Project Orochi

Initiators: Akagi, Kaga

Partner: Observer

The general plan: use construction materials and technology provided by sirens to create the body of the big snake, and then use the thinking...

Chapter 56

Jiang Jiang looked at the information in front of him, and suddenly felt a group of black people carrying the coffin in front of his eyes.

Thinking of the details of Orochi's plan, Jiang Jiang had a headache. I have no objection if you want to make a sister, but don't get me involved!

As soon as Jiang Jiang thought about the abnormality of the exercise team this time, there was only one thought in his mind, and he ran away immediately after getting the data of the Rubik's Cube and the construction machine today.

The farther away from this place, the better. Anyway, if you have something, there is no point in staying here.

For Jiang Jiang, who just wanted to come back quickly, apart from the idea of ​​watching the excitement of the Azur Lane script, Jiang Jiang had no intention of entering the arena in person.

After making up his mind, Jiang Jiang frantically packed the heavy cherry blossoms and accumulated countless data while following behind the team with a low eyebrow.

Looking at the information on the panel, from ship equipment to military radar, etc., Jiang Jiang shouted in his heart: Modo!Modo!You can't imagine the happiness of stealing a home~

These data may be useful in the future. With the mentality of coming, Jiang Jiang packed all the way and finally came to this destination, "Mind Rubik's Cube Improvement Group".

"...Dear visitors, the research equipment of Rubik's Cube is dangerous, please keep a safe distance."

While the receptionist was talking, he opened the door, and a light flashed. When everyone saw the scene in the room, their eyes froze for a moment, as if they had been immobilized, and stayed in place.

The black box that roared and spit out laser light, the mechanical arm that moves at a dizzying speed, and a sixteen-square cube whose top reaches the ceiling of the room are working in a "squeaky" manner.

An assembly line conveyor belt protrudes from the hole in the wall and connects to one side of the machine.

A steady stream of familiar and unfamiliar materials are shipped from nowhere and put into the machine.

There are many similar machines, but the most eye-catching one is a device placed in the center of the room, a door?

"This, this is..."

Looking at the equipment in front of her, which is completely different from the previous laboratory, Xu Lu couldn't help muttering.

"This is the research on the Rubik's Cube?!" The others exclaimed in unison.

The huge space is full of weird machines. Compared with the research equipment seen earlier, they are like two things with different styles. Just from the appearance, one can tell who has higher technical content.

Jiang Jiang stared fixedly at the door-shaped object in the center of the room, and his keen rabbit identification straight (crossed out), bah... rich experience and professionalism in space travel.

Jiang Jiang recognized the most critical and valuable machine in the room at a glance.

Everyone stepped forward and followed the pace of the receptionist to come to these machines. The close contact made people amazed. Facing this kind of technology, no one can remain calm, including Jiang Jiang.

Jiang Jiang followed the example of the person in front, looked left and right, and reached out to touch.It's just that others are curious, while Jiang Jiang is exploring.

Under the disguised curious expression, there was a deep solemnity.Jiang Jiang called Zhinao, one machine and one person, to carefully detect these weird technological facilities.

Jiang Jiang recalled the machine he saw before, and compared with the things in front of him, he felt a strong sense of tearing.

"Dididi! After the appraisal, the production logic of this type of equipment is only 21.5% similar to the previous equipment. It can be determined that it is a product of a different civilization."

The cold and rational analysis of Zhinao gave an astonishing conclusion.

Sure enough, has the degree of invasion of siren technology reached this level?

Although Jiang Jiang has read all the information on Azur Lane, the description of the Mind Rubik's Cube in it is vague, and there is only one sentence that is the crystallization of human wisdom.

But now it seems that this "crystallization of human wisdom" has been mixed with many other things.

From the ship equipment to the Rubik's Cube, there are shadows of sirens, and it is estimated that the construction machine is also.

"The phenomenon of embedding flowers and grafting trees is too serious. The civilization of this world has almost reduced to grafting civilization." Jiang Jiang sneered in his heart.

The so-called embedding phenomenon refers to the forcible intervention of another civilization on the development route of one civilization.

If the intensity of intervention is small, it will not affect the original development route, at most one more development route.

Keeping pace with each other, but at a slower speed, and the possibility of cross-integration of the two technologies, it is an opportunity.

However, if the influence of the intervention is too great, the original civilization development route will be completely cut off, losing its own possibility.

It can only be like a grafted plant, going farther and farther on a path that does not belong to itself, and everything can be traced.

To put it simply, it is just like the situation in the history of Donghuang.

The development route from overseas may not be suitable for many conditions of oneself, and the most important thing is that it will be restricted by the existence that goes further on this road.

However, Donghuang finally came out and turned the crisis into an opportunity. It can be seen that the current Azur Lane and Siren Technology, even the most core parts, are in the shape of a Siren.

With my original technology style, I can't even enter the key fields.

If the Sirens have bad intentions, they can completely dominate the Azur Lane civilization at will.

After all, your strongest technology is the path I have traveled, so how can you play with me for the rest?

Jiang Jiang has seen countless civilizations cut off from their own development routes, and then they can only become subordinates of civilizations that have gone further than themselves. Because they are controlled by others, they lose their own possibilities and end up miserable.

However, Jiang Jiang, who has read the script, is not worried about the Sirens, but is a little afraid of the source of the Sirens' technology, the targets of the Sirens' imitation, and unknown foreign enemies.

That's right, Jiang Jiang, who has seen the truth, understands that Azur Lane is just a testing ground for the Sirens, and the real boss is something that even the Sirens are afraid of.

As for Jiang Jiang's opinion: everything, Jiang Jiang said that most of the problems in the world can be solved with two sentences, it's none of my business and your business, as long as I have no morals, I can find troublesome things to save the world Not on me!

After picking up his mood, Jiang Jiang returned to his heartless look.

Rubbing his hands together excitedly, without anyone noticing, he slowly approached the door-shaped machine like a harmless little white rabbit.

Perhaps it was infected by Jiang Jiang's emotions, and even the efficiency of the brain's operation seemed to speed up.

Under the intrusion of the brain without any suspense, all data was copied and pasted smoothly.

Taking advantage of this time, Jiang Jiang also looked at the "door" in front of him with great interest.

It is said to be a door, but in fact it only has the shape of a door, with a rectangular frame and a complex structure, and the precise parts are seamlessly connected together.

In the center of the door is a colorful cloud-like thing, one can tell at a glance that it is not for people to pass through, and Jiang Jiang rationally didn't bother to touch it.

On the other side of the door, let's call it the back, there are many pipe lines connected to the door frame, carrying something.

Behind the colorful clouds, a silver special transmission belt with black boxes placed on it, after passing through the clouds in the door, it turned into a much smaller azure blue cube—the Rubik's Cube of Mind.

Watching the Rubik's Cube fall, it was transported by another conveyor belt into a square opening the size of a mental Rubik's Cube on the wall, and then disappeared before Jiang Jiang's eyes.

"These are semi-finished products, and it will take a period of time to settle and stabilize before they can be put into construction."

Before he knew it, a circle of people surrounded Jiang Jiang, all of whom were attracted by this most conspicuous door.

The receptionist was not surprised either, after all, the special feature of the door-shaped machine was there.

"Is this how the Rubik's Cube was born?" Xu Lu couldn't help asking.

The receptionist didn't make a fool of himself, nodded with a slight smile, and replied cleanly: "Yes, this machine is specially used to finalize the Rubik's Cube, and I think there are similar machines in the Rubik's Cube production lines in all parties. "

"What are those clouds in the middle?" Liu Yang asked curiously, and eagerly reached out to touch it.

The frightened Liu Hai slapped his hand off.

"Please don't touch it. As far as I know, these are transformed by the so-called human thoughts. I don't know what it is."

The receptionist's explanation caused everyone's shock, human thoughts? !

"Although it looks strange, it's actually nothing. After all, every camp has something. It's just that we have made some breakthroughs recently, so we set up improvements..."

The receptionist was talking endlessly, but Jiang Jiang frowned.

Only recently established?breakthrough?Jiang Jiang thought of something and knew it in his heart. It seems that Chicheng has already started dabbling in Yuan Rubik's Cube.

Then the experiments here are probably to provide data for the research of Yuan Rubik's Cube. The important ones should be hidden in a more secret place, and it is impossible to show it on the surface.

But, only data is good!All I want is data!Jiang Jiang looked at the progress on the panel happily, and his heart was full of joy.

Because it is to provide data for the research of the Yuan Rubik's Cube, the research here must include all aspects of the Mind Rubik's Cube.

What structure comparison, what process response comparison, what divergence fluctuation comparison, etc., all have to be recorded and provided with all information.

Jiang Jiang looked at an unremarkable part on the door frame, where was the storage part and the transmitter.

As long as the Rubik's Cube passes through the gate, all its information will be recorded and sent out.

Now, the intellectual brain has completely cracked it and synchronized all the information.

"Drip, the copying is complete, sorting out... Please check it later."

Hearing the report from Zhinao, Jiang Jiang left the Mind Rubik's Cube production machine contentedly, and went to other machines to "dip in the rain and dew".

Looking at the screen in front of me, I was very excited. Now, most of the Jianniang's technology has fallen into my hands.Jiang Jiang laughed heartily.

With these data, not to mention building it yourself, just "slightly" magically modifying it to upgrade and upgrade your own ship girl is easy and within reach.

In my mind, a gradually perverted smile resounded: Hehehe...

Chapter 57

Thinking of this, Jiang Jiang had countless thoughts. Looking at the door that spit out the Rubik's Cube, Jiang Jiang thought of a brilliant idea.

Now that Akagi Fox has cooperated with the Siren, it will inevitably conflict with Azur Lane.

With that paranoid character, it is estimated that he will fight directly with those who hinder him, and it will definitely bring disaster to Yuchi.

As a weak, pitiful and innocent commander, he would definitely be hurt in this situation.

Therefore, Jiang Jiang not only had to run ahead of time, but also took precautions to save himself some means.

With the crowd on his back, Jiang Jiang narrowed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth wildly.In this case, I will save a little surprise.

"Smart brain, in storage... can it be done?"

"Drip, it's being executed...don't worry!"

Looking at the progress bar given by the smart brain on the screen, Jiang Jiang secretly said in his heart: Don't blame me... I'm just saving some time, I hope I won't use it...

"Drip! The setting is complete, and the input is complete!" Listening to Zhinao's broadcast, Jiang Jiang followed the crowd out of the room. Under the invisible shadow, there was a cold light in his eyes with a special meaning.

An extremely secret unknown was sent out from the research equipment behind him, and no one knew where it went.

When I came to the construction machine research and development department, the layout of the room was similar to that of the Rubik's Cube, and there were machines that refresh people's cognition everywhere.

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