"Ah! It hurts me to death!"

Wang An looked at the gasping Galeo, who had a distorted face, and smiled charmingly, "Remember not to harm good women in the future. Look, your face is pale."

Galieo was in so much pain that he couldn't breathe, but fortunately Wang An had already withdrawn his grudge pressure.

He also relaxed a little, but his leg was already broken.

He felt that he was so painful that he doubted his life. Galeo had never experienced such painful pain of broken bones from birth to now.

But in order not to arouse Wang An's anger, he still held back the severe pain and said tremblingly, "I will never dare to harm a good woman in the future! I will not dare to get close to Miss Xun'er! I only hope that this young master can let her go." Little Yima! Whether it’s gold, silver, jewelry or anything else, I’ll give you everything!”

Wang An didn't listen to Galeo's words. After he achieved his goal, he left here with Xiao Xun'er and Xiao Mei who were smiling very happily.

And Xiao Yan also left here with a smile on his face.

And the passers-by on the road also applauded secretly, Wang An has done a very good deed today!

And Xiao Yan also smiled and said, "Brother Wang did a great job! A disgusting guy like Galeo, everyone can punish him! Brother Wang, I have to continue shopping, so let's go first."


Afterwards, Wang An smiled evilly, "Go home quickly. Give me a pinch of my head, face, arms, hands, shoulders, and back. Get a good night's sleep."

Originally Xiao Xun'er and Xiao Mei's infatuation with Wang An's spring heart sprouted, but was completely broken by Wang An's words.

Wang An's words were like pouring a basin of cold water directly on the two people's heads, making them instantly sober.

"Brother Wang An, you are a straight man of steel! Do you know that Xun'er's evaluation of you has been raised to a very high level just now!"

Xun'er frowned, her beautiful and charming face was full of complaints, and she stared at Wang An's unbeaten back in pain.

"I'm too lazy to be that kind of hero. I'm just an ordinary citizen, and I just want beautiful women to squeeze my shoulders and back. Hurry up."

"Hmph! Brother Wang An, you are so annoying!"

After Xun'er finished speaking, she punched Wang An with her small white fist.

But Wang An should beat his back.

One must know that if Xiao Xun'er's fist, which was cultivated at the ninth stage of fighting spirit, was placed on Xiao Yan, it could really knock Xiao Yan to the ground with one punch.

It's really powerful.

Wang An brought the two beauties to his room, and he sat on a wooden chair.

Close your eyes.

Although Xiao Xun'er and Xiao Mei were reluctant in their hearts, they still obediently rubbed Wang An's head, neck, shoulders, back, arms, and hands with their soft, boneless hands.

Wang An also fell asleep comfortably.

This extremely comfortable life has passed for a month and a half.

Sitting on the wooden chair every day, enjoying Xun'er and Xiao Mei stroking my head, neck, arms, hands, back, and shoulders with their soft hands.

That taste is so happy.

And Xiao Yan practiced every day by absorbing the foundation building liquid.

The cultivation base has also been raised to the fourth stage of fighting spirit.

Wang An lay on the wooden chair, comfortably enjoying the shoulders and backs of the two beauties.

He closed his eyes and slept.

But at this time, a certain young man who fell in love with Xun'er's sister and was so dazzled knocked on the door.

"Master Wang, I want to discuss with you. Please advise me."

Wang An opened his eyes angrily.

This voice sounded like that Xiao Ning who had the eighth stage fighting spirit.

It's fake to ask him to discuss, but it's true to see Xun'er's sister's pure and beautiful face.

Wang An looked at Xun'er's younger sister who was wearing a white silk sailor suit, young and beautiful, so beautiful!

He also asked sister Xun'er and Xiao Mei to go to another room to change clothes.

He opened the door and looked at Xiao Ning speechlessly, his legs trembling with fear.

Xiao Ning was really afraid that he would accidentally kill him.

But Wang An won't.

It's just that he was a little annoyed to get up, and he was disturbed when he fell asleep comfortably after being pinched by two little beauties.

Really uncomfortable.

Wang An also said, "Disturb my sleep, you are quite fat, kid?"

After being reprimanded by Wang An, Xiao Ning's legs were already trembling, and he almost fell to his knees.

This person is a bit cowardly.

But Xiao Ning dared to disturb him, it was already admirable courage.

Not to mention cowardly.

It can only be said that it is normal to be afraid of death.

"Where are you going to compete?"

"Xiao Family Fighting Skill Hall!"

After Wang An heard it, he also said from the air, "After changing clothes later, remember to go to the fighting skill hall."


When he heard that his favorite goddess Xun'er was actually changing clothes, Xiao Ning couldn't help thinking about it.

But after all, he is still different from Xiao Yan's old-fashioned critic, Xiao Yan will still take a peek.

But Xiao Ning turned around directly.

I am afraid that someone will say that he is an old pervert.

Wang An also followed Xiao Ning and asked him to bring him to the fighting skill hall.

The two walked on the gravel path, and green willows were planted on both sides of the road.

This lush green is really refreshing.

Wang An saw a few young girls on the road.

It's just that when they saw themselves, they ran away immediately.

It seems that the fear that made everyone in the Xiao family kneel down at the beginning is still shrouded in the hearts of everyone in the Xiao family.

Feel handsome!

Soon, the two came to the Douji Hall. On the plaque in that room, there were three blood-red characters engraved on it.

"Douji Hall"

The two children of the Xiao family who were exchanging ideas with each other immediately stopped what they were doing, and stopped in place trembling.

The Xiao family disciples who were watching the game stayed there with a face full of fear, not daring to make any sound.

But at this time, the two beautiful girls who hurried over after changing their clothes relieved everyone's fear a lot.

Two beautiful girls in lavender and pink robes came to Wang An's side.

And Xiao Ning walked up to Wang An with trembling legs that didn't listen to his own control, and he looked at the pure and lovely goddess Xun'er quite fondly.

Pretending to be a hero in front of Xiao Xun'er, "Young Master Wang, today I will do my best to fight you!"

Wang An was speechless.

If you are so weak, don't be a hero here. Wouldn't it be good to practice honestly and become stronger?

There are also many melon-eating people watching the theater nearby.

Although Xiao Ning was indeed somewhat brave.

But Wang An felt that this was a bit stupid.

Just practice honestly and become stronger, why do you have to pretend to be forceful?

Speechless dead.

At this moment, Wang An also saw Xiao Yan who was holding the low-level Huang-rank kung fu, the Shattering Rock Fist.

Xiao Yan was also a little puzzled and said,

"Brother Wang, why are you here? Shouldn't you just sit on a chair and enjoy life?"

Wang An also said sadly, "I was sleeping well, but there is a guy who wants to die and wants to fight me one-on-one."

"Then he is super brave!"

"Simply super brave!"

Then Wang An looked at Xiao Ning who was so scared that he almost fell to his knees and said, "Come on?"

Xiao Ning looked at Wang An's non-threatening appearance, and felt quite uncomfortable.

Chapter 14 So Comfortable

If he has a bad temper, just punch Xiao Ning into the sky with one punch, let him experience the joy of bungee jumping.

But so far, his temper is still pretty good.

But Xiao Ning once again made mentally retarded remarks.

"I hope I can be appreciated by the Dou Zong powerhouse!"

Then Xiao Ning just wanted to compete with Wang An when he was kicked in the chest by Wang An. He lost his center of gravity and landed on his buttocks. He sat on the ground and clutched his chest in pain, not daring to move.

If he dared to move around, the bones protecting his chest would definitely break!

The victory is now decided!

In just a few milliseconds, the outcome has already been decided.

Wang An looked at Xiao Ning with mentally handicapped eyes.

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