With Qin Le's current strength.

In Hong Kong Island, even if it is to forcibly promote beer and cola brands from the mainland, it is not unsure.

With a lot of money in hand, plus the basic forces have become.

If it's just fighting on Hong Kong Island, Qin Lezhong is not afraid of anyone.

But there is no doubt that in this level of fighting, if the rhythm is not grasped well, it is easy to fall into the quagmire of commercial fighting.

Such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, San Miguel, etc., are definitely not good.

"Brother Tongzi, come and simulate a wave."

[On January 1984, 1, you asked Hong Jinbao and Lin Zhengying to prepare for the endorsement of beer, and began to distribute goods on Hong Kong Island. 】

[On January 1, Hong Kong Island Beer endorsed by two superstars, Kamburg Hung and Ching Ying Lam, went on sale. 】

[On January 1, San Miguel Company noticed the threat of Hong Kong Island Beer. 】

[On January 1, Li Ka-shing, one of the shareholders of San Miguel Beer, mobilized his contacts and removed all Hong Kong Island beer from the shelves in the Hong Kong Island retail industry. You are stuck in sales. 】

[On February 2, you launched the short mule of Hong Kong Island to sell Hong Kong Island beer at newsstands, food stalls and many other mobile stations, and found another way to regain sales. 】

[On February 2th, Li Ka-shing and several business tycoons launched a business siege against you, intending to force you to quit the beer industry. 】

[On February 2, you joined forces with Zhuang Shiping and Qiu Degen to inflict heavy losses on the Li Ka-shing alliance. 】

[On March 3, you quickly launched a small 7 convenience store in the retail system on Hong Kong Island to encircle and suppress the retail industry under Li Ka-shing. 】

[On April 4, Li Ka-shing used John Bull's contacts, and Hong Kong officials began to thoroughly investigate your property. 】

[On April 4th, Cai Qidong, the major shareholder of San Miguel, mobilized his contacts on Hong Kong Island, mobilized many short mule gangs, and began to harass your retail store. 】

[On April 4th, Deng Guangrongyi and Bo Yuntian activated their skills and exerted their subjective initiative. They shot and killed senior officials of the Commercial Affairs Department of Hong Kong Island in the Western District of Hong Kong Island. With your help, they fled to the mainland. 】

[On April 4, Big D said that he was as good as others, and mobilized his subjective initiative. On the road to Taiping Mountain, he sent a dump truck. Several executives from Hong Kong Island died tragically. With your help, they fled to the mainland. 】

[On April 4th, Sha Danxiong dispatched all the assassin teams to bloodbath Li Jiacheng's bodyguards, nannies, servants, pet dogs, etc. overnight, blowing up half of Li Jiacheng's villa, and Li Jiacheng's family was almost buried alive. With your help, escape to the mainland. 】

[On April 4th, two brothers, Lian Haolong and Lian Haodong, armed with heavy weapons, attacked Luzon, slaughtered Cai Qidong Manor, fought with the Luzon police, and finally fled back to Hong Kong Island. With your help, Absconded to the mainland. 】

[On May 5, you were jointly monitored by the Hong Kong Island and international police...].

Chapter 153 I want to go for a drive with you 【Subscription】

"The simulation is complete, whether to withdraw the reward."

"10. Combat skills of commander +10; 10. Heavy fire proficiency +[-]; [-]. Meticulous thinking +[-]."

"At the end of each simulation, you can choose one of the three to withdraw rewards."

Beep, my brother Tongzi.

"Choose three!"

Business disputes will involve many dirty things.

Qin Lezhong understood this point a long time ago.

After all, in this era, the legal system is incomplete, the government is indulgent, and the times are chaotic. It is not uncommon for big capitalists to use some shady methods and black hands.

But this simulation really shocked Qin Lezhong.

Except for the commercial confrontation at the beginning.

From the beginning of Li Jiacheng, Cai Qidong and his ilk's black hands, the scene mode of the chaos was opened directly, shooting, dump truck, assassination, and later, even began to use heavy firepower to attack a country.

Very hanging, very happy.

But there is no doubt that in the end, Qin Lezhong had to give up his legal career, and under the pressure of the Hong Kong Island police and Interpol, he joined the ranks of lawlessness.

A one-year simulation is no longer enough to last until the end of the simulation.

It shows that Qin Lezhong's fighting power has soared, and there are even some support from his hometown behind him.

And the result is also very powerful.

The bloodbath of the Li family, the bloodbath of the foreign devils in Hong Kong Island, the bloodbath of Luzon, etc.

No wonder even the rewards are either commanding operations or proficiency in heavy firepower. If the simulation continues, Qin Lezhong will not be surprised even if there are corps combat and missile proficiency in the reward column.

There is no doubt that Qin Lezhong really has such ability and channels.


It's cool, it's like opening a stand-alone machine.

"Brother Tongzi, come again..."

[February 1984, 1...]

[February 1984, 1...]

[February 1984, 1...]

Another series of simulations, all kinds of development trends and secrets, were all grasped by Qin Lezhong.

Several simulations have proved it.

The current Qin Lezhong, even without the help of a simulator, is not at all afraid to fight against various industry tycoons in Hong Kong Island. Whether it is literary or military, he can have the upper hand.

The only thing that makes Qin Le scratch his head again is the foreign capital behind it.

Not to mention Li Jiacheng, he is a very pure businessman with a very dark heart. He is very close to HSBC, John Bull, etc., and he is conservative and strongly supports him.

Not to mention the Lusong country where Cai Qidong is located, it is not a good thing.

A San Miguel, among them Cai Qidong, Li Jiacheng, Jardine Group and other shareholders are involved.

That's a big cash cow in those hands.

No matter who wants to get involved in this beer industry, they will inevitably be attacked by multiple parties.

Moreover, these people don't talk about martial arts, and they can't do business, so they start to make small moves.

If you can't even do small tricks, just flip the table and let the official end.

This thing is more disgusting than psoriasis.

But even so, there is no solution.

Whether it is about martial ethics or not, Qin Lezhong feels that he is at the level of his ancestors.

After having a complete grasp.

When Qin Lezhong came out of the study, it was already two o'clock in the night.

In the corridor on the third floor.

Just when Qin Le was pondering whether to go to Ah Hong's room or to close the room.

In a bedroom next to Qin Lezhong, the door quietly opened a gap.

Looking at Qin Lezhong standing in the corridor, Li Saifeng pulled his pajamas vigorously, then mustered up his courage, opened the door, grabbed Qin Lezhong, and pulled him into the room.

"Ah Feng, you are...'..."

"Qin Sheng, I want to drink tea."

"No, Ah Feng, don't be impulsive, Ah Hong and Guan Guan..."

"They're all drunk, they won't notice."


Qin Lezhong was silent, even in the dark, with his powerful five senses, Qin Lezhong could see Li Saifeng clearly.

To be honest, the 19-year-old Li Saifeng's appearance is really not bad at all.

After all, things like wives from all over the world are not blown out.

The small face is fair and tender, the eyes are big, and she has a natural appearance of a vixen, with a little heroism.

The key is to be in good shape.

Practicing martial arts and fitness all year round makes the opponent more vigorous.

Very handsome, very attractive.

But in the end, Qin Lezhong still couldn't drink tea.

Li Saifeng, a silly girl, because she had never drank tea before, she didn't pay attention for a while, and on the way to drink tea, she ran into a red light.

Running a red light is definitely not acceptable, it is impolite and dangerous.

Instead of drinking tea.

Li Saifeng didn't want to let go of this opportunity, so she decided to go for a ride with Qin Le again. Although she couldn't go on the high speed, there were still many tracks to play on.

There is a mountain track, with twin peaks coiled and tall mountains.

There is a mountainside track, which is smooth and smooth, and the track has amazing curves.

There is a downhill track, which is straight and slender, and occasionally there is a patter of rain, which adds a bit of style.

A night of driving.

When dawn was approaching, Li Saifeng was still a little tired after all, and fell into a deep sleep.

As for Qin Lezhong, he came to the living room on the first floor early in the morning. He was still in high spirits, enjoying morning tea, morning newspaper, etc. under the service of several servants.

Wait until eight or nine o'clock.

After playing mahjong yesterday and drinking karaoke, Zhang Guorong, Anita Mui, Hung Kam Po, Lin Zhengying and others finally left the room one after another under the wake-up service of the servants.

South side of the first floor.

In the open restaurant, the huge floor-to-ceiling windows are bright and bright.

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