"They dare not."

Gao Cheng wasn't worried at all, "The Army's style of play is okay. There is a little hope, but the Air Force is different. The factor of equipment is too big. They sent the Air Force here just to seek abuse."


After extinguishing the cigarette, Shanmao stretched, and then stood up, "You guys rest a little longer, we will open the way."

"No rest?"

Gao Cheng also got up.

"We are special forces, and our physical fitness is not comparable to that of your scouts."

Shan Mao said lightly, and then went to work with a simple lightning detector in his hand.

Gao Cheng: "..."

Well, there is no way to refute this, the special forces are indeed a group of livestock.


Turning his head, he immediately ordered, "Let's go in 5 minutes."


Shi Jin and others responded.

In the back, the Vietnamese army engineers had indeed followed in with various mine detection tools, but they were all about to cry.


It has stepped on mine more than once.

It can be seen that they didn't see any blood left on the ground along the way. What does this mean?It means that the Yan Kingdom troops they were chasing were unscathed.

Shit luck doesn't bring such a thing, so, how can they not be so depressed that they want to cry?

In this way, they didn't see Gao Cheng and his party at all.

. . .

After two o'clock in the afternoon, Gao Cheng and his party crossed the border smoothly.

At this time, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Even if they died here, they would die on the land of the motherland.

"What are you doing turning?"

Seeing Shan Mao suddenly change direction and go deep into the minefield, Gao Cheng immediately spoke.

Stopping, Bobcat raised his hand and pointed forward, "Look there."


Gao Cheng turned his head and followed the direction Shan Mao pointed. He was very curious about what would make Shan Mao risk his life to go there.

Chapter 90 We, Go Home Together (Full order required)

I saw it.

It's a solid bone.

At the foot of a small hill about 50 meters away from the direction of two o'clock, it is covered with mud, and only a palm-length section is exposed outside.


Gao Cheng immediately took a deep breath.

This is within the border of the Yan Kingdom, so it can basically be identified as the remains of the soldiers of the Yan Kingdom, because those ordinary people have no way to come to this place.

The answer is not difficult to guess.

It was a soldier who fought in the last battle. Maybe it was buried in the mud collapsed by the shells at that time, or maybe it was for other reasons. After so many years, the remains were exposed because of landslides or mudslides-.

"Stop, all-people rest where they are."

Gao Cheng opened his mouth and gave the order.

No matter what the reason is, no matter how dangerous it is, Gao Cheng and others who are soldiers of later generations have seen it, so how can these martyrs be left to die in the wilderness?

We must take them home, take them back to see that the country they guarded with blood and life is getting better and better, and the troops are getting stronger and stronger.


The soldiers of the two companies behind stopped immediately.

Deng Deng.

Gao Cheng followed the footprints left by Shan Mao and the others to the front, "Be careful."


The Bobcats and the others were half lying on the ground at this moment, digging up the soil with their hands, finding out the mines buried below, and then dismantling the fuses one by one.

The distance of more than 50 meters took more than an hour, and there were too many mines.

"Be careful."

"Slow down."

When they reached the bone, Bobcat and the others used bayonets to clean up the soil little by little. A broken arm was soon exposed, and the five finger bones were still holding a decayed Type 56 semi-automatic rifle.

He never let go of the gun in his hand.

What is a soldier?

That's it.

wow wow wow.

As the surrounding soil was dug away, all the remains of the soldier were exposed. The military uniform had long been rotted into rags, and the original appearance could not be seen at all, and there were rusty shell fragments beside it.

and also.

Just a little behind, another white bone appeared.


Gao Cheng couldn't help clenching his fist.

Arriving here, he already thought about what happened at that time. This place should be a cat's ear hole in the front line. Several soldiers are stationed here, ready to meet the enemy at any time.

But those bastards suddenly bombarded this side violently. The power of the shells was too great, and it directly collapsed the cat's ear hole, and the soldiers inside were never able to come out again.

Because there were too many collapses, with the rescue conditions at that time, they could not be found in the end.

With the passage of time, the power of nature caused landslides or landslides in this area, which slowly exposed the remains of several soldiers.

"Keep digging."


Shanmao and the others started to move again. When they got inside, they were afraid of encountering the remains, so they used their hands to dig the soil.

"Shi Jin, bring some backpacks over here."

Gao Cheng turned around and spoke.


Shi Jin and the others immediately freed up a few backpacks and sent them over.

"Senior, wait a little longer, we will take you home soon."

While talking softly, Gao Cheng gently put away the remains of the martyrs and put them into the backpack.

"Here, be careful."

Bobcat brought over a notebook with muddy hands, the cover was damaged, the whole book was damaged and moldy, and the words on it were melted and blurred.

take over.

Gao Cheng gently patted away the dirt stained on it.

"Mother, the son is not filial, but the son will make you the most glorious mother—Zhao Dongdong"

"Dad, don't be sad, you must take good care of your mother. ——Jiang Nan"

"Son, Dad is sorry for preventing you from being loved by your father since you were a child, but Dad really loves you. Dad always carries this photo with him. He must listen to his mother in the future. —— Qian Jun."

"Juan, I'm sorry, I can't come back, find someone who treats you well and marry, don't wait for me. -Zhou Keming."

Looking at the blurred lines, Gao Cheng's nose also felt a little sore. These were the last words left by those soldiers in the suicide note to their relatives.

This is the helplessness of soldiers. Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety have been difficult. They are worthy of the country, the nation, and the people, but they are only sorry for their loved ones.

"Today, find a bag."


Shi Jin dug out a plastic bag from another backpack and brought it over.

Afterwards, Gao Cheng carefully put the damaged notebook into it, and when he returned, if he could find the family members of the martyrs, he would give it to them.

No one spoke.

All the soldiers looked sad, and they couldn't stop thinking about their relatives in their minds.

Another hour later, the Bobcats stopped.

A total of five martyrs were buried here, and the remains were put into the backpack by Gao Cheng, and held in the arms of Gao Cheng, Shi Jin and Wu Liuyi to avoid damage.

"go home."

Gao Cheng ordered loudly.

It is to bring home the martyrs who have been waiting here for more than 20 years, and also to bring home the more than 200 soldiers behind them.


Bobcat waved and took a few team members to open the way again.

Although they are really, really tired, they want to go home early now.

. . .

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