I am just a good person, why force myself.

Chapter 9 The Fall of Zhong Yanhong

The two simulations brought Qin Lezhong a lot of insights, and he fully understood the way to develop in Hong Kong Island.

A good night's sleep.

Early the next morning, Qin Lezhong came to the crew.

"Le Zai, it's early."

"Morning Sanmao, is there anything I can do?"

"Diligent enough, pragmatic enough, let's help set up a scene."


The relationship between people needs to be paved early. In the Hong Kong Island film industry, as long as you have a good relationship with people like Hong Jinbao, you can basically get through the two connections of Ren and Du.

After being busy all day, he secretly deepened his relationship with Zhong Yanhong at night.

Then go back to renting a house, and simulate a wave of 10 points of prestige several times.

After a few days like this, Qin Lezhong has quickly become familiar with everyone in the whole crew, especially Lin Zhengying, who is a little introverted, has already regarded Qin Lezhong as a confidant.

And Zhong Xihong, who already had a great affection for Qin Lezhong.

Under the offensive of Qin Lezhong's various fancy love words, teasing, caring, and small gifts these days, he showed obvious affection.

For this reason, the big-nosed dragon made Qin Le a lot of trouble in the name of giving advice.

It's a pity that Qin Lezhong has been prepared for a long time. Through the simulator in the past few days, he has mastered many national skills such as Wing Chun, Baji, Xingyi, Taiji, Hongquan, Tanju, etc., and has brushed his fighting ability to the level of the American team. .

Let alone a big-nosed dragon.

Even if the purple sweet potato spirit destroys the tyrant, Qin Lezhong dares to go up and give the opponent a [-]-[-] split.

Well, the contest with the big-nosed dragon is also [-]-[-].

It's a traditional technique.

After all, it is still necessary to save some face for the big-nosed dragon.

After this wave of contests, the big-nosed dragon was very interested. After feeling Qin Lezhong's unfathomable strength, he quickly laughed and reconciled with Qin Lezhong.

There are so many horses with two legs, there is no need to keep staring at Zhong Yanhong.

These days, dwarf mules and strongmen run rampant.

If you really want to do it hard, what if you get caught in a sack by Ale one day.


After a five-fifth battle with the big-nosed dragon, Qin Lezhong's status in the crew has risen significantly, and he has been directly upgraded from the original 'Le Zai' to 'A Le'.

Even Hong Jinbao recognized Qin Lezhong's strength, and even added a play to Qin Lezhong.

At the same time, after such a series of small twists and turns, the love affair between Qin Lezhong and Zhong Yanhong was also put on the bright side.

July 5, night.

It is still in the alley downstairs of Tongzi in Wong Tai Sin District.

After more than ten consecutive days of pick-up and drop-off, Qin Lezhong was already very familiar with this alley, even with his eyes closed he could touch the stairs of Zhong Yanhong's house.

It's a pity that Zhong Yanhong left work earlier and earlier, but returned home later and later.

The bright moon and cold stars hang high, and the ground faces the shadow into one person.

After whimpering and whimpering for a while, Zhong Yanhong pushed Qin Lezhong away with some suffocation.

"Ale, I can't go on anymore, my dad will come out to look for me every night at this time."

"Okay, for the sake of my father-in-law, I will let you go, little fairy."

"What nonsense, what father-in-law is not father-in-law, who would marry you a big pervert, my mouth is a little swollen, I don't know how to tell my parents when I get home."

"Anyway, it's already swollen, why don't you offer another incense?"

"No, I'm going back."

"Okay, okay, if you don't kiss, don't kiss, I'll hug you, let's talk."

"Then your hands are not allowed to mess around."

"This, I can't guarantee it, you know, sometimes I can't control them, they always have an unprecedented spirit of exploring beautiful things..."

In some dark alleys, a couple of lovers hug each other and hold each other high.

Xiaoqing talked for a long time.

When Zhong Yanhong's eyes became more moist and he couldn't resist and was about to run away, Qin Lezhong stopped precisely.

"I want to go home, you are too bad."

"Don't move, hug me for a while, this time I promise not to mess around, I'll tell you, if I mess around again today, I'll be a dog, and I won't have a son in the future."

"What nonsense, bah bah bah, don't you curse me..."

"Hey, it turns out that Xiao Honghong wants to give birth to a son for me. This must be satisfied."

"You are necrotic, I really want to go home."

If it's not that the emotional environment is not in place, Qin Lezhong feels that there is nothing wrong with being a dog.

Haosheng comforted Zhong Yanhong for a while.

Only then did Qin Lezhong appear serious and said, "Ah Hong, has Shaw Brothers come to see you?"

Hearing Qin Lezhong's question, Zhong Yanhong was silent for a moment.

Zhong Xinghong herself was born as a Hong Kong sister, and the beauty pageants of Hong Kong sisters in the past were all undertaken by Shaw Brothers, broadcast on Hong Kong Island TVB, and became famous all over Hong Kong.

Therefore, most of the Hong Kong sisters of each generation have signed contracts with Shaw Brothers.

Either a long contract or a partial contract.

People like Zhong Yanhong who have become famous and want to go solo are often forced to stay by Shaw Brothers in various ways when their contract with Shaw Brothers ends. Dry use value.

This is how the film appointments of "Man and Woman" and "Peeping Love" fell on Zhong Yanhong.

It is precisely because of the pressure of these two film appointments that Zhong Yanhong gave birth to finding a boyfriend as a shield.

However, the more she gets along with Qin Le, the more Zhong Yanhong doesn't want Qin Le to block her arrows.

But without Qin Le's heavy defense, the Shaw Brothers' two film contracts could not be turned down.

Whether it is the power of the Shaw Brothers Company or the liquidated damages for the two-step film contract, it is obviously not something that Zhong Yanhong can bear today.

If she accepts two film appointments, Zhong Yuhong is also worried that Qin Lezhong will be unhappy.

Feeling the slightly stiff delicate body of the beautiful woman in her arms.

Qin Lezhong instantly understood that Shaw Brothers had contacted Zhong Yanhong in the past few days.

"Is it Huang Jiaxi, the production manager of Shaw Brothers?"

"Ale, don't be impulsive. I will find a way. At worst, I will go to someone to borrow some money and just pay the liquidated damages. I will earn it back soon after I get a few more film contracts."

"Ah Hong, don't be afraid, do you trust me?"

"I believe you, it's just that I heard that Huang Jiaxi has connections with many club members..."

"Don't worry, leave it to me! I'm your boyfriend. I'll handle this matter very well. It will be fine, okay?"

Qin Lezhong's gentleness and domineering, considerate and firm, all made Zhong Yanhong a little fascinated.

This time, it is not necessary for Qin Le to take the initiative.

Zhong Yanhong quickly exhaled Lanzhi's breath, and pressed it to Qin Lezhong's lips.

A full ten minutes.

A slightly reminding cough came from the depths of the corridor, and the two little men and women woke up suddenly.

"Ah Hong, it's twelve o'clock, go home."

"Okay, Dad."

When her father-in-law came, Zhong Yanhong could only reluctantly leave, stepping back and forth.

Qin Lezhong, on the other hand, felt his yang-like spirit, and howled in his heart.

Sin ah.

This father-in-law and father-in-law probably didn't do it on purpose.

The atmosphere just came up.

Chapter 10 Liangkun, remember this fist, it's called justice

At the beginning of May, Qin Lezhong had filmed more than half of the scenes in "Five Lucky Stars". In addition, he was able to speak well and got along well with Hong Jinbao and others, so he was naturally much more relaxed.

After he was free, Qin Lezhong had time to take care of Huang Jiaxi and Liangkun.

Although Qin Lezhong had cleared these two small checkpoints in the simulator and dealt with Huang Jiaxi and Liangkun seriously, but in reality, he still had to be more cautious.

For three days in a row.

Qin Lezhong was like a ghost, holding a camera, he had a thorough understanding of the situation of Huang Jiaxi and Liangkun.

Huang Jiaxi is not a member of the club, but he is very capable, long-sleeved, good at dancing, and slick.

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