to them. In this way, the Siren mass-production ship will take into account factors such as distance value, threat value, etc. The number of mass-produced ships..."

"In this case, as long as the master and Xu Lu commanders increase their firepower one by one, there will always be some siren production ships that are exhausted.

In the end, the Siren mass-produced ships will be consumed slowly, what a bold and incredible strategy~Master..."

Beifa looked at Jiang Jiang with a smile, and told Jiang Jiang's thoughts.

"I really didn't expect that the siren, whom we regard as the enemy of life, is like a stubborn stone that can't turn at all under the play of the master. It will only follow a fixed routine, and finally, it will slowly usher in perdition. "

"It seems that Bei Fa learned quickly." Jiang Jiang nodded with satisfaction, and added: "Smart machines are indeed beyond the reach of human beings in many aspects.

But as long as you understand its operating logic and fixed rules, you can find the corresponding rule conflicts. "

After all, finding bugs is a natural skill of all players. Since the sirens regard this as a game test, it is reasonable for me to use some bugs that are feasible in the rules.

As for how to calculate those complex logic calculations of Sirens?

The intelligent brain chip with a computing power of hundreds of billions of times per second tells you that those who practice martial arts can't beat the cultivation, try the dimensionality reduction blow from the "flying" boss.

Under the calculation of the intelligent brain, the calculation logic of the Siren mass production ship was cleaned up, and even the intelligent brain's calculations were more accurate than these masters.

Jiang Jiang and Xu Lu cooperated with each other to pull monsters, consume and attract hatred.

The Siren mass-production fleet slowly grinded to death one after another in their correct logical calculations, each time just after adjusting the fleet allocation.

The threat level on the other side will suddenly increase, causing the Siren mass production ship to be redistributed, and a part of the Siren is always on the move.

Four or five hours later, just when the number of the Siren mass production fleet had been worn down, a sharp shell hit Liu Yang's ship mother from a distance. fall down.

"Badan! Bastard! What is that?!" Liu Yang took Badan, who was dying, from his mother-in-law. Liu Yang felt panicked at the soft body.

Several people looked into the distance, and a siren battleship with a different color from the previous siren mass-production ship appeared in front of them unconsciously, as if teleporting, and no one noticed it.

Its artillery fire that almost scrapped a ship girl in an instant told Jiang Jiang and others that a new danger had arrived and the situation had reversed

Chapter 41 Reversal and Reversal

"Bang bang!" Another two shells flew from a distance, and two black siren production ships with blue stripes appeared.

Two cannons were fired: one was missed and fell into the sea, and after a while there was a splash several meters high, with surging waves, and the other was aimed at Jiang Jiang's Queen of Heaven.

At this moment, everything seemed to be in slow motion. Jiang Jiang's pupils were constricted, and he opened his mouth slightly. There was no time to say anything, and the ship girl next to him was helpless.

Only Tianhou herself watched the red warhead tearing the air through the eyepiece, and the whistling white smoke was evaporated water vapor.

But what also follows is that the calculation track that emerges faster than the flight of the shell, countless data indicators, angles, wind speeds, etc., are finally converted into white lines to mark out.

As early as the moment the cannonball exited, the intellectual brain had already locked on the cannonball, and the calculation speed of hundreds of billions of times per second was far faster than the flight of the cannonball.

Tianhou couldn't think much at this time, her body had already moved first, she relaxed her body and squatted down, and fell to the side.

The cannonball arrived in a blink of an eye, and the turbulent heat wave hit Tianhou's pretty face. The red bullet passed by Tianhou, crushed and pierced a strand of pink hair in Tianhou, and shot into the sea far behind.

In fact, this process was only in the blink of an eye. Others only heard a "swish", and the shells passed the sky and hit the sea, and "bang" blasted several meters of water.

"This is a more advanced Siren mass-produced ship, and its firepower is a notch higher than the previous one! This is not something we can handle!"

Xu Lu screamed on the radio, panicked again in her tone.

Jiang Jiang's face was gloomy. The sudden appearance of the enhanced version was beyond his expectation, and there were three ships at once.

It was enough to fight those lowest-level red sirens, but now that the "increase the quantity and increase the price" siren gift package, Jiang Jiang felt a strong sense of malice.

"Retreat! This is not in our plan! We can't eat these three Siren production ships!" Liu Hai shouted on the radio.

The indexes of the blue siren production ship are much higher than those of the red one, so the original strategy and firepower estimation will not be used.

Jiang Jiang and the others had no choice but to turn around and run away cursing. After all, they worked hard to pass the first stage, but a wave of more perverted guys appeared behind them.

Reality is not a game, Jiang Jiang and others have no chance to save and restart, they can only save their lives first.Fortunately, the original Siren production fleet has been wiped out.

But also because of this, Jiang Jiang and others' ship girls are not in good condition, and they are really powerless in the face of a more powerful enemy.

Just when Jiang Jiang and the others were overwhelmed by the siren's surprise attack and could only escape hastily, the escorts also discovered the problem and secretly thought badly.

"How is it possible?! Where did these sirens come from! No, those little fellows are in danger." The man with a smoky voice sounded panicked.

In the previous battles, the man with a smoky voice had already recognized the command ability of Jiang Jiang and others, especially for the special battle against the defects of the Siren mass production ship.

It can be called a perfect textbook-style combat, allowing him to see the potential of these rookie commanders, he must not be dismissed like this...

"Commander Han, let's attack, what they've done is good enough!" The murderous male voice could no longer sit still.

"If Headmaster Hood knew that we let these good seedlings have an accident, she would definitely use her 406mm SKC main gun to blast us into carbon dioxide!"

Hearing this, everyone shuddered, the past was unbearable...

"Okay, let's go, wait, shit, we've been tricked!" The cold voice interrupted again, but the things that came this time were not good.

Commander Han's face, which had been covered with frost all year round, looked like a volcano about to erupt.

I saw a series of smaller Siren production ships appearing, both red and blue. The shape of this Siren production ship is different from other mass production ships.

It is a simple and ordinary ship of normal shape. It looks like a passing fishing boat, and it looks fragile.

But when everyone saw the two huge ammunition depots on the deck of those "rough" Siren production ships, all teammates couldn't help but swear.

Siren's self-destruct ship!It is not known when this particular siren production ship appeared around the escort fleet.

The self-exploding ships launched a death charge to Commander Han at an extremely fast speed, using themselves to prevent Commander Han from going to rescue Jiang Jiang and others in crisis.

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