Moreover, there is also the blessing of that day? !

For the creatures on the peerless list, blessings from heaven can enhance their own strength.

And can the blessing of heaven on this Heavenly Army Ranking enhance the strength of the entire army? !

Thinking of this, the emperors of almost all dynasties became excited!

The degree of importance is even far higher than the previous peerless list!

After all, the army is what they depend on for survival!


Big man.

Weiyang Palace.

"Heavenly Army List?!"

Hearing this vast voice, Liu Bang, who was still worried at first, was stunned for a moment, and a hint of surprise appeared on his face!

From a gangster to today's emperor...

For the army under his command, he is extremely confident!

This day's military list, he can definitely occupy a place in the big man!

At that time, won't it be possible to compete with Daqin after receiving the blessings of heaven? !


Ming dynasty.

Forbidden City.


Zhu Yuanzhang also saw the picture on the sky, grinned and couldn't help smiling,

"When it comes to the army, we have never been afraid of anyone!"



Li Shimin also changed his previous melancholy, a coldness flashed in his eyes, and he smiled faintly,

"I ruled the world, and successively destroyed Xue Rengao, Liu Wuzhou, Dou Jiande, Wang Shichong, Liu Heita..."

"This day's military list, I will definitely have a place!"


Chapter 165 Tenth in the Tianjun Ranking, Yanyun's Eighteenth Rider

At this moment, many dynasties in Kyushu were all shocked!

Heavenly Army Ranking!

Those who can be called the Heavenly Army will surely be truly invincible!

Who will be on the list? !



Just as everyone held their voices and held their breath, waiting for the arrival of the Heavenly Army Ranking.

The picture above the void swayed slightly, showing some scenes...

That is, a desert!

There is a solitary smoke, curling up!

Boundless and lonely!

This is where? !

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned again, staring at the picture above the sky for a moment, for fear of missing a trace!

Is the Heavenly Army Ranking finally about to start? !



I saw that at the moment when the picture unfolded, countless golden lights flowed, and the vast coercion echoed on the top of the sky!

At the same time, the magnificent voice of Dao Jinbang that day also spread to every corner of Kyushu!

[Tenth on the Tianjun List, Yanyun's Eighteenth Rider! 】

[Commander: Luo Yi! 】

[Dynasty: Great Sui! 】


A faint voice spread throughout Kyushu!

Long lasting!

Suddenly, there was an uproar in Kyushu!

Eighteen riders of Yanyun? !

What kind of army is this? !

Moreover, Da Sui...

Everyone in Kyushu knows a little about this dynasty...

A few years ago, the Great Sui Dynasty was indeed powerful, and had the capital to compete with the Supreme Dynasty...

But due to Yang Guang's many conquests, coupled with the rise of the Tang Dynasty, it has begun to come to an end!

But now, the tenth on this day's military list, is it actually from the Sui Dynasty? !



Tai Chi Hall!

"Yanyun Eighteen Riders?!"

After the "Great Sui" appeared on the Tiandao Jinbang, Li Shimin's face suddenly sank, and he could not help but whisper softly,

"Yang Guang..."

"It turned out to be on the Heavenly Army Ranking?!"

Great Sui and Great Tang are sworn enemies!

Conquer year after year!

The contradiction is irreconcilable!

It's just that the Great Tang ranks among the supreme dynasties, and the national power is getting stronger and stronger, so there is no fear of the Great Sui...

In recent years, Da Sui has also kept a low profile, rarely appearing in Li Shimin's sight.

So much so that he almost forgot about this former rival!

But now, the Tianjun Ranking is now in the world, and it is directly ranked tenth? !

You know, there are countless dynasties in Kyushu, and the number of armies among them is unknown...

Under such circumstances, being able to rank in the top ten is already considered the pinnacle existence to a certain extent!

He Yang Guang, why is he on the list? !


Ming dynasty.

"Da Sui?"

Looking at the picture on the Dao Jinbang that day, Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes moved slightly, and there was a trace of thought on his face, and he whispered softly,

"I just don't know, how powerful is this army?!"

Yanyun Eighteen Riders!

This name is extremely strange!

It seems that it is not some famous army...

However, being ranked tenth on the Tianjun list is enough to explain too many problems!


Great Song.


Even, Daqin...

At this moment, almost all the emperors of the dynasty trembled in their hearts, silently watching the picture on the top of the Heavenly Army Ranking...

Watching the lonely smoke flow in the desert...

Vaguely, a cavalry can be seen rushing in the desert!


The horse's hooves stepped over, and the ground trembled slightly!

Obviously there are only 18 people, but it gives people the momentum of thousands of troops!

"This is, Yanyun Eighteen Riders?!"

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked, with a hint of shock on their faces.

Actually, there are really only 18 people? !

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