The previous Zhang Cang was fat and cute, but the current Zhang Cang...that's greasy!

Pulling Gao Jing's sleeve, Zhang Cang said with a sad face: "There is a problem, I can't figure it out, please ask my uncle for advice."

Gao Jing pulled out his sleeves and asked, "Ask any questions quickly, I still have business to do."

"It's like this. I was studying the "Mo Jing" recently. Mozi said: Strength is the reason why punishment is strong, but..."

Zhang Cang took out a stone, held it up high, then let go, and the stone fell straight to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Gao Jing couldn't help but frowned.

Zhang Cang asked: "Where is the force on the stone when it hits the ground? I can't figure it out..."


Gao Jing couldn't help showing a smile, and said, "Could there be some invisible force at work?"

Zhang Cang was taken aback, and thought for a while, "Master, you mean the earth has attraction? It's like a magnet... No, a magnet doesn't attract everything..."

Gao Jing said softly: "It's still the same as before. Write down the questions that you can't figure out, include them in the "Suspect Record" of the Academy of Sciences, and distribute them to all the schools, so that everyone can help them think together... Even if this generation can't figure it out, And the next generation...

Passed down from generation to generation, there will always be someone who will be able to answer it later! "

The Academy of Sciences has a "Doubtful Record", which collects all the questions of the members of the Academy of Sciences. As long as you can answer any of the questions, you can enter the Academy of Sciences.

This is also the reason why there are more and more people in the Academy of Sciences.

Seeing that Zhang Cang was completely lost in thought, Gao Jing smiled again and left quietly.

Thanks to Zhang Cang's talent in ". Numbers", the mathematics of the Academy of Sciences has developed extremely fast, and many mathematical formulas have been summed up... Gongshuqiu has already begun to apply it to organ skills.

Mathematics is there, physics is coming soon...

These things don't need Gao Jing to push the seedlings to grow, they just need to give a piece of free soil, and they can grow on their own.

The Academy of Sciences is the soil, and the Mojing is the seed.

This is also the reason why Gao Jing let Six Fingers Heixia enter the Academy of Sciences in the first place.

When passing by Gongshuchou's house, Gao Jing saw Gongshuchou lying on the ground, thinking hard about a blueprint.

This guy has developed a three-foot-winged bat that can fly people into the sky, and is now trying to develop a larger bat wing that can fly more people at the same time...

Gao Jing watched for a while, but found the dead leaves instead of disturbing them.

After the two talked for a long time in the secret place, Gao (Zhao Wang's) Jingcai left the academy.

He never interfered with the research of the Academy of Sciences, at most he just reminded him that it was plausible.

But the Academy of Sciences still exploded with unbelievable results...

Of course, it is also related to this world, there are too many black technologies.

Such as organ techniques, such as the vitality of heaven and earth... and gunpowder.

The reason why the three-foot batwing flies instead of gliding is that it uses the vitality in the driver's body as its power.

There happens to be a kind of wood that can generate the vitality of heaven and earth... The Suzaku of the Mohist school is made of this kind of wood. It is called gliding, but it can use the airflow more effectively to create an effect similar to flying.

The hibiscus tree is the best among them... Unlike the original book, which was directly dug and transplanted to the mirage, Yu Yuan's hibiscus tree was preserved by Gao Jing.

In the mirage, only a branch of the hibiscus tree was planted.

So Gao Jing never used modern scientific ideas to interfere with the development of mechanism art... The system is already different.

Chapter 250 Three Qi Talk


The hull of the boat hit a small wooden bridge extending from the shore, making a slight sound, and ripples appeared on the lake.

A beautiful looking woman stood guard at the pier.

Wearing a plain skirt, with a silk scarf on her head, black hair hanging down her back, a pair of bright eyes blinked slightly.

The woman who used to be as gentle as water is now a little cold and arrogant, her slender eyebrows are slightly frowned, and her beautiful almond eyes are a little complicated: "What are you doing here?"

Gao Jing put down the pole, got off the boat with a smile, and said, "Miss Rong, I haven't seen you for many years, so you greet me like this?"

The woman was the doctor Duan Murong, who snorted coldly and said, "Since I know I haven't seen you for many years, I have never seen you come to see me."


Gao Jing chuckled, and said, "But the correspondence between you and me has never been broken. Back then, you wrote to me and asked me, who can cure this troubled world... After all these years, do you have the answer?"

Duanmu Rong snorted, turned around and said, "Are you here to brag about your achievements?"

"It seems that you also admit that I ruled this troubled world... the price is that I don't have time to come to you anymore."

Gao Jing walked behind Duanmu Rong, put her shoulders on her shoulders, sighed, and said, "I have written many times to invite you to Xianyang 760 and to enter the Hundred Schools Academy, but you have always refused... I never thought that in the end, you But he joined the Mohist school."

Duan Murong twisted her body, shook off Gao Jing's hand, walked towards the small courtyard not far away, and said: "There is nothing wrong with the Mo family... Besides, since you Jinggong personally invited the Xing family, you still want What does my doctor do?"

"The criminal family, the medical family... I didn't expect that there would be a dispute of ideas."

Gao Jing laughed, followed behind Duanmurong, and said, "It's all for the purpose of curing diseases and saving lives. It's just that doctors pay too much attention to personal experience and pay attention to one person's side... In contrast, the criminal family is universal, can form laws, and spread on a large scale. .

As a patient, I certainly hope to find a doctor for treatment, but as the helm of the empire, the Xing family can popularize the people of the empire in the shortest possible time and help them get rid of their patients. "

Duanmu Rong said angrily: "Hmph! I can't say no to you, I won't argue with can go find those bloody and cruel criminals."

Having said that, Duan Murong still brought Gao Jing to the small courtyard.

After entering the house, serve tea and water.

Gao Jing casually picked up a book on the (bhdj) shelf, opened it, read it, and said with a smile, "Lao Tzu's concept of "Tao Qi"?"

Duanmu Rong brought the tea to the table and said: "Master said when he was dying that the theory of "Tao Qi" has benefited doctors."

"Do you understand?"

Gao Jing put down his book, went to the table and sat down.

Duanmu Rong also sat down opposite and said, "I don't quite understand."

Gao Jing thought for a while, and said: "The ancients have already mentioned "Qi", but what is "Qi"? The world may not be able to answer it.

Lao Tzu defines "qi" as "vitality", that is, vitality. Only when there is vitality, the human body will not decay, and the vegetation will not wither.

The cycle of "Qi" in the human body is stronger and weaker. This cycle of strengthening or weakening is the "Tao" of the human body.

On this basis, He Guanzi of Renzong put forward the theory of "vital energy". "

The truth is that when Gao Jing was studying in Xiaoshengxianzhuang, he casually said "the vitality of heaven and earth", and then Xunzi asked He Guanzi about this topic, and it was only later that He Guanzi derived his "theory of vitality" on this basis.

"Yuanqi said?"

Duanmu Rong wondered, "Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Because it was proposed after the "death" of He Guanzi."

Seeing Duanmu Rong's bewildered expression, Gao Jing couldn't help laughing and said: "At the beginning, He Guanzi cheated his death. After passing the head of Renzong to Xiaoyaozi, he cheated his death and escaped into the world."

Duanmu Rong pursed her lips and said: "It's really a Taoist style, either going into the mountains or running into the world."

""Yuan" means the beginning and the beginning, which means that vitality is the root of everything."

While thinking, Gao Jing said, "If Lao Tzu's "Tao Qi" refers to the existence of Qi in all things, then the theory of "Yuan Qi" proposed by He Guanzi inherits and expands Lao Tzu's "Tao Qi" "Say", using the movement and changes of vitality to explain the formation, development, change, and extinction of everything.

This is very similar to Zhuangzi's "Jingqi Theory", but compared with Laozi's "Tao Qi", Zhuangzi's "Jingqi" is a step closer. "

Duanmu Rong murmured: "Talk about Dao Qi, Jing Qi, Yuan Qi?"

"Actually, there is a "heart-qi theory" in the middle."

Gao Jing said with a smile: "It was written by two sages, Song Ji and Yin Wen. "Heart Qi Theory" believes that the human heart is the most important part of the human body, so there must be a special kind of Qi in it that allows people to walk and think.

For this special kind of qi, "Xin Qi Theory" calls it "Qi", which is taken from the phrase "five zangs produce five qi" in "Laozi", which means that there are five different special qi in the five internal organs.

And "heart qi" is the special qi in the heart, which keeps people alive and makes them think. "

Duanmu Rong's eyes lit up, and said: "This is somewhat similar to the idea of ​​doctors."

"Qi Theory" and "Yin-Yang Theory" can be said to be the foundation of future Chinese medicine.

After thinking about it for a while, Gao Jing decided to say more, and said, "The concept of "Qi" originated from Guan Yinzi's concept of "one energy transforms all things". Yin Zi and other Taoist sages perfected this hypothesis step by step.

It was not until Zhuangzi and Heguanzi that they finally formed the thought of "Qi giving birth to all things" and "reciprocating between heaven and earth".

To put it simply, it is "one has spirit, spirit has intention, intention has plan, picture has name, name has form, form has matter, matter has appointment, agreement comes into being, time stands" "Circulation"!

"One" is the "one" of "Tao begets one".

There is "one", and then there are two qi of yin and yang, and with two qi, there is an idea, and when there is an idea, there is an image, and when there is an image, there is a name, and when there is a name, there is a form, and when there is a form, there is an action. Behavior has a mutual agreement.

With a convention, it is equivalent to having a time limit, and when the time limit is established, all things will come to life..."

Duan Murong listened to Gao Jing's eloquent talk, her eyes stared at Gao Jing with an inexplicable brilliance.

A smile formed at the corner of his mouth involuntarily.

Chapter 250 Meet Four

Just as Gao Jing was explaining the "Qi Theory" to Duan Murong, another person came outside Jinghu Medical Village.

Duan Murong stood up regretfully, and said: "This is the medical center, people often come to seek medical treatment... just wait a moment, I will go out and have a look."

Gao Jing smiled and said, "I'm the one who disturbed you. Go and do your work. Don't worry about me. I just happened to read the classics of doctors here."

"Well, then you can look at it as you like."

Duanmu Rong said, pushed the door and went out.

Gao Jing walked to the bookshelf, picked up a book and read it.

Not bamboo slips, but thread-bound books... The paper was sent by Gao Jing.

The medical theory of this era has not yet been developed and perfected. The founder is Changsang Jun, and the Yellow Emperor is regarded as the ancestor. There are not many classics, the main ones are "Book of Changes" and "Huangdi Neijing".

Later, Bian Que, a disciple of Mr. Changsang, was influenced by the thought of "Huang Lao" on this basis, and wrote "Nan Jing", "Multiple Pulse Book" and other works, which can be regarded as completely forming an independent theory for doctors.

Bian Que, modern people all know that Ji surname, Qin family, surname Yueren, because of his superb medical skills, he cured Zhao Jianzi who was unconscious for five days, and was sealed as a food town Pengque-Shantian [-] mu.

On the top of Pengque Mountain, there are two natural strange stones, one is a flying stone magpie, and the other is a stone man who watches the world quietly, so Zhao people respectfully call it "Bianque".

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