Li Chungang took a sip of his wine, and when he answered Xu Nian's question, his face became serious.


Xu Nian asked in confusion.

"The next time someone ascends, if they enter the Heavenly Gate, they will be able to ascend to the upper realm."

Li Chungang said calmly without turning his head: "After all, Zhang Sanfeng is already an existence in the Land of Gods and Wonderland."

Xu Nian exclaimed in shock: "So, it is Wudang Patriarch Zhang Sanfeng who is about to ascend!?"

"Did the reward on the gold list actually let him directly ascend to immortality!?"

Xu Nian's undisguised voice was heard by everyone in the restaurant.

"Flying? By the way, I once heard in a certain travel book that this is the Tianmen. It is said that the Tianmen appeared to attract those who want to ascend to the fairy world!"

Someone immediately exclaimed, telling the rumors they had heard.

The scene suddenly became more sensational, and the people became more excited.

Everyone talked about it.

"Is Zhang Sanfeng going to ascend now?"

"The reward for the gold list seems very unusual!"

"I didn't expect that in my lifetime, I could actually see the grand spectacle of rising in the sun!!"

"Yeah, how lucky we are!"

The crowd was extremely excited.

Xu Nian also said excitedly to Hong Xiang, "Your master is about to ascend to the fairy world and become a fairy."


Hong Xiangxi looked up at the Tianmen in the sky, but his face was a little confused.

He vaguely felt that this Tianmen seemed a little familiar, but also a little strange.

But obviously, this is the first time he saw the existence of Tianmen...

Li Chungang shook his head, took the wine gourd, and wandered back to the wine shop, still muttering: "The gate of heaven is open, anyway, there is a tall man holding it."

When he returned to the wine shop, he found that Jiang Huang was still sitting on his original seat, drinking the wine in his glass.

Even though everyone else was already watching the wonders of Tianmen outside, he remained motionless.

Li Chungang asked with some doubts: "Aren't you curious about someone ascending to the Immortal Realm?"

Jiang Huang shook his head: "Not very interested."

"Oh, really."

Li Chungang didn't ask in detail, there are always a few people in the world who don't care about this kind of thing.

He lay back on the chair and began to close his eyes to meditate.

Jiang Huang glanced at the sky outside, and the gate of heaven to welcome Zhang Sanfeng to become an immortal has not yet closed.

"This Tianmen is too petty. Sure enough, it's because the fairy world in this world is too weak."

Above Wudang Mountain, the towering golden gate completely appeared.

In the eyes of everyone, the incomparably stalwart Tianmen leads the world with a majestic aura.

Afterwards, a gap was slowly opened in the closed gate of Tianmen, and a veil of the fairy world was lifted to the world.

Although it was only a small gap, for the huge size of Tianmen, this small gap was enough to accommodate ten carriages traveling side by side.

With the opening of the gap in the Tianmen, all kinds of extravagant and dizzying visions appeared around it again.

Bursts of mysterious aura continuously radiated from the crack in the door.

People around Wudang Mountain seem to feel like they are in a fairyland.

In the small inn, the drinkers cheered and shouted happily.

It is this fairy-like breath scattered in this world, which makes them feel extremely comfortable breathing, as if the cells in their bodies are cheering.

"Could this be the immortal energy of the fairy world!? I feel like my dark wounds are healing!"

"My bottleneck actually started to loosen slightly! Great!"

"It's too generous to welcome new immortals in the fairy world. Is this announcing the power of the fairy world to the world?"

"I don't know, how could the fairy world deliberately announce something to us mortals, this should be just a normal process."

"Oh, I'm so envious of Zhang Sanfeng, he can ascend to immortality and live forever."

"How powerful is the immortal? After ascension, will Zhang Sanfeng come back to the world..."


On a country road in the vast mainland of China.

A little donkey was walking around, with a middle-aged man on its back, riding the donkey upside down, holding a broken peach branch in his hand.

Close your eyes and rest your mind, following the bumps of the donkey, swaying your body leisurely.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and stared at the sky, feeling a little inexplicable.

"It's the breath of heaven, has the gate of heaven appeared?"

A cold light flashed in his eyes: "Oh, those gods again."


Wudang Mountain at this time.

The disciples of Mount Wudang looked at Zhang Sanfeng floating in the air and the majestic gate of heaven that opened in the sky.

He shouted with great excitement, "Is the Patriarch going to ascend now!"

"Shenzhou Continent, is our Wudang Mountain welcoming the first person to ascend to the Immortal Realm!?"

Before this, the world has never heard of someone ascending to the fairyland.

"If this is the case, our Wudang Mountain is the first real Ascension sect!"

"Hahaha! From now on, no one will dare to look down on Wudang Mountain! Not even the Emperor of Great Liang!"

"That's right, when the Patriarch ascends, that's when our Wudang rises again!"

"We, Wudang, want to announce our return to the entire Great Liang!"


At this time, Zhang Sanfeng, who had kept his eyes tightly shut in the air, suddenly opened them.

He looked at Tianmen with complicated thoughts in his heart.

Is this to pick him up and lead him to the Heavenly Gate of Immortal Realm?

If it were his past self, he might yearn for it very much and ascend to the fairyland.

But... not now.

Zhang Sanfeng was in the air, looking at the distant land.

In his eyes, beams of light of different colors unexpectedly appeared on the ground of this world.


【Chapter 9】: Zhang Sanfeng: Different ways, don't conspire with each other!Heaven's Gate, it doesn't matter if you don't enter!

These beams of light are all in the shape of dragons, hovering in the palaces of each country.

This is the luck golden dragon, which represents the luck of each country.

If the Luck Golden Dragon declines, the country will also decline.

If the luck of the golden dragon is strong, then the country will also be strong.

According to common sense, luck is closely related to the status quo of the emperor and the country and complement each other.

It is impossible for luck to decline and dissipate for no reason, nor can it become strong for no reason.


In Zhang Sanfeng's eyes, the luck overflowing from the golden dragons was actually absorbed bit by bit by the huge Tianmen in the sky.

Especially in countries where wars and turmoil have occurred, the luck of the golden dragon is inherently unstable, so the faster it spreads, the more it is absorbed by Tianmen.

This is what he can see after obtaining the Innate Dao Body, what others cannot see.

"Is this the meaning of the existence of the fairy world? Is this the gate of heaven?"

Zhang Sanfeng felt a little sad for no reason.

The fairy world actually eats away the luck of the world. If it is said, no one will believe this kind of thing at all.

He looked at Tianmen and said calmly.

"This kind of way is not my way, this kind of fairy world, it doesn't matter if you don't ascend!"

Zhang Sanfeng's sonorous voice spread in all directions, and his voice could be clearly heard throughout Wudang Mountain.

The disciples of Wudang Mountain, the drinkers of the inn, and other people around all heard this sentence.

They all became extremely astonished, unable to believe what they had just heard.

"The Patriarch refused to become a fairy!? Why?!"

"Patriarch, why didn't you become a fairy!?"

"Zhang Sanfeng actually refused to become a fairy? Is he crazy!"

"What's the matter with him? He refused to ascend at this critical moment, what was he thinking?"

"Just now, did Zhang Sanfeng say something about this fairy world?"

"This kind of fairy world? Could it be that he saw some kind of secret in the fairy world?"

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