Hinata Hinata, I'm fucking you!

You have to pick your time for revenge, right?

In order to retaliate against me, you even provoked Zilai.

Injure the enemy one thousand, and self-injury eight hundred, you?

Old man, just wait for me!

Kakashi glanced at Hizuru angrily, and secretly kept this matter in his heart!

Of course Nizuzu found out, he showed a meaningful smile to Kakashi!

Kakashiton feels bad!

This old man, shouldn't there be any damages?

Kakashi didn't dare to bet, and Asahizu gave him a begging look!

Rizuhui: What happened just now?

Kakashi: What happened just now, why didn't I know?

Rizu: Sensible, I'll let you go, there was a mysterious guest who gave me a book!

I opened it and looked at it, a divine book!

Nizu: Kakashi, be honest and hand over the previous manuscript!

Kakashi: That's impossible!

Rizu: I borrowed it!Don't give it to you, don't even think about getting this book!

Kakashi: Give me this one, and I'll give you the previous one!

Nizu: Alright, I'll change it when things are over!

The two ended the code word, and Kakashi greeted Nizuzu countless times in his heart!

Better not let me get the chance, or...

Next, Nizuzu didn't make any more fuss, and Kakashi passed the gift ceremony in fear!

Ying Zheng and the others also came to join in the fun, and everyone gave some small gifts casually.

Although you don't know each other, you know that it is definitely a good thing, and you are very envious of Kakashi!

If I knew I would find a girlfriend too, I would get married while Hokage-sama's friends are around!

This guy Yingzheng felt that he couldn't compare to everyone in terms of gifts. With a big wave of his hand, he gave five boxes of gold, silver and jewelry directly!

Becoming the man with the largest amount of gifts in the audience, this made Kakashi feel instantly.

It's good to hold a wedding in a hotel, isn't it just to spend more money?

It's all small money, we have plenty of these things!

The subsequent process went smoothly, and nothing happened!


"We have received blessings from good friends of the bride and groom, let's listen to it together!"

This link is very warm and gives people a lot of memories, but there are also weird ones.

That's Akai's. He said on it that he hoped that Kakashi would not slacken his practice after getting married!

The competition between the two will continue, and Kakashi will be the first to get married, so he wins!

Kakashi was full of black lines when he heard it, labor and management competed with you.

Is it not good for me to teach my son at that time?

"Next is the last letter. The person who wrote this letter of blessing is a bit special!"

"He is the crystallization of the love between the groom and the bride. It was written by a child named Yunfei Hatake. Let's listen to it together!"

Nizuzu looked at Kakashi and gave him a self-seeking look!

Kakashi was dizzy, why didn't anyone tell him that there was still this link?

Moreover, why is this old man hosting every link?

As soon as Kakashi saw his expression, he knew something was wrong!

God knows what little Yunfei wrote?

"Kakashi, I'm Yunfei!"

"During this time, I can see that my mother is very happy!"

"Actually, I'm also very happy, you are very kind to me!"

"However, if you want me to call you Dad instead, you must promise me one thing!"

"That is, stop beating your mother at night. I hear you beating your mother every night. The sound of your mother is very strange!"

"It's like crying, but it's not like it!"

"I don't understand why my mother is so happy after being beaten, but... if you do this again, I will take my mother away!"

"That's it. When you have time, spend time with your mother. When I grow up, I don't need you to accompany me all day. I can play by myself!"

After reading the day's feet, the hall was silent!

Ah Li blushed with shame, Kakashi yelled inwardly, Yunfei, you boy, you wait for me!

Chapter 145 Departing from Daqin

Ah Li was ashamed and angry, and pinched Kakashi's waist hard!

Kakashi was even more speechless immediately, Hinata Hyuzu, this old thing, definitely did it on purpose.

Kakashi couldn't believe that he didn't read it beforehand, this grudge has grown!

"Okay, I hope Kakashi Jonin can remember Xiao Yunfei's words!"

"Be nice to the bride, or Xiao Yunfei will run away with the bride!"


"Support Xiao Yunfei!"

"Ha ha……"


Rizu's words made all the guests laugh out loud!

At the end of this session, Kakashi and Ali said a few words to each other!

Then began to toast table by table, and the guests enjoyed themselves for a while!

The next day, a large number of ninjas gathered outside the gate of Konoha, and today is the day of departure.

"What about Jiraiya?"

"This is going to go, why can't I see him?"

"Oshemaru-sama, Jiraiya-sama drank too much last night and still haven't woken up yet!"

"This idiot..."

"Forget it, let him stay in Konoha, just in time, let him do everything that Kakashi and Hizuru can't do!"

Zhinan, Yu Xiaoyun and Ying Zheng came out together, and the other members had gone back last night!

Yu Xiaoyun has made up her mind to stay in Naruto World!

Except for Zhinan, other members can see her thoughts.

"Let's go!"

Zhinan glanced around, and finally looked at Yu Xiaoyun and nodded!

Yu Xiaoyun walked to the front, communicated with the chat group from the bottom of her heart, and suddenly, a channel ten times larger than before opened!

"Enter one by one, just don't move after entering!"

"We'll go there and wait for you!"

Zhinan gave a warning, and stepped into it together with Ying Zheng and Yu Xiaoyun.


Orochimaru greeted, and Tsunade stepped in first, and the rest followed one by one.

Daqin, Xianyang, Zhangtai Palace!

A space portal appeared, and the guards all knelt down!

"Welcome Your Majesty back!"

They have seen this kind of scene several times, either His Majesty Shihuang went out, or he came back!

And now that His Majesty Shi Huang is not in the palace, he must have gone out and returned!

Ying Zheng took the lead, followed by Zhinan and Yu Xiaoyun. Facing these soldiers, Ying Zheng lost the harmony he had when he was with everyone!

Incomparably majestic, with an aura as deep as an abyss!

"Be flat!"

"Arrange it, free up the best guest room, and entertain VIPs!"


Not even a minute after Ying Zheng and the others arrived, Orochimaru Tsunade walked out hand in hand!

Immediately afterwards, batches of ninjas filed out, each with solemn expressions!

There is no one who looks around, comes to other people's territory, and can't lose Konoha no matter what!

The most important thing is not to embarrass Master Hokage, they have all been trained by Dark Dragon!

Dark Dragon had been taught by Zhinan, and Zhinan usually emphasized discipline, all in accordance with the army's standards!

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