Taking a deep breath, Gaocheng walked to the podium and said, "Hello, leaders."

"Don't worry, we are here to listen to the class."

Lieutenant General Zhou Tianming, the principal of the Army University sitting in the middle, smiled and said, "You are a genius commander who has experienced more than one bloody battle. Today, let's talk about the combined troops, how about it?"

As the headmaster, he has also carefully understood the combined troops proposed by Gaocheng and their achievements. It is very likely that they will be promoted by the whole army. It is also a good thing for future officers of various troops to know.



This is the highest school of the Yan Kingdom Army.


Gao Cheng responded.

He is indeed a fierce man who has seen blood and killed people.

A look of admiration immediately appeared in the eyes of Zhou Tianming and other generals. Gao Cheng looked too calm and confident, not pretending.

After adjusting it, Gao Cheng turned on the laptop he brought and connected the lesson plan to the screen.


Turning his head, he glanced at Lieutenant General Zhou Tianming's bosses and the students in the rear, and said in a deep voice, "Synthesizing troops, for example, is like playing a game."

Lieutenant General Zhou Tianming: "..."

other people:"..."

Good guy, the first thing he said was playing games, people who don't know 020 would think that Gao Cheng is a teenager with Internet addiction.

"For example, Wang... the canyon battle game."

Gao Cheng originally wanted to say the king, but almost forgot that the game will not be released until 15 years ago, and there are still almost ten years left.

"Junglers, shooters, top laners, mid laners, and other anchors and passers-by masters may be very good, and they can kill the Quartet in normal times, but they can't do it when they meet a professional team. The level of a single position in a professional team may not be high. It’s just a strong fit.”

Gao Cheng spoke up.

Makes sense.

Many students nodded in agreement.


Although they don't know much about the game, Lieutenant General Zhou Tianming and other bosses have grasped the key point.

"With their daily training, they can produce an effect of 1+1 greater than 2."

"That's the principle of synthetic troops. Artillery, tanks, reconnaissance, and air defense forces are all organized under unified command and carry out daily drills and coordination. There is no need for communication and coordination during wartime, which saves this link."

"On a larger scale, that is the concept of a war zone."

Gao Cheng continued to explain a few more words.

"There is a problem."

Lieutenant General Zhou Tianming spoke up and said, "An infantry battalion can still maintain half of its combat effectiveness if it loses half of its troops. Go to sleep."

The big guy's eyes are very vicious.

Gaocheng sighed, and then explained, "This possibility is very small. Each battalion has a logistics support company, and there is an additional logistics support battalion at the brigade level. If they are all destroyed, then the synthetic brigade will basically be reimbursed." (bafg)."

"That's true."

Lieutenant General Zhou Tianming nodded, and picked up the steel notebook and wrote it down.

"Actually, the core of a synthetic force is modularity. A synthetic force under a group army can be disassembled and assembled at will. If you need a tank regiment, you can form a tank regiment, and if you need an armored division, you can form an armored division."

"To put it more simply, it is to use a high degree of information technology to carry out targeted strikes on the enemy, detect where the enemy is and what kind of arms, we can respond immediately, instead of asking for instructions as before. Level [-] coordination."

Gao Cheng said again.

"That is to say, the combined fights are all small but refined fights."

A gray-haired old professor said.

"you can say it this way."

Gao Cheng nodded.

"Then if it is a large-scale war and the number of combined troops is small, is it capable of attacking tough problems? After all, it is impossible for every army to be equipped with 155mm heavy artillery and 300mm rockets like yours."

"Although the foreign devils of the U.S. military have been engaging in air-ground integration, they still haven't given up on large-scale encirclement and annihilation battles. I think the combined brigade is very difficult to handle in that battle."

A gray-haired old professor spoke again.

"That's really a problem."

Gao Cheng couldn't deny it, and explained, "Aiming at this problem, we have two solutions. In addition to the synthetic brigade, the group army also has directly subordinate artillery brigades and pontoon brigades."


The old professor also agreed with this plan.

"The other is to retain some division-level troops and form a combined division to deal with it."

Gao Cheng added another sentence.

Synthesizers do exist. In his lifetime, there were four of them, and they were all stationed in Jiang Province, the largest province in Yan Kingdom. The purpose of their existence was to deal with large-scale wars.


The old professor didn't say anything more, and buried himself in recording.

"Synthetic troops, summed up is one minus three highs."

No one asked, so Gao Cheng continued talking.

Three highs?

Hearing this word, many students felt a little weird in their hearts, because many people have suffered from three highs now, and they did not expect that the army could also play three highs.

"If it is reduced, it will be streamlined and streamlined."

"Three highs, that is, high-tech equipment, high-quality personnel, and efficient communication command."

"Among them, the most important thing is the three highs."

Gao Cheng explained.

For example, Lao Maozi is also combining troops, but it is called a battalion-level battle group. It started probably in 05, but Lao Maozi's path is a bit off.

Since 05, the total strength of Lao Maozi's army has been reduced from 120 million to about 27. It seems that they are all elites, but it was only when they fought with Er Mao that they realized that there were not enough people.

It's okay to fight, but the places where you fight need to be guarded.

Therefore, it is not enough to blindly reduce the number of personnel, and the key core is still on the top three.

The same old man, although there are still a lot of heavy equipment that makes the Yan Guo troops drool with envy, but the weapons and equipment suitable for small troops are not enough.

What's the point?

No money.


But this money is still spent by the four branches of the Army, Navy, Aerospace Forces, and Rocket Army. It is possible to see how much money falls on the Army.

For example, the mass production time of the new generation of main battle tank T-14 has been pushed back and forth, so that the T-72 main battle tank has to be refurbished and upgraded, that is, the T-72B3 main battle tank.

The same is true for informationized weapons and equipment.

Of course.

It's not that Da Mao can't beat Er Mao, the problem is that foreign devils and countries are behind it.

In the face of advanced weapons and equipment from various countries, Da Mao's inventory is a bit difficult to deal with, and because he does not want to attack indiscriminately, protect civilians and other reasons, Da Mao lost some battles.

"In this way, the synthetic brigade is too resource-intensive."

A professor sighed.

"But this is an inevitable trend of development. We can't always fight like before. Our spirit is always there, but if we can use weapons and equipment to solve the problem, why bother to fight with our lives?"

Gao Cheng replied.

No more talking.

The professor couldn't find anything to refute Gao Cheng, because countless martyrs fought bloody battles desperately, and the bloody battlefield was for development, not for the younger generation to fight with their lives like them.

"Synthetic brigade-level troops have relatively weak air defense capabilities."

Lieutenant General Zhou Tianming asked another question.

"But we are only an army. If the air force is gone and we lose absolute air supremacy, then we should split up all the troops to fight guerrilla warfare."

Gao Cheng replied in a deep voice.

Today's fighter planes are many times more powerful than those of decades ago, and no matter how fierce the armored troops are, they will be blind to the face-licking attacks of attack planes.

This is the inspiration that Asa's oil tycoon brought to all countries in the world with his blood and life.

Back then, Asa's armored force was not weak, and he bought a lot of Yan Guo's Type 59, but was directly blown up by the US Army's Apache gunships and A10 attack aircraft.

In modern warfare, if the enemy has absolute air supremacy, then there is no need to play.

Lieutenant General Zhou Tianming: "..."

What can be said?

There is no way to refute it, everyone knows the importance of air supremacy.

"Let's not talk about weapons and equipment, and it's hard to gather personnel all at once."

The old white-haired professor sighed.

"The students present are the backbone of the future. They are cultivated every year. After ten years, how many will they have? Our synthesis is also done step by step, it can't be done overnight."

Gao Cheng replied.

It is very difficult to achieve comprehensive synthesis nowadays, but it is enough to go step by step, and avoiding detours is the biggest saving.

"last question."

As Lieutenant General Zhou Tianming spoke, his expression became a little more serious.

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