After spending 2 minutes solving Nangong's problem that month, Su Wu turned his gaze to Xiandumu Aye who was at the side.

"It should be almost the same, give me an answer."

Xiandumu Aye: oO...

It was the same as Nangong Nayue who was in a mess.

Xiandumu Aye, who was watching the whole process, also felt that his brain was not enough at this moment.

Also as a witch, she naturally understands the weirdness of demons.

That is a high-level life form in another world, and its single combat power is definitely not inferior to the beasts of the true ancestors.

Su Wu was able to amend the contract between Nangong Nayue and the devil so easily, and even turned against the client.

one . ...

This incident alone can reveal many problems.

Xiandumu Aye can be sure that this guy is not the fourth true ancestor at all.

In other words, he is much more terrifying than the rumored Fourth True Ancestor.

According to the legend, the Fourth True Ancestor led twelve beasts at most and possessed terrifying fighting power.

How outrageous is this guy, who can easily play with demons without using beasts.

Silently glanced at Nangong Nayue who fell into silence, Xiandumu Aye finally understood why the other party cooperated with Su Wu so much.


"Since you took the initiative to come to me, you should know about my situation."

After calming down some complicated emotions, Xiandumu Aye spoke slowly.

"Aren't you afraid that if I promise on the surface, I will betray you secretly?"


Su Wu couldn't help laughing.

"I don't care about this kind of thing, you can try it."

Those who are cursed by the blood river become part of him.

He is usually not interested in taking care of it, but that doesn't mean the other party can act recklessly.

As long as this kind of thought flashes by, the end of waiting for the other party will only be to lose consciousness and become a puppet in the true sense.

"And to be honest, you don't need to be so troublesome."

"Whether it was before or now, your purpose is to make the world lose its extraordinary power, am I right?"


Xiandumu Aye replied: "But to do this, I need the power of the dark oath."

"And the dark oath has been destroyed by Nangong Nayue. If you want to get it, you must get Nangong Nayue's memory."

In other words, she and Nangong must have a battle that month.

Letting her out will only cause Nangong to suffer that month.


Just when Xiandumu Aye calmly expressed his thoughts and was about to face death.

Su Wu's answer made her completely stunned.

"Stop fiddling with your dark oath."

"Even if the right time and place are on your side, you can successfully launch it with the help of dragon veins and astral magic power."

"You can only eliminate the extraordinary power around String God Island at most, and the time is only one day."

"I really want to see a world without extraordinary power, I can take you there directly."


Chapter 7 Two Paths to the Land of Dharma

"Take me to see a world without extraordinary power?"

After recovering from the surprise, Xiandumu Aye looked at Su Wu in puzzlement.

For her own purposes, she has done countless studies.

According to what she pointed out, even if she had cultivated to the extreme space control, she would not be able to travel through the world.

Could it be that...the other party has mastered more advanced space magic?

It's not impossible, but even that would be an exaggeration.

If it is said that space control has been cultivated to the full level, it is multiplication and division within 100.

So if you want to cross the world, at least you must be proficient in all courses in college mathematics.

The gap is definitely not as simple as one or two levels.

"What are you going to do?"

"It depends on your own choice."

Unexpectedly, Su Wu gave more than one option.

"First of all, you should understand the concept of the universe."

Xiandumu Aye nodded: "Of course I understand."

Although her attire is a bit retro, she is genuinely modern.

As a modern person, she naturally does not understand what the universe is.

"If you can understand, then it's easy to say."

Su Wu raised his finger and pointed to the upper and lower "[-]": "In this vast starry sky, the planet under our feet is just a drop in the ocean."

"Since the blue star can give birth to civilization, then other planets in the universe can naturally."

"It's just that the paths taken are different according to various factors such as the planet's environment, historical evolution, and the arrival of outsiders."

"The beasts used by the vampire clan, the dragon clan, which is also known as the strongest demon clan along with vampires, and the demons contracted by you witches."

"In essence, they are all special existences born from other planets in this world."

"It's just that through various channels, I came to this planet or established contact with the people here."

"Similarly, since there are civilizations with extraordinary power, there are naturally lands of the end of the law."

"As long as you have this idea, I can integrate the forces of various departments in this world to help you find that civilization and send you there to watch."

"...Can it still be like this?"

Xiandumu Aye stared blankly at the man in front of him.

Born as a witch, she even became the boss of the magic side of a world-class criminal organization like the library.

In the past, she really didn't think about exploring the starry sky and finding a world without extraordinary power to achieve her goals.

It has to be said that Su Wu's words really had a enlightening effect.

The original dark oath was indeed as Su Wu said.

Even if it is used to the extreme, it can only eliminate the extraordinary power in a surrounding area.

And with the changes of the stars, she who cannot take advantage of the right time and place will lose the power to activate the dark oath the next day.

This result was not what she wanted.

Or the hand, unable to achieve the desired state.

And for her, failing to achieve her goal was no different from dying.

This is also the reason why when Su Wu recruited her just now, she frankly stated that she was not afraid of death.


Now Su Wu's words rekindled new hope in her heart that had already given up on herself.


This method has a probability of success!

As long as you prolong your own lifespan through magic means, you can explore it little by little!

More importantly, Su Wu also said it.

He can help to complete this method together.

As the proposer of this plan, with his help, the probability of success will undoubtedly be very high.

"Okay, after talking about the first method, it's time to talk about the second one."

Just when Xiandumu Aye was getting more and more excited, Su Wu's voice came again.

"In fact, the first method is more time-consuming."

"If you don't mind, I recommend you to use the second method."

"The second one has a higher probability?"

Xiandumu Aye became more and more surprised: "How to do it!"

"It's simple."

Su Wu raised his palm and pulled out a door beside him.

The gate looks plain, but it is engraved with countless mysterious lines.

What shocked Xiandumu Aye even more was that she felt the breath of time and space at the same time.

This is a space-time magic!

"This magic is called the Key of the Realm Gate, and it is also the means by which I came here."

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