After both parties are ready.

Go to war!

"Berserker! Use the Noble Phantasm!"

Julius gave an order, and the command spell on the back of his hand suddenly disappeared.

"One hundred profound meanings are worse than knowing one strike!"

"this is--"

Berserker Li Shuwen rushed over directly and quickly.

That's fast.

In the blink of an eye, he came to Nero!

Nero quickly swung his sword to block Li Shuwen's fist.

She was told by the listener.

Just take a punch from this servant.

The outcome of this game has basically been decided!

She doesn't want to be fixed with a punch.

That would not only embarrass her.

It's even the loser's face!


Nero increased his strength and pushed Li Shuwen's fist out of the sword.

But at this time, Li Shuwen turned over again in an impossible posture like a boomerang.

"No two hits!"

A violent blow hit Nero.

The sharp fist wind swept over, and Nero even felt that his skin was about to be cut!


Watching Li Shuwen's fist gradually approaching.

Nero knew that if he didn't react again, he would really lose!

"Open the door!"

"Let's start the solo!"

"The swindling golden theater!!"

Nero yelled.

The gorgeous and exquisite Roman theater is coming!

Fighting in this Roman theater designed by Nero will directly double Nero's stats!

Li Shuwen's Wu Er Da, which was about to hit Nero, also came to a standstill for a moment because of the Golden Theater!

It's now!

Nero clenched the big crimson sword in his hand, and slashed at Li Shuwen's body.

"Witness Yu Zhicai! Listen to the thunderous applause! Then praise!"

"To this golden theater—"

"A magnificent empire sung by virgins!"

The whistling sword wind swung towards Li Shuwen, but Li Shuwen, who had Berserker attributes, seemed unafraid in the face of this fierce sword wind.

Nero suddenly felt a little bad in his heart.

Why is this follower...


Nero understood why Li Shuwen was so calm.

I saw Li Shuwen facing Nero's big crimson sword at such a speed that the naked eye could not catch it.

A few dodges, directly avoiding Nero's attack!

Then, he skipped over Nero and rushed towards Su Yan behind Nero.

He met Li Shuwen's seemingly irrational eyes.

Su Yan's eyes moved slightly.

"I was the target at the beginning?"

No wonder Wuer Da was able to attack Nero a few times, but it didn't keep up with the damage.

It has even maintained the maximum output of Wu Er Da.

It turned out that it was all to save the strongest blow to him.

Su Yan smiled. If he was Lancer or Assassin, he might choose to avoid the edge temporarily.

But Li Shuwen of the Berserker rank now only has [-] combat power.


It never occurred to Nero that the opponent's servant was planning to attack his performer from the very beginning.

If the player is not prepared.

It is very likely that Li Shuwen will directly succeed!

But at this time, Li Shuwen had already put a certain distance away from her.

If you want to support, I'm afraid it will be too late!

Nero gritted his teeth. Since it was too late, he could only interfere with the opponent's servant's attack.

Enter the magic power into the crimson sword, and the magic power turns into flames.

A flame that could not be ignored struck towards Li Shuwen!

But can Li Shuwen's Wuer strike attack Su Yan before it arrives? !

"¨. That follower's reaction is fast enough, but Li Shuwen's speed is not slow either!"

"... Listening to what you say is better than listening to what you have to say."

"Don't read it, Julius won this sentence."

"It seems to be easy to win. I really don't understand why Julius cast the Command Seal as soon as he came up."

"Now dig a hole for yourself!"

Julius on the stage watched Li Shuwen approach Su Yan as planned.

Everything seems to be going pretty well.

"When Su Yan first came to power, I clearly felt the danger."


Seeing that Su Yan didn't react at all to Li Shuwen.

Julius even began to wonder if he felt wrong.

Su Yan's current performance doesn't look like a powerful existence.

Unless there is no reason to move.

It's because even if you don't dodge, you can still take Li Shuwen's (Zhao's good) attack.

But is that possible?

Julius shook his head, if that was the case.

Then Su Yan should have attacked with that red-clothed servant from the very beginning.

But none of this matters.

As long as the end result is victory.

Julius took a deep breath and brought up his panel.

It was already planned that after defeating Su Yan, the arena would be restored to its original state to meet the next challenger.


Just at this time.

Su Yan moved!

He looked at the magic flame released by Nero behind Li Shuwen.

Now there is one that will not reveal his strength.

It is also a good way to defuse Li Shuwen's current attack!

Rune magic, fire.

Su Yan quickly drew out the F rune in his hand, under the control of rune magic.

The flame with the same magic power as Su Yan split into two strands immediately.

A wave of accelerated impact hit Li Shuwen's body.

And the other one circled around Su Yan at a faster speed.

Putting your face directly in front of Li Shuwen exploded like fireworks! .

Chapter 170 Gao Wen, Are You Digging Potatoes Again? !

There are wolves in front and tigers in back, Li Shuwen is really in a state of being pinched from front to back.

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